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Eugeniusz KLUGMANN**
* Department of Solid-State Electronics, Gdansk University of Technology, 80-952 Gdańsk, ul. Narutowicza 11/12, Poland, e-mail:
internal friction, shear modulus, magnetic susceptibility, Co, CoPt alloy
Słowa kluczowe:
tarcie wewnętrzne, moduł sprężystości postaciowej, podatność magnetyczna, Co, stop CoPt
Internal friction, the shear modulus defect and magnetic susceptibility behaviour of disordered equi-atomic CoPt alloy and pure cobalt has been investigated during annealing with heating rates 6 K/min and 2 K/min up to 850 K using an inverted torsional pendulum. The internal friction peak at 720 K in cobalt near the martensitic phase transition and in CoPt at 700 K, whose amplitude increase with decreasing heating rate, suggest a superposition of two effects: a rapid, thermally-activated, reorientational relaxation leading to short-range order, and a slower, migrational, structural relaxation leading to long-range order.
Zbadano tarcie wewnętrzne, wskaźnik modułu sprężystości postaciowej i podatność magnetyczną stopu CoPt oraz monokryształu Co w stanie nieuporządkowanym- uzyskanym w wyniku oziębienia, podczas wyżarzania do 850 K za pomocą odwróconej skręcarki wahadłowej. Maksimum tarcia wewnętrznego przy 720 K w Co oraz przy 700 K w CoPt, które wzrasta przy mniejszej prędkości wzrostu temperatury, sugeruje superpozycję dwóch efektów relaksacyjnych: szybkiego, termicznie aktywowanego efektu reorientacyjnego, prowadzącego do uporządkowania bliskiego zasięgu, oraz wolniejszego, migracyjnego efektu relaksacji strukturalnej, powodującego uporządkowanie dalekie.
* Katedra Konstrukcji Żelbetowych i Technologii Betonu, Politechnika Szczecińska, AL. Piastów 50, 70-311 Szczecin, tel. (091)4494900.
wear; abrasive erosion; abrasive resistance
Słowa kluczowe:
zużycie, erozja ścierna, odporność na ścieranie
Abrasion wear ot concrete in hydraulic is caused by mobement of rubble carried by water. difficulties in methodology of modelling thus process in laboratory scale constitute an obstacle to the rational assessment of influence of material and environmental conditions on durability of objects exposed to these actions. This paper presents new concept of testing the abrasion of concrete by rubble carried by water, modelling the natural mechanisms pewawnr in wnvironment. It was shown, that loss of mass in abraded concrete can be expressed as function of work by the abrasive mix and a material pareameter depending on its composition and independent of the intensity of enbironment action. The results of tests allowed the criteria to be given for the selection of the composition of concrete exposed to abrasion-wear.
Zużycie ścierne betonu w konstrukcjach hydrotechnicznych wywołane jest działaniem rumowiska niesionego przez wodę. Trudności metodologiczne modelowania tego procesu w skali laboratoryjnej stanowią przeszkodę racjonalnej oceny wpływu uwarunkowań materiałowych i środowiskowych na trwałość obiektów narażonych na te oddziaływania. W artykule przedstawiono nową koncepcję prowadzenia badań ścierania betonów rumowiskiem wleczonym przez wodę, modelującą naturalne mechanizmy występujące w środowisku. Wykazano, że ubytki masy ścieranych betonów wyrazić można w funkcji pracy mieszaniny ściernej oraz parametru materiałowego zależnego od jego składu i niezależnego od intensywności oddziaływania środowiska. Wyniki badań pozwoliły na określenie kryteriów doboru składu betonów narażonych na wpływy erozji ściernej.
Stefania FISZER, * Piotr NIEMIEC*,
Janusz KLOMFAS*, Wiesław SZEJA*
* Katedra Technologii Chemicznej Węgla i Ropy Naftowej, Wydział Chemiczny Politechniki Śląskiej, ul. Bolesława Krzywoustego 8, 44-101 Gliwice.
vegetable oils, ester oils, semi-synthetic lube oils, lubricating properties
Słowa kluczowe:
oleje roślinne, estry kwasów oleju rzepakowego, oleje estrowe, półsyntetyczne oleje smarowe, właściwości smarne
This article consists of results of lubricity researchme nt of semi-synthetic oils.
The matter of the investigation were semi-synthetic lube oils received from composition of mineral oil base SN-400 and esters taken through transestrification of rapeseed oil. There has been investigated the influence of esters concentration on lubricating properties for a compositions consisting of 15, 30 and 50 % by weight TMP - esters of rapeseed oil.
There were used also a four-ball apparatus to test the semi -synthetic oils with different AW/EP additives at different concentration.
The following additive were tested : Acorox 880, Anglamol 33 and Vanlube 73B, each time the composition was enriched with 2% by weight of Jawizol 115H which is often used to improve viscosity-temperature characteristic of the lube oils. .
It has been stated that :
- Addition of Trimethylolopropane-esters of rapeseed oil's acid only slightly improves the lubricating properties of obtained in this manner mixture (improvement of the limiting pressure of seizure poz and scuffing load value Pt).
- All the investigated additives in a concentration of at least 1 % by weight improve the load-carrying capacity of semi-synthetic oils. The above additives with the exeption of Acorox 880 improve the limiting pressure of seizure poz. too. The introduction of the multifunctional Acorox 880 to the oil base does not influence on the poz, despite the improvement of Pt.
- The lubricity examination of the enriched composition with Acorox 880 proved that behaviour of the lubicant during scuffing initiation does not characterise its resistance to the seizure.
W artykule przedstawiono badania smarności półsyntetycznych olejów smarowych, których komponentem niewęglowodorowym są estry kwasów tłuszczowych oleju rzepakowego i wielowodorotlenowego alkoholu - trimetylolopropanu. Stwierdzono, że wprowadzenie komponentu estrowego do mineralnej bazy olejowej w niewielkim stopniu polepsza wskaźniki smarne (Pt i poz) otrzymanych mieszanek. Zaobserwowano różne oddziaływanie dodatków AW/EP w zakresie obu wymienionych wskaźników.
* Wydział Mechaniczny, Politechnika Radomska, ul. Malczewskiego 29, 26-600 Radom
Temperature, thermocouple system, calibration, multiply regression, temperature investigation
Słowa kluczowe:
Temperatura, układ termopar, kalibracja, regresja wielokrotna, badania temperatury
The original method of assessment of the friction surface stationary temperature is proposed. The measurement of two different points of metallic sample temperature with the use of thermocouples is the basis of the conclusions concerning the surface temperature value. The system consist of suitably prepared sample with the thermocouples was calibrated in order to consider the real thermal processes accompanying the temperature measurement. Quantitative characteristic of the system was elaborated with the use of linear regression methods of two independent variables. The friction surface experimental research were illustrated by the example of model friction couple namely iron armco -steel NC6, which was situated on the modified tester T-01M. The modification concerned the resistance shield mounted of the inverse sample, in order to temperature stabilisation, during the friction process, by means of special heat exchanger. Research was restricted only to stable dry friction conducted in the condition of oxidative wear. The friction surface temperature dependencies on mechanic friction parameters - sliding velocity, pressure and friction power is demonstrated.
W pracy zaproponowano oryginalny sposób oceny stacjonarnej temperatury powierzchni tarcia. Podstawą wnioskowania o jej wartości jest pomiar temperatury w dwóch różnych punktach metalowej próbki za pomocą termopar. Odpowiednio przygotowana próbka z termoparami tworzy układ, który był kalibrowany w celu uwzględnienia rzeczywistych procesów cieplnych towarzyszących pomiarom temperatury. Ilościową charakterystykę tego układu opracowano metodą regresji liniowej przy dwóch zmiennych niezależnych. Badania eksperymentalne temperatury powierzchni tarcia zilustrowano na przykładzie modelowej pary trącej żelazo armco - stal NC6 umieszczonej na zmodyfikowanym testerze T-01M. Modyfikacja objęła konstrukcję tarczy oporowej mocującej przeciwpróbkę i miała na celu stabilizację jego temperatury podczas tarcia za pomocą specjalnego wymiennika ciepła. Badania ograniczono do ustabilizowanego tarcia technicznie suchego w warunkach zużywania utleniającego. Uwidoczniono zależność temperatury powierzchni tarcia od mechanicznych parametrów tarcia - prędkości poślizgu, nacisku oraz od mocy tarcia.
* Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji w Radomiu, ul. Pułaskiego 6/10, 26-600 Radom, tel. (048) 36-442-41.
AW additives, antioxidants, tribochemical changes, tribological properties
Słowa kluczowe:
Dodatki przeciwzużyciowe, dodatki przeciwutleniające, przemiany tribochemiczne, właściwości tribologiczne
This paper aims at investigating an antiwear influence of 2, 6-di-tert-buthyl-4-methyl-phenol (BHT) on antiwear activity of model composition containing 1% m/m 3-allyloxy-1, 2-propandiol in n-hexadecane. It has been shown that this composition reduces volume wear of friction pair at 80oC in comparison with pure n-hexadecane. Obtained results show no negative effect of antioxidant on antiwear efficiency of unsaturated additives. Observed antiwear action is connected with chemical reactions proceeding in the bulk lubricant as well as on lubricant - external layer interface. It has been also identified chemical structure of compounds forming boundary layers during friction.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu 2, 6-di-tert-butylo-4-metylofenolu (BHT) na aktywność przeciwzużyciową modelowej kompozycji smarowej, zawierającej 1% masowy 3-alliloksy-1, 2-propanodiolu w n-heksadekanie. Stwierdzono, iż w przypadku zastosowania kompozycji binarnej w podwyższonej temperaturze tj. 80°C występuje 63 %-owa redukcja zużycia objętościowego węzła tarcia w porównaniu ze zużyciem węzła smarowanego n-heksadekanem. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, iż nie występuje negatywne oddziaływanie przeciwutleniacza na skuteczność przeciwzużyciową dodatków nienasyconych. Obserwowany efekt przeciwzużyciowy związany jest z przebiegającymi reakcjami chemicznymi zarówno w fazie objętościowej medium smarowego, jak również na granicy faz środek smarowy-warstwa wierzchnia. Zidentyfikowano strukturę chemiczną związków tworzących podczas tarcia warstwy graniczne.
* Instytut Automatyki i Robotyki Politechniki Warszawskiej, ul. Chodkiewicza 8, 02-525 Warszawa, tel. (022)660-82-91.
models of friction, modelling of phenomena, artificial neural networks, feedforward nets, multilayer perceptron, estimation of models
Słowa kluczowe:
modele tarcia, modelowanie zjawisk, sztuczne sieci neuronowe, sieci jednokierunkowe, perceptron wielowarstwowy, ocena modelu
In the paper the neural models of selected tribological phenomena in fluid drive systems are presented. The complexity of models and modeling accuracy have been estimated.
Despite the introduction of standards in friction and wear test stands in many complex technical systems, for example excavators, robots and combines, etc., the fixing conditions of fluid cylinders determine individually the development of frictional vibrations of the piston in a fluid cylinder at low movement velocities. The knowledge of friction models (even if in the form of "black box") presenting the complex nature of tribological phenomena is necessary to achieve desired piston position with a given accuracy.
In this paper two examples of tribological phenomena are presented: the friction force between a cylinder and an externally nonloaded piston during the piston braking in the pneumatic research stand, and frictional vibrations in electro-hydraulic servo-drive in final positioning phase
When creating frictional models the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), characterized by good generalization properties of input data features are applied. Feedforward nets: multilayer (3 or 4 layers) perceptrons (having one or two hidden layers) (MLP) and radial basis functions (RBF), have been tested. The network parameters estimation in learning process realized with the help of gradient optimization methods, was performed. The created predictive models estimate forecasted values of modeled variables on the basis of signal values measured in previous moments.
In the first example the friction force as model output was estimated. The inputs were three measured signals: pressure in the sealed chamber, pressure difference at the piston and the velocity of the piston. The quotient of standard deviation of modeling error to pattern standard deviation (quotient) and correlation function (correlation) between model's output and pattern, were estimated. The rather good quality of quotientŁ 0. 2, and correlationł 0. 94 with about ten to twenty neurons in hidden layer in all ANN structures created, were obtained.
In the second considered example the parameters of frictional vibrations were modeled. The increments of piston position d_x(k) and time lapses between the vibrations d_T(k), have been estimated. Each parameter served as an output for the three-layer perceptron. The estimation was done on the basis of averaged velocity values in n previous moments of vibrations steps and m previous measured values of piston jumps d_x(k-1), . .,, d_x(k-m) and d_T(k-1), . . ., d_T(k-m). The number of neurons in net structures and numbers of delays were determined, and n=m=2. An averaged relative prediction error ~1. 5% for lapses of time d_T(k) and ~4. 5% for position jumps d_x(k) in two last points of tested series were obtained in the best MLP 3-layer net of 6:20-7-1structure (6 input samples, 20 conditioning linear neurons, 7 hidden neurons, 1 output neuron).
A small number of iteration cycles during adaptive weights tuning in on-line mode of models, indicates the possibility of applying this model in microprocessor control systems.
Because of significant time constants of fluid drives the neural predictive models working with multi-step prediction could be applied in control systems - just as models with current adaptive weight tuning.
Rather simple ANN structures were compiled for two investigated examples of friction phenomena. Quite good modeling quality was obtained.
Ze względu na złożony, nieliniowy charakter zjawisk tarciowych, między tłokiem a cylindrem w płynowych układach wykonawczych, za zadowalające uważa się w sterowaniu modele makro - dobrze reprezentujące istotę zjawisk w funkcji ich przyczyn.
W pracy przedstawiono neuronowe modele predykcyjne przykładowych zjawisk tarciowych w płynowych układach napędowych. Oszacowano złożoność struktur sztucznych sieci neuronowych (SSN)oraz dokładność predykcji modelowanych zmiennych.
Badano modele o postaci wielowarstwowych perceptronów oraz sieci radialnych. Rozważano dwa przykłady: siłę tarcia między nieobciążonym zewnętrzną siłą tłokiem a cylindrem siłownika w pneumatycznym stanowisku badawczym oraz drgania tarciowe w końcowej fazie pozycjonowania tłoka w serwomechanizmie elektrohydraulicznym.
W obu przykładach opracowano dość proste struktury SSN realizujące predykcyjne modelowanie z niezłą dokładnością. Niewielka liczba iteracji podczas predykcji z adaptacyjnym dostrajaniem wag sieci wskazuje, że wykorzystanie modelu w trybie on-line staje się możliwe w mikroprocesorowym układzie sterowania.
Ze względu na znaczne stałe czasowe płynowych członów wykonawczych, neuronowy model predykcyjny, do pracy bez adaptacji wag w fazie pozycjonowania, czyli zasadniczo w trybie predykcji z długim horyzontem, może się okazać porównywalnie przydatny w układach sterowania jak model z bieżącą korekcją wag.
Małgorzata WRONA*
* Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji, ul. Pułaskiego 6/10, 26-600 Radom, tel. (048) 364-42-41.
lubricating oils, wear particles, computer image processing and analysis, fractal methods
Słowa kluczowe:
oleje smarowe, cząstki zużycia, komputerowe przetwarzanie i analiza obrazu, metody frak-talne
In the recent years, the fractal methods have found the important applications to the analysis of wear particles for the problem of frictional junctions diagnosis. In this paper, the characterization of chosen fractal methods applied to describe of wear particle con-tour and surface features is presented.
W ostatnich latach metody fraktalne zyskały ważne zastosowanie w analizie cząstek zużycia dla zagadnień diagnostyki węzłów tarcia. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę wybra-nych metod fraktalnych stosowanych do określenia cech konturu i powierzchni cząstek zużycia
Stanisław KRÓL, Zbigniew ZALISZ*
* Katedra Materiałoznawstwa i Technologii Bezwiórowych, Wydział Mechaniczny Politechniki Opolskiej, ul. Mikołajczyka 5, 45-271 Opole, tel. (077)4006136.
diffusion, abrasive wear, titanium, coefficient of friction, cobalt alloy
Słowa kluczowe:
dyfuzja, zużycie ścierne, tytan, współczynnik tarcia, stop kobaltu
W pracy omówiono podstawowe procesy zachodzące podczas utleniania tytanu w powietrzu, l a mianowicie tworzenie zgorzeliny i roztworu stałego tlenu w tytanie, wskazując iż dyfuzyjny proces natleniania daje warstwę o wysokiej twardości, będącej funkcją zmian koncentracji tlenu w Tia. Badania własności tribologicznych tytanu i tytanu natlenionego wykonano metodą pin-on-disc stosując jako przeciwpróbkę tarczkę ze stopu kobaltu. Stwierdzono, że zużycie ścierne tytanu związane jest z wyrywaniem cząstek o różnej wielkości. Cząstki drobne osiągają temperaturę błysku, doznaj ą utlenienia powierzchniowego i jako utwardzone przenoszone są na przeciwpróbkę. Jednocześnie plastyczna osnowa metaliczna stopu kobaltu jest lokalnie przenoszona na próbkę tytanu tworząc sczepienia adhezyjne. W parze tribologicznej stop kobaltu - tytan natleniony produktami zużycia są cząstki stopu kobaltu (przeciwpróbki) i niewielka ilość bardzo drobnych, pylistych cząstek badanego materiału. Na próbce natlenionego tytanu są lokalnie rozcierane i sczepiane adhezyjnie z fragmentami powierzchni warstewki stopu kobaltu. Zachodzi także wykruszanie twardych krawędzi, które działając jak mikroostrze prowadzą do mikroskrawania przeciwpróbki i odrywania narostów.
The paper presents the basie processes occurring during titanium oxidation in air including formation of scalę and solid solution of oxygen in titanium. It has been proved that oxygen diffusion hardening gives a layer of high hardness being a function of changes of oxygen concentration in Tia. Tribological properties of titanium and oxygenated titanium were tested by the pin-on-disc method, and a disk madę of cobalt alloy was applied as a counterspecimen. It has been found that abrasive wear of titanium is connected with separation of particles of different sizes. Fine particles reach the flash temperaturę, are subjected to surfacial oxidation and, as hardened, are carried on the counterspecimen. At the same time, a plastic metallic matrix of the cobalt alloy is carried to the titanium specimen forming an adhesive tack. In the tribological pair cobalt alloy - oxygenated titanium, particles of the cobalt alloy (counterspecimen) and a smali amount of very fine dusty particles of the tested material are the wear products. On the specimen of hard titanium they are locally grinded and adhesively joined with fragments of the surface of the cobalt alloy layer. We can also observe spalling of hard edges which act as microblades and cause microcutting of the counterspecimen and separation of accretions.
TRIMIS 2003 |
TRIMIS 2003in Neuchatel, Switzerland June 01-03,2003
01 - 03 June, 2003
Neuchôtel • Switzerland
Tel. direct + 41 32 720 5269
Fax direct + 41 32 720 5740
A workshop focusing on the tribology of microsystems - TRIMIS 2003 - will take place in Neuchatel, Switzerland, between 01 - 03 June, 2003. The two-day workshop is being organized by CSEM. The objective is to provide a forum for experts in fabricating microsystems and tribologists involved in micro and nanotribology to discuss problems and find solutions for the critical tribological issues associated with microsystems.
The Invited Speakers at this workshop will be (tentatively):
Prof.Koji Kato, Tohoku University, Japan
Prof. Nico de Rooij, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
Prof. Zygmunt Rymuza, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Mike Dugger, Sandia National Laboratory, USA
Vendor Exhibits:
Interested exhibitors are invited to present their equipment at the meeting. Please contact Ms. Karin Chabloz (Tel: +41 32 720 55 75, for more information.
Abstract Submission:
You are invited to submit an abstract for an oral presentation at the meeting. For further information please visit the workshop website: or connect to - then click the button EVENTS - then TRIMIS.
Henry Haefke
Section Head, Micro and NanoMaterials
Surface Engineering
Emerging Technologies and Techniques in Porous Media
9th-20th, June, 2003
Neptun-Olimp, Black Sea, Romania
Contact: Contact: Professor Derek B. Ingham (email:
2003 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment
June 16-18th, 2003
Yokohama, Japan
11/30/02: submission of a one-paragraph abstract
12/31/02: Notification of acceptance
3/31/02: Camera-ready 2-page manuscript for conference
6/18/03: Full paper manuscript.
Dear Colleagues:
You are cordially invited to submit an abstract to the conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE) on June 16-18th, 2003 at Yokohama, Japan. This conference is organized jointly by the Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS) division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the Information, Intelligent, and Precision (IIP) equipment division of the Japanese society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). A large portion of this conference addresses mechanical engineering aspects of data storage and information processing applications and hence, might be of interest to you.
Some important dates of the conference are as follows.
11/30/02: submission of a one-paragraph abstract through the conference web site: (Deadline would be extended somewhat because of the Thanksgiving holiday in US).
12/31/02: Notification of acceptance
3/31/02: Camera-ready 2-page manuscript for conference
6/18/03: Full paper manuscript.
Thank you very much for your attention of this issue. Look forward to receiving your contribution.
Sincerely yours,
Conferece chairman
2003 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (IIP/ISPS Joint MIPE)
Mitsuya, Y. (Yasunaga Mitsuya)
Nagoya University
Dept. of Electronic-Mechanical Engineering
Tel. +81 52 789 2784
Fax. +81 52 789 3129
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603
Aktive und passive Magnetlager
Termin: 17.06.2003 - 18.06.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Dr. Johan K. Fremerey,Dr. Thomas Gempp,Dipl.-Ing. Christof Klesen,Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Nordmann,Dr. Reto Schöb,Dr. A. Traxler,Bruno Wagner,Dipl.-Ing. Otto Linnemann,Dr.-Ing. R. Keuper
Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung
Teilnahmegebühr: 750 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29207
Prospekt anzeigen
June 23-26, 2003
Berlin, Germany
Deadline for abstract: January 15, 2003
Scope and Topics
- Surface Science
- Surface Analysis
- Thin Films and Coatings
- Nanotechnology
- Electronic Materials
- Biosurfaces
- Vacuum Science and Technology
HEFAT 2003 |
2nd International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2003)
23rd-26th, June, 2003
Contact: Contact: HEFAT2003 Secretariat (email:
Wälzlagertechnik, Teil B
Termin: 25.06.2003 - 27.06.2003 (3 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. J. Bartz, T + S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf
Dipl.-Ing. U. Brockmüller, Techn. Beratung Wälzlager, Oberwerrn
Dipl.-Ing. M. Burckhardt, RWTH Aachen
Dr.-Ing. G. Ellmer, Ingenieure Prof. Sturm + Partner GmbH, Dresden
Dr.-Ing. E. Kleinlein, Industrie-Beratung-Wälzlagertechnik-Tribologie, Gochsheim
Dipl.-Ing. H. Köttritsch, SKF Österreich AG, Steyr (Österreich)
Dipl.-Ing. G. Morgenstern, manasscon Management Assistance & Consulting, Mettmann
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. A.-G. Ruß, Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) R. Sternagel, CEROBEAR GmbH, Herzogenrath
Dipl.-Ing. H. Velde, SKF Linearsysteme GmbH, Schweinfurt
Dipl.-Ing. H.-D. Willeke, FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schäfer AG, Schweinfurt
Dr. rer. nat. F. Wunsch, München
Inhalt: (Sonder-)Typen – Auswahl – Tribologie – Schmierstoffe – Überwachung
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
Wälzlagerschmierstoffe * Wälzlagerschäden * Tribologische Gesichtspunkte bei der Auswahl und Auslegung funktionsgerechter Lagerungen * Keramische Beschichtungen von Wälzlagern * Überwachung von Wälzlagerungen * Wälzlagerschmierung * Wälzlager zwischen normaler und optimaler Funktionserfüllung * Elastohydrodynamische Schmierung von Wälzlagern * Schmierstoffversorgung von Wälzlagern mit Ölen und Fetten * Wälzlagertypen * Kegelrollenlager als moderne Maschinenelemente * Keramikwälzlager * Auswahlkriterien für Linearführungssysteme * Produktivitätserhöhung durch die Verwendung geteilter Wälzlager * Langzeit- und Extremschmierung mit Fetten und Festschmierstoffen
Teilnahmegebühr: 960 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29229
Prospekt anzeigen
June 26-27, 2003
SAMARA, Russia
Deadline for abstract: January 15, 2003
Applications for participation should be submitted to our address before April 15, 2003.
Materials for publication should be submitted before April 15, 2003 (abstracts) and before June 30, 2003 (articles).
Conference Object
Directional detection of the most actual lines and total experience generalization in the areas of scientific investigation, design, construction strength, reliability, production, backfitting and engineering personnel training for aerospace and other branches of industry
Conference Themes:
- The reliability problems of engines, power supply installations and their systems;
- Development prospects and use of engines for aviation, space - rocket systems, motor transport mechanical engineering and stationary power supply installations;
- Aircraft engines conversions problems;
- Operation processes and engines theory;
- Construction strength and reliability of engines and their systems;
- Wear and tear, friction and reliability of engines friction assembly;
- Damping and vibration problems in engines;
- Burning processes and heat exchange in power supply installations;
- Propulsion engineering, power engineering and space vehicle ecology problems;
- Production and advanced technologies in propulsion engineering;
- Computer-aided design and manufacture of engines;
- Monitoring and control systems of engines;
- Personnel training.
Organized by:
Russian Federation Education Ministry
Samara region administration
JSC Samara Scientific and Technical Complex (SSTC) named after N.D. Kuznetsov
Samara State Aerospace University
Samara scientific centre of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) named after P.I. Baranov
Association of Aero Engines Manufactures
Academy of Aviation and Aeronautical science
Financial and industrial group LDvigateli NK
Space forces of Russia
Program Committee:
- Gritsenko Ye. A. - DSc , professor, General Designer ? General Director of the Samara Science and Technical Complex (SSTC) named after N.D. Kuznetsov ? Chairman of the organizing committee (Samara)
- Kozlov D.I. - Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, DSc, professor, General Designer ? General Director of State Scientific Company Russian Cosmic Centre "CSKB -PROGRESS"
- Rynkevitch S.Yu. - PhD, Vice General Director of ROSAVIAKOSMOS
- Skibin V.A. - Professor, Head of Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) (Moscow)
- Soifer V.A. - DSc, professor, Rector of Samara State Aerospace University (Samara)
- Titov K.A. - Governor of Samara region
- Fridlyanov V.N. - Vice Minister of Industry and Science Ministry
- Tchuiko V.M. - DSc, professor, President of Aircraft Engine Conctruction Association (Moscow)
- Shitarev I.L. - DSc, professor, President of Financial ? industrial Group LNK Engines (Samara)
- Shlenov Yu.V. - Vice Minister of Education Ministry
- Shorin V.P. - member of Russian Academy of Science, Chairman of Samara Scientific Centre Russian Academy of Science (Samara)
Organizing Committee:
- Gritsenko Ye. A. - DSc , professor, General Designer ? General Director of the Samara Science and Technical Complex (SSTC) named after N.D. Kuznetsov. Chairman of the organizing committee (Samara)
- Veretennikov V.G. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Moscow Institute of Aviation (Technical University) (Moscow)
- Ganin A.A. - PhD, Director of Volga branch of JSC Research-and-Production Association „Energomash”
- Galdin A.A. - Director of Public Conversion Promotion Foundation (Samara)
- Gortyshov Ju.F. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Kazan Technical University (Kazan)
- Daniltchenko V.P. - DSc, professor, chief designer of the SSTC named after N.D. Kuznetsov (Samara)
- Doronin V.I. - Head of Samara Industry and Trade Department
- Zhernakov V.S. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Ufa State Aviation (Technical University) (Ufa)
- Ignachkov S.M. - First Deputy General Designer of the SSTC named after N.D. Kuznetsov (Samara)
- Kirilin A.N. - PhD, The LPROGRESS Works Director (Samara)
- Kurbatov V.P. - PhD, The LMOTOROSTROITEL JSC Technical Director (Samara)
- Noznitskyi Ju.A. - DSc, Deputy Head of Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) (Moscow)
- Ovchinnikov V.N. - PhD. General Director of JSC, Samara Design Bureau Machine-Building (DBMB)
- Pavlenko V.F. - DSc, professor, First Vice-President of Academy of Aviation and Aeronautical science
- Petrenko S.A. - DSc, professor, Director and Chief Constructor of Design Office of Russian Cosmic Company L Energiya
- Shakhmatov Je.V. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Samara State Aerospace University, Vice-chairman of the organizing committee (Samara)
- The oficial languages of the Conference are Russian and English
- Participation presupposes:
presentation of reports, advertising presentations, poster presentations, demonstration of commercial products, participation as listener.
- Collections of abstracts and articles will be published on the basis of the conference materials.
- Applications for participation should be submitted to our address before April 15, 2003.
- Materials for publication should be submitted before April 15, 2003 (abstracts) and before June 30, 2003 (articles).
- Registration fee is 200 US dollars (three hundred roubles for Russian citizens).
- Program and collection of abstracts will be handed out to participants on the day the conference opens.
Materials are to meet the following requirements:
- Language publications Russian or English
- Number of pages: abstract up to 2; article up to 7
- Text: - typewritten (hard copy) and diskette 3.5"
- Text WinWord
- Page format: A5 (148 x 210 mm)
- Margins: 20 mm top, bottom, right, left
- Script: - 10 point; type - Times New Roman
- Figures, tables, graphs are allowed in the text
- Title is printed in capital letters. Below after a space follow the authors` last name and initials printed in small letters. Then after a space comes the complete name of the organisation and city after another space follows the text printed with one space between the lines.
Please send Your papers to the address:
443086 Samara, Moskovskoye Shosse, 34,
Samara State Aerospace University, Faculty No.2.
Contact telephones:
(846 - 2) - 34-79-22;
35-74-22; 35-74-39
Grundlagen der Schmierstoffe und ihre Anwendungen, Teil I + II
Termin: 30.06.2003 - 04.07.2003 (5 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
Teil I: Grundlagen (12. – 14. Mai)
(Veranstaltung Nr. 29108.1/68.621)
Inhalt: Grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen Reibung, Verschleiß und Schmierung * Schmierstoffe: mineralölbasische Schmieröle und Schmierfette, synthetische Schmierstoffe, biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten, Festschmierstoffe, Additive für Schmierstoff, Schmierölveränderung im Betrieb – Ölanalyse zur Beurteilung von Schmierstoff und Reibstelle, chemische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften, Viskosität und Fließverhalten
Teil II: Anwendungen (15. u. 16. Mai)
Inhalt: Getriebeschmierstoffe * Motorenschmierstoffe * Verdichterschmierstoffe * Hydraulikanlagen und -flüssigkeiten * Schmierstoffe für Metallbearbeitung: spanende Bearbeitung, Umformung
Teilnahmegebühr: Teil I + II: EUR 1.230,00
Teilnahmegebühr: 1230 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29252
Prospekt anzeigen
Grundlagen der Schmierstoffe und ihre Anwendungen, Teil I: Grundlagen
Termin: 30.06.2003 - 02.07.2003 (3 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
Teil I: Grundlagen
Grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen Reibung, Verschleiß und Schmierung * Schmierstoffe: mineralölbasische Schmieröle und Schmierfette, synthetische Schmierstoffe, biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten, Festschmierstoffe, Additive für Schmierstoff, Schmierölveränderung im Betrieb – Ölanalyse zur Beurteilung von Schmierstoff und Reibstelle, chemische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften, Viskosität und Fließverhalten
Teilnahmegebühr: 880 EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 29252.1
Prospekt anzeigen
2nd International Symposium on Stability Control of Rotating Machinery
4th-8th August, 2003
Gdańsk, Poland
Contact: Jeanette A. Cox (email:
TRCON-03 |
International Symposium on Transient Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Single and Two-phase Flows, TRCON-03
17th-22nd August, 2003
Cesme, Turkey
Contact: Prof. Faruk Arinc (email:
August 18-20, 2003
Tomsk, Russia
April 1, 2003 - Second announcement
May 1, 2003 - Deadline for registration form and abstract submission
June 1, 2003 Notification of acceptance of paper presentation
August 18-23, 2003 - Submission of manuscripts for publication
Organized by
- Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
- Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA
- International Scientific Center for Physical Mesomechanics of Materials
- Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- Institute of Geophysics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA
- Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia
- European Structural Integrity Society
- Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- Berlin Technical University, Berlin, Germany
About twenty years ago a new paradigm - a concept of structural levels of deformation of solids - was formulated. Over the past years this concept has been treated theoretically and tested experimentally. This gave rise to the development of a new scientific trend - Physical Mesomechanics, which allows one to relate mechanics of the solids under loading to the physics of plasticity and strength.
Physical Mesomechanics considers solids under loading as a multilevel self-organized system where shear stability loss occurs in a self-consistent way at micro-, meso- and macroscale levels. A basic act of plastic flow is "shear+rotation". It gives rise to dissipative mesostructures and fragmentation of solids at the mesolevel. Fracture is the final stage of fragmentation of solids where its global shear stability loss occurs at the macrolevel. In last ten years a large body of experimental and theoretical research of behavior of solids under loading were done at micro-, meso- and macroscale levels. The results of these investigations allow one to refine understanding of the mechanisms of deformation and fracture of solids in various conditions of loading.
Physical Mesomechanics was the topic of several international conferences took place in Russia, Israel, Germany, China and Denmark.
The Workshop is intended for discussion of fundamental features and engineering applications of Physical Mesomechanics. Application of the methods of Physical Mesomechanics to the problems of heterogeneous material response to different loading, fatigue and wear; nondestructive testing, experimental and computational methods, hardening and reconditioning technologies, materials for electronics will be in the focus of the Workshop. A special session will be devoted to geodynamics.
There will be Plenary sessions including key-note lectures. Round table and poster sessions will also be organized.
Foundations of Physical Mesomechanics
- Main Features of Physical Mesomechanics
- Main Tools of Physical Mesomechanics
Application of Physical Mesomechanics
- Design of gradient and composite materials
- Materials with hardened and wear-resistant coatings
- Nanomaterials
- Materials for electronics
- Nondestructive testing
- Shock-wave loading
- Geodynamics and tectonics
V. Panin
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS Tomsk, Russia
G. Sih
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
S. Psakhie
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS
Tomsk, Russia D. Klimov Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS Moscow, Russia
R. Armstrong | University of Maryland, College Park, USA |
Y. Bai | Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China |
V. Fomin | Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia |
K. Frolov | Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia |
S. Goldin | Institute of Geophysics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia |
R. Goldstein | Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia |
I. Goryacheva | Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia |
Y. Hong | Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China |
Y. Horie | Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA |
E. Kozlov | Russian Federal Nuclear Center Institute of Technical Physics, Snezhinsk, Russia |
V. Kuropatenko | Russian Federal Nuclear Center Institute of Technical Physics, Snezhinsk, Russia |
Ph. Letnikov | Institute of the Earth's Crust, SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia |
Lu Ke | Institute of Metal Research, CAS, Shenyang, China |
P. Makarov | Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia |
V. Myasnikov | Institute of Automation and Control Processes, FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia |
K. Miller | Structural Integrity Research Institute, Sheffield, Great Britain |
O. Naimark | Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, UB RAS, Perm, Russia |
G. Ostermeyer | Braunschweig Technical University, Braunschweig, Germany |
G. Pluvinage | Metz University, Metz, France |
V. Popov | Berlin Technical University, Berlin, Germany International Scientific Center for Physical Mesomechanics of Materials |
A. Revuzhenko | Siberian Independent University, Institute of Mining, Novosibirsk, Russia |
E. Santner | Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin, Germany |
S. Schmauder | University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany |
E. Shemyakin | Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia |
V. Titov | Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia |
S. Toyooka | Saitama University, Saitama, Japan |
M. Wnuk | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA |
Yu. Yanovskii | Institute of Applied Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia |
S. Yoshida | Southern Louisiana University Hammond, USA |
Shou-Wen Yu | Tsinghua University, Beijing, China |
The Workshop will take place in Tomsk, Russia.
Tomsk, one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Siberia, was founded in 1604 and it will celebrate the 400th anniversary next year. The wooden architecture of the city, preserved from old times, is harmoniously combined with modern buildings. The present-day Tomsk is an important scientific and cultural center in the east of Russia. The city called Siberian Athens has 6 universities and more than 20 scientific research institutes.
- April 1, 2003 - Second announcement
- May 1, 2003 - Deadline for registration form and abstract submission
- June 1, 2003 Notification of acceptance of paper presentation
- August 18-23, 2003 - Submission of manuscripts for publication
- A prospective author is requested to submit a 250-500 word abstract in English to the Workshop Secretariat. Abstracts should be sent in hard copy by mail and in electronic form by e-mail (in MS Word or RTF format only) as soon as possible and no later than May 1, 2003.
- A book of abstracts will be published before the Workshop and will be available at the time of registration. The key-note and selected poster papers will be issued in the International Journal 'Physical Mesomechanics'.
- before August 1, 2003 250$
- in cash at the registration 270$
- for accompanying person 160$
- Included in the registration fee:
- Workshop Program and Book of Abstracts
- Transportation from Tomsk Airport/ Railway Station to the Conference Hotel
- Workshop stationary
- Lunches on August 19,20
- Coffee breaks
- Rent of the Conference Hall
- Welcome cocktail
- Banquet
- ATTENTION! There is a special discount on the registration fee. For persons who intend to take part in both Mesomechanics'2003 Workshop and CADAMT'2003 Conference the total fee will be:
- before August 1, 2003 320$
- in cash at the registration 350$
- for accompanying person 200$
Dr. Evgenii Alexandrovich Kovalevskii
Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS
pr. Academicheskii, 2/1
634021, Tomsk, RUSSIA
Phone: (3822) 258073
Fax: (3822) 259576
Registration Form
International Workshop
Mesomechanics: Fundamentals and Applications
Tomsk, Russia
August 18-20, 2003
First Name _____________________________________________________________________________
Middle Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Last Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Title 0Prof. 0Dr. 0Mr. 0Ms.
Position _______________________________________________________________________________
Organization ___________________________________________________________________________
Country ________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________Postal code_____________________________________
Mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________
Telephone ________________________________Fax __________________________________________
E-mail _________________________________________________________________________________
0 I intend to present a paper entitled _________________________________________________
Please, return this form to the Workshop Secretariat as soon as possible and no later than May 1, 2003
VIIth International Conference Computer-Aided Design of Advanced Materials and Technologies
August 20-23, 2003
Tomsk, Russia
- Organized by :
- Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
- Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia
- Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA
- International Scientific Center for Physical Mesomechanics of Materials
- Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- Institute of Geophysics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
- East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA
- Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow, Russia
- Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- Berlin Technical University, Berlin, Germany
IFSSEHT 2003 |
International Forum - Symposium on Safety and Economy of Hydrogen Transport, IFSSEHT-2003
18th-21st August, 2003
Sarov, Russia
Contact: IFSSEHT-2003 Secretariat (email:
The 5th Euromech fluid conference
August 24-28, 2003
The European Mechanics Society is an international non-governmental non-profit scientific organisation.
The objective of the society is to engage in all activities intended to promote in Europe the development of mechanics as a branch of science and engineering. Mechanics deals with motion, flow and deformation of matter, be it fluid or solid, under the action of applied forces, and with any associated phenomena.
Letter of the Chairman
The next European Fluid Mechanics Conference will be held in Toulouse (France) from August 24 to August 28, 2003. This conference, organised under the auspices of EUROMECH by the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, will be the fifth in the series started in Cambridge in 1991 and continued in Warsaw (1994), Göttingen (1997) and Eindhoven (2000). The conference will cover the whole field of Fluid Dynamics, ranging from very fundamental aspects to recent applications. This conference will provide a unique opportunity for fluid dynamicists to see what is going on in this very active field in Europe and to exchange their views on recent developments. The conference will comprise invited lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions, and three mini-symposia dealing with selected topics. Selection of papers will be made on the basis of a one-page abstract. Following the general policy of EUROMECH Conferences, no proceedings will be published.
All correspondence can be directed to the EFMC2003 Conference Office.
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
Allée Camille Soula
31400 Toulouse, France
Fax: + 33 (0)5 61 28 59 42
Electronic registration and electronic submission of abstracts are strongly encouraged.
The use of fax and classic mail is restricted to persons for whom electronic means are not available.
Hotel accommodation has to be arranged by the attendees themselves. To help them, a list of hotels with rates and addresses is available at the hotel page. Note that rooms have been pre-booked until June 30, 2003.
Conference schedule
November 1, 2002: Registration possible on the Web site.
December 10, 2002: Deadline for abstracts submission (1 page). Texts must follow the guidelines sent out and given on the Web site. The authors must also specify preference for an oral or a poster presentation.
January 10, 2003: Deadline for application for young researchers' fellowships.
March 1, 2003: Notification of acceptance (oral or poster). Preliminary programme is drawn up and made available on the Web site.
April 1, 2003: Notification of acceptance of fellowships for young researchers.
May 1, 2003: Deadline for registration at a reduced fee. Registration deadline for authors of oral presentations. Final programme available on the Web site.
June 30, 2003: Deadline for payment at a reduced fee and for the reservation of pre-booked hotel rooms.
The two Euromech Young Scientist Prizes 2003 will be attributed at the end of the Conference. These prizes, 500 euro each, will reward the best oral and poster presentations given during EFMC2003 by scientists less than 35 years old at the time of the conference. To apply to these prizes, young contributors must send an electronic mail to the EFMC2003 Conference Office ( before December 10, 2002. This e-mail must specify the date of birth of the applicant, his or her address and the title and number of his or her abstract. Note that applicants must be the presenting author of their contribution (oral or poster).
Paticipants less than 35 years old at the time of the conference may apply for a partial financial support. To this end, after having submitted their abstract, they have to send a short vitae, a motivation letter and a copy of their abstract (all three in PdF format) to the e-mail address: package must be sent not later than January 10, 2003. The possibility for a financial support will be examined only for those of the applicants whose abstract will have been accepted by the Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference Committee. The decision will be notified by electronic mail, not later than April 1, 2003.
The conference will be held at the Centre des Congres Pierre Baudis
11 esplanade Compans Caffarelli
31000 Toulouse
The city of Toulouse has an international airport. There are also frequent trains running to Toulouse from the main French cities (facilities and access maps).
You can find in the link hereafter general information about Toulouse including urban transport :
Invited Presentation
Euromech Lecture
H. K. MOFFATT, Cambridge
Invited Lectures
S. CANDEL, Paris
Y. S. KACHANOV, Novosibirsk
W. KOCH, Göttingen
D. LOHSE, Twente
W. K. MELVILLE, San Diego
N. PEAKE, Cambridge
D. QUERE, Paris
D. L. WEAIRE, Dublin
Contributed comuncations
Three types of presentations will be accepted: Regular lectures, Posters and Mini-symposia.
Mini-symposia will consist of oral presentations on the following topics:
- Aeroacoustics (conveners: J. Delfs, Braunschweig; A. Dowling, Cambridge)
- Experimental techniques: Light and sound (conveners: C. Baudet, Grenoble; J. Westerweel, Delft);
- Microgravity fluids dynamics (conveners: M. Dreyer, Bremen; B. Zappoli, Toulouse)
Go to authors instructions for further information.
August 25: Welcome ceremony at the Capitole (City-Hall of Toulouse).
Social programme
August 26 afternoon: Visit of the city of Albi, historical and artistic capital of the Albigeois, with its famous Cathedrale Sainte-Cécile and the Museum Toulouse-Lautrec. Albi Tourist Office.
August 26 evening: Banquet: an opportunity to enjoy the tasty world famous cuisine of southwest France, in the Chateau de Croisillat.
For accompanying persons:
August 25 afternoon: Visit of Toulouse (guided walk in the historical centre of the city) Toulouse Tourist Office.
2nd International Conference on Engineering Rheology, ICER 2003
24th-27th August, 2003
Zielona Góra, Poland
Contact: Prof. E. Walicki (email:
30th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology
2nd - 5th September 2003
Lyon, France
The central theme of this conference is to highlight the transient aspects of the processes in tribology and to point out the differences obtained with the stationary conditions, be it experimental, analytical or numerical.
Papers are therefore invited from the fields of mechanics, material science and physico-chemistry that focus on the transient aspect of a particular phenomenon in friction, lubrication and wear.
Topics include:
Stick-slip behaviour, static and dynamic friction
Vibration, noise and tribological contacts
Operating conditions including acceleration/deceleration/impacts
Transient effects on material properties (for example lubricant rheology)
Reaction times of additives, third bodies
Different time scales of processes in tribology
For further details please contact:
Laboratoire de Mecanique des Contacts
Batiment J. d'Alembert
INSA de Lyon
20 Avenue Albert Einstein
69621 Villeurbanne cedex, France
Tel: ++33 (0) 4 7243 8452
Fax: ++33 (0) 4 7889 0980
September 7-12, 2003
Prague, Czech Republic
Abstract submission - 15th April 2003
Letter of acceptance - 30th May 2003
Early Registration and Hotel reservation - 20th June 2003
Manuscript Submission - 10th July 2003
Sattelite Workshop:
Fundamental and Practical Applications of Surface Diffusion
Location and Time: Třešť castle, Czech republic, September 14 - 17, 2003
Scope of the Workshop:
· microscopic approaches
· large-scale modeling of surface diffusion
· clusters and nanostructures
· growth of nanostructures
· sputtering and etching
· chemical reactions, catalysis
· diffusion in biological systems
· molecular assembly on surfaces
Scope of the Conference
The Conference will be concerned with results of theoretical and experimental investigations in the following general areas:
· Surface structure, morphology, roughness and topography
· Diffusion, dynamics and growth at surfaces
· Magnetic properties of low dimensional systems
· Magnetic interfaces
· Small particles, clusters and nanostructures
· Electronic structure of low dimensional systems
· Organic molecules on surfaces
· Adsorption, chemisorption and surface reactions
· Surface thermodynamics and phase transitions
· Nanotribology
· Heteroepitaxy and surface alloying
· Techniques: surface and interface microscopy and spectroscopy
Sattelite Workshop:
International Workshop on Surface Physics
Location and Time: Polanica Zdroj, Poland, September 13 - 15, 2003
The International Workshop on Surface Physics is intended to replace the International Seminar on Surface Physics that was organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics of the University of Wroclaw in the years 1976 - 2000. During the last few years it has become clear that the original formula of the Seminar, which was intended as a platform for exchange of ideas between the scientist from the "East" and "West", is exhausted.
We decided to switch the formula to a more typical workshop gathering surfacists, experimentalists and theoreticians, working on rapidly developing research field of surface science. The program of the Workshop is built around 10-12 invited talks presented by the world leader scientists. Certain number of contributed papers (10) will be selected for oral (20 min.) presentations and the other will be displayed as posters. Proceedings of the meeting will be published.
There will be ample time for discussion. Emphasis will be put on the creation of maximum opportunities for informal discussion and the facilitating of direct person-to-person exchanges of ideas about new developement. The idea is to encourage stronger contacts between the young scientists and the senior figures of various fields. There will be young scientists presentations.
The theme of the oncoming workshop will be:
Metals on Solid Surfaces
and will cover following topics:
· Surface topography
· Metallic nanostructures on surface
· Electronic structure and properties
· Interatomic interactions on surfaces
· Surface alloying and mixing
Up to date the following scientist have agreed to provide talks:
· Ernst Bauer (Tempe, USA)
· Harald Brune (Lausanne, Switzerland)
· Harald Ibach (Juelich, Germany)
· Mieczyslaw Jalochowski (Krakow, Poland)
· Bengt Lundqvist (Goeteborg, Sweden)
· Theodore Madey (Rutgers, USA)
· Vladimir Matolin (Prague, Czech Republic)
· Anton Naumovets (Kiev, Ukraine)
· Herbert Pfnuer (Hannover, Germany)
· Marek Szymonski (Cracow, Poland)
· Ugo Valbusa (Genova, Italy)
· Klaus Wandelt (Bonn, Germany)
The workshop is supposed to be a satellite meeting to the 22nd European Conference on Surface Science to be held in Prague, 7 - 12 September 2003. The format of the Workshop will be limited to about 100 - 120 participants. The venue of the Workshop will be Polanica Zdroj a small spa town located midway between Wroclaw and Prague (some 160 km from Prague), on the Polish side of the border.
Prof. Antoni Ciszewski
Institute of Experimental Physics
University of Wroclaw
plac M. Borna 9
50-204 Wroclaw
tel (+48 71) 3759310
fax (+48 71) 3287365
e-mail: |
Prof. Adam Kiejna
Institute of Experimental Physics
University of Wroclaw
plac M. Borna 9
50-204 Wroclaw
tel (+48 71) 3759264
fax (+48 71) 3287365
e-mail: |
2nd International Conference
8th-10th September 2003
Bournemouth, UK
Sustainable Product Engineering of Bournemouth University Research Centre and the University of Oviedo in Spain at this conference will deal with the Characteristics of Interacting Surfaces; A Key Factor in Sustainable and Economic Products.
The objectives are to highlight the issues of wear and friction between interacting surfaces in relative motion as well as the effect lubrication has on these interacting surfaces which are a prerequisite for product function, quality and cost. These characteristics have environmental as well as life cycle consequences which emphasise the importance their consideration has during the early stages of product design.
It is the purpose of this conference to draw together expertise in this multi-disciplinary field to assist in a better understanding of the issues relating to tribological characteristics so that they can be addressed early in the product design stage.
Conference Topics
Papers are invited on the topics listed below and other which fall within the general scope of the conference:
- Life-orientated Products
- Sustainable Product Development
- Product Life Design Tools
- Life Cycle Assessment for Optimised Products
- Energy Studies in Product Use Phase
- Environmental Impact Assessmen
- Surface Quality
- Surface Engineering
- Lubricants
- Advanced Materials
- Analytical Studies
- Test Methods
Exhibition Facilities
There will be exhibition facilities for the display of products, literature, etc. related to the theme of the conference.
The first conference on Tribology in Environmental Design took place in 2001 and was a very great success, with a large international participation.
For general information please visit website:
For further information please contact
Ms. Deborah Newton-Perks
Conference Secretariat, TED2003
Bournemouth University, Studland House, 12 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth Dorset BH1 3NA, UK
Tel: 44 (0)1202 503750
Fax: 44 (0)1202 503751
Materials & Processes for Medical Devices Conference
8-10 September 2003
Anaheim Hilton Hotel
Anaheim, California
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2003
You will be notified as to the acceptance of your abstract approximately the first week of March 2003
The Only Conference for Medical Devices that Focuses on Applied Materials, Processes and Technology
- Fatigue Life and Durability of Implants
- Surface Engineering
- Joining and Forming Processes
- Effect of Materials on Surgical Techniques
- Biocompatibility
Product Range Covered will include:
- Vascular Stents and Stent-grafts
- Orthopaedic Implants
- Dental Materials
- Surgical Instruments and Devices
Materials Covered will include:
- Stainless Steels, Ti Alloys, Co-Cr Alloys, Nitinol, and Noble Metals
- And More!
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2003
Submit your abstract for consideration today!
Sponsored by: ASM International, The Materials Information Society
Co-Sponsored by:
ASTM International Committee F04 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
This event will focus on materials, processes and technology as they relate to medical/dental devices:
- surgical devices;
- minimally invasive devices for vascular applications including cardiovascular, neurovascular, and peripheral vascular applications;
- equipment used in orthopaedic (knee, hip, elbow, spine, bone attachment, etc), respiratory, ophthalmic, neurological, and urological fields
- dental (implants, dental materials, orthodontics and endodontics, wires, devices and instruments, etc)
- non-implantables, e.g., catheters and guidewires
- interventional devices
This event will provide an ideal opportunity to take a look at state-of-the-art in science and technology pertaining to medical device materials, as well as examine ways to apply those to your products and applications.
Papers are solicited for, but not limited to, the following areas:
Recommended attendees include, but are not limited to:
- Product development/design engineers of medical device industries who are interested in the knowledge of materials
- R&D scientists in the medical device industry
- R&D managers of the medical device industry
- Material producers who supply or are interested in supplying materials to medical device industries
- Companies that supply specific equipment/technologies to meet medical device needs
- Vascular/Orthopaedic surgeons/dentists who are interested in the knowledge of implant materials
- Manufacturing engineers from the medical device industry
- Academic scientists who are interested in disseminating their knowledge among the above audience or exchanging information with their peers or with industrial R&D scientists
- Other (non-medical device) industry scientists who are interested in disseminating their knowledge among their customer base
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Deadline is 15 January 2003
Please seriously consider your ability to prepare a full manuscript and present your work at the conference BEFORE submitting your abstract. All costs associated with your participation are your responsibility (travel, housing, registration, etc.)
Interested authors should submit a 100-150 words abstract (in English) to; simply complete the requested presenter and co-author information: name, title, company/affiliation, complete address, phone and fax number and e-mail address.
You will be notified as to the acceptance of your abstract approximately the first week of March 2003.
Conference proceedings will be published and distributed to all attendees following the event. Deadline for manuscript submissions will be AT the event and the book published by the end of the year.
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Sanjay Shrivastava, Event Chairman
R&D Principal Engineer
Edwards Lifesciences LLC
Irvine, California |
Dr. Phillip J. Andersen
Andersen Metallurgical LLC
Madison, Wisconsin |
Dr. Stanley A. Brown
Biomaterials Engineer
USFDA Center for Devices and
Radiological Health
Div. of Mechanics & Materials Science
Rockville, Maryland |
Dr. Sepehr Fariabi
Senior Director
Edwards Lifesciences LLC
Irvine, California |
Dr. Farrokh Farzin-Nia
Technical Director of Materials R&D
Ormco Corporation
Inglewood, California |
Dr. Darel E. Hodgson
Chief Technology Officer
Shape Memory Applications/Johnson Mathey
Palo Alto, California |
Dr. Dana Medlin
Principal Engineer
Zimmer Incorporated
Warsaw, Indiana |
Dr. Y. V. Murty, FASM
Technology Assessment
Carpenter Technology Corporation
Reading, Pennsylvania |
Prof. Henry J. Rack, FASM
Prof., Materials Science & Engineering
Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina |
Dr. Ming H. Wu
Vice President of Technology
Memry Corporation
Bethel, Connecticut |
Visit the ASM website frequently at for updates on this event.
Questions? Contact us:
ASM International
Conference Administrator, Medical Devices Event
Materials Park, Ohio U.S.A. 44073-0002
Telephone: 440.338.5151
Fax: 440.338.4634
Termin: 08.09.2003 - 11.09.2003 (4 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Dr.-Ing. H.-G. Baldauf,Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Wolfgang Gläntz,Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried F. Güsmer,Dipl.-Ing. Reiner Jardot,Dr.-Ing. Franz Joachim,Dipl.-Ing. Eduard M. Laukotka,Dr.-Ing. Klaus Michaelis,Dr.-Ing. Gert Schönnenbeck,Dr. Joachim Vetter,Dip
Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert.
Schmierstoffe und ihre Eigenschaften – Auslegung von Getrieben – Praktische Getriebeschmierung – Schadensanalyse
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
Grundlagen der Zahnradschmierung * Praktische Getriebeschmierung * Getriebeschmierstoffe * Berechnung und Auslegung von Zahnradpaarungen auf der Basis der Elastohydrodynamik * Berechnung und Auslegung von Zahnradpaarungen unter Berücksichtigung des EP-Verhaltens * Schmierölveränderung im Betrieb und Gebrauchtölbeurteilung bei Getriebeölen * Schadensbild und Schadensursache als Grundlage der Schadensanalyse
Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt DEM
Lehrgangsnummer: 680637
Prospekt anzeigen
5th Mińsk International Seminar „Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Refrigerators”
8th-11th September 2003
Mińsk, Belarus
Contact: Prof. Leonard L. Vasiliev (email: Lvasil@
YAROFRI 2003 |
YAROFRI-2003 5th International Symposium on Friction Products and Materials
September 9th - 11th 2003
Yaroslavl, Russia
Programme of the Symposium
- Friction composites and products: development, technology, testing
- Markets of friction products: features, development, manufacturers and suppliers marketing
- Theoretical issues of friction and wear
For further details please contact:
Mr E G Piven
159948 Yaroslavl
Moskovsky Avenue, 149
Tel: +7 0852 44 1663
Fax: +7 0852 44 1591
Smart Surfaces in Tribology: Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings
First Circular
Call for papers
10-12 September 2003
Zurich, Switzerland
Location Hotel Renaissance, Zurich-Glattbrugg
Smart Surfaces in Tribology:
Advanced Additives and
Structured Coatings
A European conference on recent developments in additive technology and surface coatings for the reduction of wear and friction on moving surfaces
General Information
Contact EMPA
Dr Rowena Crockett
Ueberlandstrasse 129
CH-8600 Duebendorf
Phone: +41 1 823 46 12
Fax: +41 1 823 40 38
Dates 10-12 September 2003
Location Hotel Renaissance, Zurich-Glattbrugg
Smart Surfaces in Tribology:
Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings
This meeting is organised jointly between the Brussels section of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE, Brussels Section), the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA) and Tribology Letters (Kluwer Publishing). It is aimed at people from industry and academic institutions, who have a shared interest in recent developments in elucidating the mechanisms of additives in forming protective coatings, as well as the increasing use, by coating manufacturers, of highly structured approaches to improving wear resistance.
Subjects cowered by this meeting will include
- new additives and new insights: chemistry and mechanisms of wear and friction reduction
- techniques for the fabrication of structured surfaces
- physical and chemical properties of surfaces that lead to wear protection
- the use of surface analytical approaches for the characterization of coating and additive properties
- Guidelines for abstracts
- Abstracts should be written in English and no longer than one A4 page
- The presenter should be marked with an asterisk (*)
- The full postal address as well as the email address of the corresponding author should be given
- Please state with the submission of the abstract whether oral or poster presentation is preferred (or no preference)
- Abstracts should be sent to as an email attachment
Oral Presentation:
Closing date for submission of abstract 28 February 2003
Poster Presentation:
Closing date for submission of abstract 31 March 2003
Publication of papers
Papers submitted for oral or poster presentations may be submitted for publication in a special edition of Tribology Letters, subject to normal reviewing procedures.
Inwited speakers and (prowisional) titles of talks
Prof. Hugh Spikes (Imperial College, England):
The antiwear film-forming properties of zinc dialkyldithiophosphates
Dr Marcus Morstein (Platit AG, Switzerland):
Novel high-performance PVD coatings by nano- and microscale structuring
Dr Sandrine Bec (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France):
Nanorheological properties of antiwear tribofilms
Dr Joerg Patscheider (EMPA, Switzerland):
Wear protection by nanostructured hard coatings
Organising committee
Dr Rowena Crockett | EMPA, Switzerland |
Prof. Nicholas Spencer | ETHZ, Switzerland and Tribology Letters |
Ir Michel Roegiers | STLE, Belgium |
Dr Lukas Rohr | EMPA, Switzerland |
Mr Sigi Roos | EMPA, Switzerland |
Prof. Hugh Spikes | Imperial College, England |
Dr Paul Hug | EMPA, Switzerland |
Dr Joerg Patscheider | EMPA, Switzerland |
10-12 September 2003
Hotel Renaissance, Zurich-Glattbrugg, Switzerland
Further information
Dr Rowena Crockett, EMPA
Phone: +41 1 823 46 12
Fax: +41 1 823 40 38
Other STLE conferences (
STLE 2003 Annual Meeting and Exhibition ApriI 27-May 1, 2003, New York, NY
STLE-ASME Joint Tribology Conference October 26-29, 2003, Jacksonyille, FL
Request for further information
Smart Surfaces in Tribology:
Advanced Additives and
Structured Coatings
To receive further information, please complete this form.
Tick boxes as appropriate
? Please send the second circular and application form
? l would like to present an oral paper
Closing date for submission of abstract: 28 February 2003
? l would like to present a poster
Closing date for submission of abstract: 31 March 2003
Provisional title for oral presentation or poster
? My company is interested in sponsoring this event
Please write in capitals or type
September 10-13, 2003
Rostov-on-Don (Russia)
The Russian academy of sciences in association with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, The Ministry of Transport Communication of the Russian Federation, Interdisciplinary Scientific Tribology Council, Association of Tribology Engineers and Rostov State University of Transport Communication have the honor to invite you to participate in the international Congress "Mechanics and Tribology of Transport Systems". The Congress will be held in September 10-13, 2003 in Rostov-on-Don (Russia).
- Development ofpromising transport technique.
- Mechanics of transport systems.
- Problems of friction, wear, lubricants and lubrication.
- New wear-resistant materials and reinforcing technologies.
-Safety of traffic, information technologies, communication and telecommunication systems on transport.
Russian and English with translation.
15.08.2002 - first information message;
15.10.2002 - registration form and abstract;
15.12.2002 - confirmation of preliminary participation;
15.04.2003 - submission of papers and registration fee;
15.06.2003 - notification of acceptance and proceedings publishing.
The Rostov State University of Transport Communication
Authors are invited to send Registration forms and Abstracts to the Organizing Committee by 15.10.2002.
Address: Myasnikova Nina Alekseevna
”Mechtribotrans-2003”, RGUPS
sq. Narodnogo Opolcheniya 2,
Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344038 , or
Tel.: (+7 8632) 726-349
Fax: (+7 8632) 45-06-13
Further information on the Congress can be found at page:
Registration Form of a participant is filled in the same way as the one of author.
Vice President ofthe RAS, acad. V. V. Kozlov
Academician-secretary ofthe RAS V.E. Fortov
Deputy Chairmen:
acad. RAS D.M Klimov
acad. RAS E.A. Fedosov
acad. RAS K. V. Frolov
corr. memb. RAS V.I. Kolesnikov
Scientific secretary: dr. M.A. Bronovets
acad. RAS V.S. Avduevskii
acad. RAS N.A. Anfimov
acad. RAS V.A, Babeshko
acad. RAS V.V. Bolotin
acad. RAS R.F. Ganiev
acad. RAS K. S. Kolesnikov
acad. RAS A.B. Kurzhanskii
acad. RAS V.M.Matrosov
acad. RAS F.M. Mitenkov
acad. RAS N.F. Morozov
acad. RAS G.V. Novozhilov
acad. RAS V.E. Panin
acad. RAS V.M. Pashin
acad. RAS V.G. Peshekhonov
acad. RAS I.D. Spasskii
acad. RAS M.N. Tishehenko
acad. RAS O.N. Favorskii
acad. RAS F.L. Chernousko
acad. RAS G.G. Chorny
acad. RAS A.G. Shipynov
acad. RAS V.P. Shorin
dr. R. Bassani (Italy)
dr. W. Bartz (Germany)
dr. A. Gerve (Germany)
dr. F. Franek (Austria)
dr. B. Jacobson (Sweden)
dr. K.L. Johnson (Great Britain)
dr. K. Holmberg (Finland)
dr. K. Kato (Japan)
dr. J. Larsen-Basse (USA)
dr. T. Mathia (France)
dr. J..P. Pascal (France)
dr. S. Pytko (Poland)
dr. W. Schiehien (Germany)
dr. Xie Uou Bai (China)
corr. memb. RAS V.I. Kolesnikov
corr. memb. RAS I.G. Goryacheva
gen. director «Rostvertol» B.N. Slyusar
cor. memb. RAS B.V. Gusev
corr. memb. RAS V.G.Inozemcev
corr. memb. RAS N.A. Mahoutov
prof. N.A. Boushe
prof. D.N. Garkunoy
prof. Ju.N. Drozdov
prof. V.J. ICershenbaum
prof A.L. Lisitsyn
prof. Ju.M. Louzhnov
prof. N.K.. Myshkin
prof. Ju.M. Pleskachevskii
prof. V.K. Homeriki
prof. A.V. Chichinadze
prof. A.N. Guda
prof. Jevdokimov
prof. I.M. Elmanov
prof. A.A. Zarifyan
dr. P.G. Ivanochkin
prof. I.A. Maiba
dr. N.A. Myasnikova.
dr. A.V. Okhotnikov
dr. V.M. Prihodko
dr. A.V. Chelokhyan
prof. P.N. Shcherbak
9 International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces
Halmstad, Sweden
10-11 September 2003
This is the ninth in the very successful series of conferences which have firmiy established surface topography as a new and exciting interdisciplinary field of scientific and technological studies. Recent advances in measurement techniques have extended the scope of roughness measurements to much smaller scales and many new results wait to be reported. On the other hand, the methodology and techniques of roughness measurement and characterisation have been extended to quite different fields of technological application with fascinating results.
The measurement, characterisation and analysis of surface roughness on any scale. This is to include experimental, theoretical and computational work. Conference subjects will include: Bioengineering; Nano surfaces; Surface measurements; Instrumentation; Topological characterisation of surfaces; Tribology; Industrial applications; Optical surfaces. There will be a special emphasis this year on applications of 3D measurement.
The aims of the Conference are as before, to bring together practising engineers and research workers in a forum where the latest work can be reported, and where the progress made since the last Conference can be discussed and assimilated so that its benefits may be transferred to industry and to scientists and engineers in other disciplines.
It is planned to hold an exhibition of surface measuring equipment in conjunction with the Conference and on the same site. Organisations interested in exhibiting should contact the Conference Secretary for further details.
There will be a one-day tutorial workshop on the preconference day on the theory and practice of surface roughness, with the opportunity for hands-on use of the latest measuring instruments.
The conference will be organised this year by Halmstad University, currently one of Sweden's leading centres for research in surface topography. This is oniy the second time that the Conference has been heid at a continental European venue and it will be an excellent opportunity for oyerseas visitors to experience traditional Swedish hospitality in beautiful Halmstad, one of the most popular seaside holiday resorts in northern Europe. The actual conference venue will be the Hotel Tylosand, in a spectacular beach setting with extensive leisure facilities which will be available to delegates.
Offers of Papers
Potential authors should forward titles and extended abstracts to the Conference Secretary by 1 ApriI 2003. These should be not longer than two A4 sides and should include the authors' names and affiliations. Papers selected for presentation, either in formal sessions or as posters, need not be submitted in their final form till the date of the conference. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be given detailed instructions for the preparation of manuscripts or posters. Abstracts and papers should be submitted by email to Up-to-date information about the Conference will be available on the Conference home page at
The Organising Committee apologises for the short notice of this announcement. The 9th Conference was originally planned to take place at Miskolc in Hungary in ApriI 2003, but unfortunately circumstances have necessitated its postponement. Anyone who submitted an abstract for the Hungary meeting is warmiy invited to resubmit it to Halmstad. Priority will be given to any such resubmissions.
Organising Committee
Professor L. Blunt (Huddersfieid University, UK)
ProfessorT. R. Thomas (Avalon Technology, UK)
Professor B.-G.Rosen (Halmstad University, Sweden)
Conference Secretary:
Christel Sjunnesson
University of Halmstad
School of Business & Engineering
Box 823
SE-301 18 Halmstad
Telephone +46 35167544
Fax +46 35167564
First Annual European Rheology Confrence, AERC 2003
llth-13th September, 2003
Guimaraes, Portugal
Contact: AERC 2003 Secretariat (email:
WTC III, The 2005 World Tribology Congress & Exhibition
12th-16th September, 2003
Washington, DC, USA
Contact: Edward P. Salek (email:
3rd International Conference "Research and Development in Mechanical Industry" RaDMI 2003
14th-18th September, 2003
Herceg Novi (Montenegro Adriatic), Yugoslavia
Contact: Prof. Predrag Dasic (email: dasicp@ptt.yu)
10th International Conference on Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials
15th-17th September, 2003
Sofia, Bulgaria
Contact: Central Laboratory of Physico-Chemical Mechanics of BAS (email:
Grundlagen der Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik
Termin: 15.09.2003 - 19.09.2003 (5 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert.
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
Reibung, Verschleiß und Schmierung * Hydrodynamische und elastohydrodynamische Schmierung * Schmierstoffe: mineralölbasische Schmieröle und Schmierfette, synthetische Schmierstoffe, biologisch leicht abbaubare Schmierstoffe und Arbeitsflüssigkeiten, Festschmierstoffe, Additive für Schmierstoffe, chemische, physikalische und technologische Eigenschaften von Schmierölen und -fetten * Viskosität und Fließverhalten * Gleitlagertechnik und -schmierung * Wälzlagertechnik und -schmierung * Zahnradtechnik und Getriebeschmierung * Motorenschmierung * Schmierung von Verdichtern * Hydraulikflüssigkeiten * Schmierstoffe in der Metallbearbeitung und Umformung: spanende Metallbearbeitung, Umformung * Schäden an geschmierten Maschinenelementen
Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 680627
Prospekt anzeigen - weitere Info anfordern
XXVI Jesienna Szkoła Tribologiczna &
VI Konferencja |
September 16 do 19, 2003
Niedzica, PL
15.02.2003 - Termin nadsyłania zgłoszenia wstępnego i streszczenia referatu
28.02.2003 - Drugi komunikat powiadamiający o przyjęciu referatu
23.05.2003 - Termin nadsyłania pełnego tekstu referatu
20.06.2003 - Ostateczny termin nadsyłania poprawionego tekstu referatu
VI Konferencja
Konferencja odbędzie się w Niedzicy, w dniach 16-19 września 2003r.
XXVI Szkoła Tribologiczna nt.: Problemy Tribologiczne w Przyrodzie i Technice została połączona z VI Konferencją nt.: Problemy Niekonwencjonalnych Układów Łożyskowych. Każda z tych konferencji będzie miała odrębne sesje.
Konferencja odbędzie się w Ośrodku Hotelowo - Turystycznym nad jeziorem Czorsztyńskim w Niedzicy, w dniach 16 - 19 września 2003.
W ramach przygotowywanej konferencji organizatorzy pragną połączyć tematykę wynikającą z biotribologii z projektami, aplikacjami, problemami eksploatacyjnymi, badaniami modelowymi i użytkowymi węzłów tribologicznych obiektów technicznych. Dla pełnej realizacji zamierzonego celu pragniemy zwrócić się do wybranych specjalistów o opracowanie referatów wprowadzających poszczególne sesje.
Przewidujemy referaty o tematyce:
- -
- biotribologia i aplikacje medyczne,
- -
- nowoczesne materiały,
- -
- problemy technologiczne,
- -
- konstrukcje przyjazne dla środowiska,
- -
- nanotribologia,
- -
- badania modelowe i użytkowe,
- -
- kierunki badań w przyszłości.
15.02.2003 Termin nadsyłania zgłoszenia wstępnego i streszczenia referatów (maksymalnie jedna strona formatu A4). Adres e-mail.
28.02.2003 Drugi komunikat powiadamiający o przyjęciu referatu, wytyczne do opracowania referatu.
23.05.2003 Termin nadsyłania pełnego tekstu referatu. Referaty mogą być napisane w języku polskim lub angielskim. W przypadku opracowania tekstu w języku angielskim niezbędne jest dołączenie obszernego streszczenia w języku polskim. Referaty opracowane w języku polskim powinny zawierać streszczenia w języku angielskim i rosyjskim. Przewiduje się drukowanie nadesłanych referatów w Materiałach Konferencyjnych, Tribologii, Zeszytach Naukowych Politechniki Łódzkiej i kwartalniku ZEM.
20.06.2003 Ostateczny termin nadsyłania poprawionego tekstu referatu.
16.09.2003 XXVI Szkoła Tribologiczna
Koszt uczestnictwa wynosi:
wpłata do 17 maja
- 1100 zł. - pełny koszt uczestnictwa
- 900 zł. - koszt uczestnictwa dla studentów i emerytowanych pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych
wpłata po 17 maja
- 1300 zł. - pełny koszt uczestnictwa
- 1000 zł. - koszt uczestnictwa dla studentów i emerytowanych pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych
20.06.2003 Nieprzekraczalny termin nadsyłania opłat za uczestnictwo w konferencji.
Zakład Geometrii Wykreślnej i Rysunku Technicznego
Instytutu Konstrukcji Maszyn Politechniki Łódzkiej
ul. B. Stefanowskiego 1/15
90-924 Łódź
tel. (042) 631 22 49
fax (042) 631 22 52
Komitet Honorowy Konferencji:
prof. Jan Krysiński - Politechnika Łódzka
prof. Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
prof. Ryszard Marczak - Politechnika Radomska
prof. Stanisław Pytko - AGH Kraków
prof. Bolesław Wojciechowicz - Politechnika Poznańska
Komitet Organizacyjny Konferencji:
Przewodniczący - Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
Radosław Bednarek - Politechnika Łódzka
Mirosława Ciepielewska - Politechnika Łódzka
Krzysztof Siczek - Politechnika Łódzka
Anna Sławińska - Politechnika Łódzka
Bogdan Warda - Politechnika Łódzka
Piotr Witosławski - Politechnika Łódzka
Komitet Naukowy Konferencji:
Przewodniczący - Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
Tadeusz Burakowski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
Czesław Cempel - Politechnika Poznańska
Janusz Cwanek - AR Rzeszów
Jan Czajgucki - Wyższa Szkoła Morska, Gdynia
Ryszard Czarny - Politechnika Wrocławska
Jan Dąbrowski - Politechnika Białostocka
Antoni Dziama - Politechnika Wrocławska
Monika Gierzyńska-Dolna - Politechnika Częstochowska
Karol Grudziński - Politechnika Szczecińska
Zdzisław Haś- Politechnika Łódzka
Janusz Janecki - WITPiS Sulejówek
Czesław Kajdas - Politechnika Warszawska
Wiesław Kaniewski - Politechnika Łódzka
Jan Kiciński - IMP PAN
Mieczysław Korzyński - Politechnika Rzeszowska
Czesław Koziarski - Politechnika Wrocławska
Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
Andrzej Kulczycki - Centralne Laboratorium Naftowe
Stanisław Laber - Politechnika Zielonogórska
Zbigniew Lawrowski - Politechnika Wrocławska
Wiesław Leszek - Politechnika Poznańska
Jerzy Łunarski - Politechnika Rzeszowska |
Ryszard Marczak - Politechnika Radomska
Karol Nadolny - Politechnika Poznańska
Antoni Neyman - Politechnika Gdańska
Waldemar Oleksiuk - Politechnika Warszawska
Olgierd Olszewski - Politechnika Gdańska
Stanisław Płaza - Uniwersytet Łódzki
Stanisław Pytko - AGH Kraków
Andrzej Raczyński - Politechnika Łódzka
Zygmunt Rymuza - Politechnika Warszawska
Jan Sadowski - Politechnika Radomska
Jan K. Senatorski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
Jacek Stupnicki - Politechnika Warszawska
Józef Szala - ATR Bydgoszcz
Marian Szczerek - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Jerzy Szumniak - WITPiS Sulejówek
Stanisław F. Ścieszka - Politechnika Śląska
Włodzimierz Świderski - Politechnika Łódzka
Włodzimierz Waligóra - Politechnika Poznańska
Wojciech Wieleba - Politechnika Wrocławska
Krzysztof Wierzcholski - Wyższa Szkoła Morska, Gdynia
Marek Wiśniewski - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Bolesław Wojciechowicz - Politechnika Poznańska
Wiesław Zwierzycki - Politechnika Poznańska |
Grundlagen der Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik
Termin: 16.09.2003 - 17.09.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Dr.-Ing. Heinz-Rolf Stock
Referenten: Dr. Joachim Boßlet, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ludger Deters, Dr. Jürgen Güttler, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Illgner, Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kunst, Dr.-Ing. Heinz-Rolf Stock, Martin Wolberg
Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert
Grundlagen des Verschleißverhaltens von Eisenwerkstoffen und praktische Maßnahmen zur Verschleißminderung
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V., der Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V. und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik (AWT)
Grundlagen des Verschleißes von Werkstoffen und Richtlinien zur Bearbeitung von Verschleißfällen * Einsatzhärte-Schichten * CVD- und PVD-Schichten * Verschleißprüfung in Betrieb und Labor * Galvanische Schichten * Randschichthärten * Verschleißminderung durch Nitrieren, Nitrocarburieren und Borieren * Auswahl und Anwendung verschleißhemmender Schichten
Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 680603
Prospekt anzeigen

The Materials Information Society |
The 2nd Annual International Surface Engineering Congress and ExpositionReach engineers and sclentists who purchase surface engineering products and services.
16-17 September 2003
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
Where else can you talk to your top customers and prospects, face to face?
I encourage your company to participate as an exhibitor at our second ASM Intemational Surface Engineering Congress and Exposition, September 15-18 in Indianapolis. There is no other event like it - and no more cost effective way to talk to your customers and prospects during 2003.
Last year, ASM's combined events in Columbus, Ohio drew more than 2,800 registrants, with nearly 600 attracted by our first-ever surface engineering event.
This year, we expect a combined exposition attendance of 7,000 for our second ASM Surface Engineering Exposition, which will be co-located with the ASM Heat Treating Society Conference and Exposition and the North American Die Casting Association Exposition.
To attract more attendees who are interested in industrial applications, we're planning some exciting new features^ For example, as a strong value-added feature, we're going to hold a free one-day seminar, "Applied Surface Treatments for Industry: Choices and Practical Applications." With technical talks presented by industrial experts, this session will attract engineers, manufacturing engineers, materials engineers and quality control personnel.
The enclosed prospectus will tell you more about THE surface engineering business show. To reserve your exhibit, please contact Charles A. Dec at 440/338-1733, or by e-mail at We look forward to helping you reach the decision makers YOU want to reach.
Arnold H. Deutchman
Worthington BeamAlloy Corporation
2003 Congress and Exposition Organizer
The 2nd Annual
Surface Engineering
Congress and
Reach engineers and scientists
who purchase surface engineering
products and services.
16-17 September 2003 • Indianapolis, Indiana USA
Co-located with The 22nd ASM Heat Treating Society Conference & Exposition
The North American Die Casting Association Congress & Exposition
Exhibit at THE surface engineering business show, featuring:
Equipment Manufacturers • Consumables Suppliers • Testing & Evaluation
Coamercial Coating Services • Consultants • National Laboratories
Heat Treat Exhibitor List
(As of 1/9/03)
Company | Booth No. | Company | Booth No. |
Abbott Furnaces Company | 729 |
ADVACO | 523 |
Agfa NDT Inc. Krautkramer Ultrasonic Systems | 700 |
Air Products & Chemicals | 117 |
Ajax-TOCCO Magnethermic | 201 |
ALD Thermal Treatment, Inc. | 122 |
Allegheny Alloy Incorporated | 741 |
Alloy Engineering Co | 322 |
Alpha l Induction Service Center | 101 |
Apollo America Corporation | 702 |
ARR | 433 |
ASM Education | 838 |
AVS Inc. (Advanced Vacuum Systems) | 318 |
Bloom Engineering Co., Inc. | 520 |
BOC Edwards | 511 |
Bone Frontier Company | 227 |
BTU International | 128 |
Buehier Ltd. | 205 |
C. I. HayesInc. | 407 |
Can-Eng Furnaces Limited | 221 |
Capital Induction Inc. | 613 |
Centorr Vacuum Industries Inc. | 711 |
Centre for Induction Technology, Inc. | 727 |
Chino Works America Inc. | 719 |
Cleveland Electric Labs | 616 |
CompAS Controls Inc. | 828 |
Contamination Control Specialists | 633 |
Contour Hardening | 500 |
Control Concepts Inc. | 721 |
Cooley Wire Products | 127 |
CoorsTek | 405 |
Cornerstone Systems Inc. | 419 |
Custom Electric Manufacturing | 901 |
Datapaq Incorporated | 332 |
Despatch Industries | 233 |
Dry Coolers | 401 |
Eciipse Combustion Inc. | 426 |
ECM USA Inc. | 232 |
Eitel Presses Inc. | 2422 |
EquoTip Associates | 900 |
Eurotherm Controls Inc | 133 |
Flame Treating Systems | 339 |
Flinn & Dreffein Engrg Co | 423 |
Fluxtrol Manufacturing Inc | 627 |
Furnace Bek Company Limited (The) | 539 |
Furnace Controls Corp. | 611 |
Graftech, Inc. | 126 |
Graphite Engineering & Sales | 807 |
Graphite Machining Incorporated | 733 |
Graphite Machining Torrance Inc. | 939 |
Graphite Metallizing Corporation | 438 |
Halmar Robicon | 313 |
Hauck Manufacturing Company | 417 |
Haynes International Inc. | 517 |
HC Starek, Inc. | 2405 |
Heat Treating Progress Magazine | 132 |
Heatbath/Park Metallurgical | 601 |
Heess GmbH & Company | 902 |
Hi-Tech Weighing Systems | 238 |
Honeywell International Inc. | 100 |
Houghton Inti Inc. | 210 |
Huettinger Electronic, Inc. | 805 |
Hydrothrift Corp | 429 |
Ibg NDT Systems | 811 |
Induction Tooling Inc. | 827 |
Inductoheat Inc | 617 |
Industrial Heating Magazine | 111 |
Inland Vacuum Industries | 522 |
Inter-Power Corporation | 521 |
J L Becker Company | 706 |
Jackson Transformer Company | 821 |
Johnstone Co., Inc. | 738 |
KH Huppert Company | 116 |
Kolene Corporation | 311 |
Kromschroder Inc | 820 |
Laniy Company | 739 |
LECO Corporation | 2400 |
Leybold Vacuum USA Inc. | 228 |
Lindberg/SPX Corporation | 101 |
Magnetic Specialties, Inc. | 338 |
Marathon Sensors Incorporated | 211 |
Maxon Corporation | 2417 |
Metallurgical High Vacuum Corporation | 910 |
Mitutoyo America Corporation | 2416 |
MTS Systems Corporation | 632 |
Newage Industries | 317 |
Nitrex Metal Inc. | 607 |
Noble Industrial Furnace Co. | 740 |
Park Thermal International (1996) | 518 |
Performance Review Institute | 812 |
Phase II | 112 |
Pillar Industries | 327 |
Praxair Inc. | 527 |
Precision Plus Vacuum Parts | 2310 |
Preco Laser Systems, LLC | 810 |
Procedyne Corporation | 506 |
Process Development & Control, Inc. | 923 |
Protection Controls, Inc. | 717 |
Puritech Recycling | 533 |
Oual Fab | 2411 |
Quantik Induction | 427 |
Radyne Corporation | 411 |
Raytek, Inc. | 904 |
Rolled Alloys | 701 |
Rubig Patt Technologies Inc. | 906 |
SBS Corporation | 106 |
Schunk-INEX Corp. | 239 |
Schwarzkopf Technologies Corp. | 305 |
SGL Carbon Group | 329 |
Shimadzu | 832 |
Siemens Applied Automation, Inc. | 129 |
Siemens Building Technology | 638 |
Sinterite Furnace Division | 933 |
Smartskim Systems, C/o Universal Separators Inc. | 535 |
Super Systems Inc. | 817 |
Surface Combustion | 301 |
T-M Vacuum Products Inc. | 826 |
Tech Induction | 705 |
Techint Technologies | 626 |
Televac | 516 |
Tenaxol Inc | 505 |
Thermal Ceramics | 639 |
Thermo Transfer, Inc. | 504 |
Thermotech Industries | 713 |
Toyo Tonso PA Graphite Inc. | 917 |
Trent Inc. | 903 |
Tucker Induction Systems, Inc. | 816 |
Tuthill Vacuum Systems | 605 |
Unifrax Corporation | 907 |
VAC-AERO International Inc. | 217 |
Vacuum Furnace Systems-VFS | 432 |
Vacuum Processes, Inc. | 110 |
Vaisala | 235 |
Vesuvius McDanel | 704 |
Warner Power | 629 |
Waukee Engineering Company | 710 |
Wellman Furnaces, Inc. | 620 |
Williams Industrial Service Inc. | 421 |
WS Thermal Process Technology Inc. | 333 |
Yokogawa Corporation of America | 2401 |
Zetec Inc | 732 |
Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc. | 226 |
A unique business and educational opportunity for the surface engineering marketplace, from the world leader in metals and materials information. |
The Materials Information Society |
Since 1913, ASM has been the world's foremost society for providing reliable technical information on metals and metallurgy, and surface engineering remains an area of high member interest.
Nearly 20,000 ASM members and customers are involved with surface engineering or modification. To meet their need for information about practical industrial applications of surface engineering, we've created a unique event that no other sponsoring organization can match. |
International Surface Engineering Congress and Exposition |
To promote the commercial advance of surface engineering technology and to increase surface engineering marketing opportunities for our exhibitors, ASM will co-locate its 2nd International Surface Engineering Congress and Exposition with America's largest heat treating show, the ASM Heat Treating Society Conference and Exposition.
While other events focus on the science of surface engineering, ASM brings together the PRACTICAL applications, the underlying science - and the BUSINESS of surface engineering. |
Testing Equipment Manufacurers and Service Providers |
Analytical equipment and techniques
are keys to the successful application of
surface engineering. |
For many decades, manufacturers of equipment used for testing, analysis and characterization have represented one of the largest groups of exhibitors at ASM expositions. Our expositions in Indianapolis will again attract a large number | of engineers and managers who are interested in improving quality, improving product and equipment performance, reducing wear and corrosion and extending product life. |
Our surface engineering attendees
are looking for new equipment and technology.
Be here to meet them, face to face.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to exhibit your latest equipment, products and services. And, talk business - face to face - with your buyers and prospects.
The ASM International Surface Engineering Congress and Exposition will attract primary decision makers and infuencers: engineers, division managers, general managers, supervisors and project managers who need your products and services to stay competitive.
Who should exhibit?
Equipment Manufacturers and Consumables Suppliers
- Physical Vapor Depositfon (PVD)
- Vacuum Evaporation, Sputtering, Cathodic Arc, Ion Plating
- Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
- Vacuum and Thermal, Diffusion
- Ion Assisted Coattings
- Thermal Spray
- Etectrolytic Deposition
- Laser Cladding and Surface 'Ireatment
- Electroplating
- Surface Preparation and Cleaning
- Surface Finishing
Coatings Service Providers
- Electroplating
- Thermal Spray
Testing and Evaluation Providers
- Materials Characterization
- Nondestructive Testing
- Profilometry/Mechanical Properties
- Profilometry/Mechanical Properties
- National Laboratories & Consortia
When you partner with ASM,
you get much more than an exhibit booth.
We support our show - and your exhibit! - with a comprehensive marketing campaign that includes:
- In-depth coverage in Advanced Materials & Processes and Heat TreatingProgress magazines - before, during, and after the show
- FREE show passes for your customers and other qualified attendees
- An exciting new website at
- A heavy advertising schedule in our magazines and our websites
- An easy-to-use marketing kit for exhibitors that will help you maxmiize visibility for your participation in our shows
ECCE 4 |
4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering "Chemical Engineering, a Tool for Progress", ECCE 4
21st-25th September, 2003
Granada, Spain
Contact: ECCE 4 Secretariat (email:
September 22-25, 2003
Churchill College, Cambridge, UK
Conference Themes
Abrasion and erosion by solid particles, liquid impact or cavitation
Theory and modelling, including CFD
Experimental methods and standardisation of tests
Mechanisms of erosive wear and material damage
Case studies of practical examples
Applications of abrasion or erosion in processing and manufacturing
Abrasion and erosion of metals, plastics, ceramics, cermets, composites and biomaterials
Wear-corrosion interactions and synergies
Abrasion, erosion or erosion-corrosion resistant coatings and surface modification, including erosion of thermal barrier coatings
Damage to optical materials and sensor windows
Wear in nano- and micro-scale systems (NEMS and MEMS)
Sensing and monitoring
Related topics in tribology
23 - 25 September 2003
Poland, Warsaw, „Europejski” Hotel
Deadline: for papers should be elaborated according to the enclosed typing instruction by 31.03.2003
Honorary Patronage
Ministry of Economy
International Scientific Committe |
prof. A. Nakonieczny (Poland) - the Chairman
prof. T. Bell (England}
prof. L. Berkowski (Poland)
prof. T. Burakowski (Poland)
prof. L. Druga (Rumania)
prof. D. Fan (China)
prof. J. Flis (Poland)
prof. M. Gantois (France)
prof. S. Gerasimov (Russia)
prof. J. Grosch (Germany)
prof. Z. Haś (Poland)
prof. M. Hetmańczyk (Poland)
prof. L. Jeziorski (Poland)
prof. J. Kaczmarek (Poland)
prof. T. Karpiński (Poland)
prof. G. Kodżaspirov ((Russia)
prof. Z. Kolozsvary (Rumania)
prof. M. Korwin (Canada)
prof. P. Kula (Poland)
prof. J. Kusiński (Poland)
prof. C. Leroux (France)
prof. A. Maciejny (Poland)
prof. P. Mayr (Germany)
prof. E. Mittemeijer (Germany)
prof. K. Oczoś (Poland)
prof. V. Pokhmurskii (Ukraine)
prof. W. Precht (Poland)
prof. W. Przetakiewicz (Poland)
prof. Z. Rogalski (Poland)
prof. E. Roliński (USA)
prof. J. Senatorski (Poland)
prof. O. Sirotkin (Russia)
prof. D. Slovetsky (Russia)
prof. B. Smouan (Croatia)
prof. T. Sobusiak (Poland)
prof. H. Spies (Germany)
prof. J. Tacikowski (Poland)
prof. W. Tilipalov (Russia)
prof. G. Totten (USA)
prof. S. Watanabe (Japan)
prof. J. Tymowski (Canada)
prof. T. Wierzchoń (Poland)
prof. S. Wojciechowski (Poland)
prof. R. Wooo (England)
prof. M. Wysiecki (Poland)
The Sponsor
The State Committee for Scientific Research
The Chairman of the Seminar
prof. A. Nakonieczny
Poland, Warsaw, „Europejski” Hotel
23 - 25 September 2003
Presentation and exchange of latest scientific achievements with indication on possibilities oftheir application in the industrial practice
Modeling and simulation of processes and layers, thermodynamics and kinetics of processes
Nitriding technologies
Gas, ion fluid bed, bath nitriding
Cyaniding, oxy-nitriding, sulfo-nitriding, nitrocarburizing
Runs, requirements and control of products
Nitriding of various materials
Steels, cast irons, Ti and Al alloys, etc.
Industrial equipment
Gas, iron, fluid bed, bath and auxiliary equipment
Industrial processes
Nitriding of machine parts and tools and preliminary processes
Ecology of processes
Control and monitoring of processes
Control of nitrogen and other elements potentials
Analyzers, detectors and probes
Control and monitoring of processes with utiiization of computer techniques
Complex, combined, joint and duplex technologies
Nitriding and PVD, PACVD techniques, nitriding-hardening, nitriding-implantation, electrolytic coatings-nitriding, etc.
Formation and properties of layers
Structure, concentration of elements, phase composition, thickness, tribological, strength and anticorrosion properties
Nitriding steels and their properties
Trends - the present state and perspectives of:
Processes and equipment
Modeling and control
Industrial implementation
only in English language
papers should be elaborated according to the enclosed typing instruction by 31.03.2003
participants may pick up their packets at the Seminar Registration Desk
Plenary sessions
Fair/Exhibition of technology, materials, equipment, and control and measurement apparatus
Arival of participants of Seminar
Meeting of the International Scientific Committee (05.00 p.m., „Europejski” Hotel)
09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Registration of participants and distribution of the Seminar materials
11.00 a.m. Opening of the Seminar
11.15 a.m. - 12.00 a.m. Lectures
12.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Coffee Break
12.30 p.m. - 02.30 p.m. Lectures
02.30 p.m. - 05.00 p.m. Visiting the Fair/Exhibition
07.00 p.m. D i n n e r
09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Lectures
11.00a.rn. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee Break
11.30 a.m. - 01.30 p.m. Lectures
01.30 p.m. - 03.30 p.m. Visiting the Fair/Exhibition
05.00 p.m. - 08.00 p.m. Warsaw signtseeing
09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Lectures
11.00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee Break
11.30 a.m. - 01.30 p.m. Lectures and closing ceremony
will be sent to the participants of Seminar by 15.06.2003
on participanfs account (for information about hotel accommodation, please see attached list of the hotels in Warsaw and its location)
should be sent at the address of the Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej by 31.03.2003
registration fee 550 EURO (one persons)
registration fee had been transferred on account of Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej:
Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy S.A. III O/Warszawa,
no 10601057-320000413311,
with indication „Seminar” up to 31.07.2003. The registration fee is accepted only as bank transfer
exhibitors of the Fair/Exhibition should sent preliminary application form by 31.12.2002
Sincerely yours
Professor Dr. Aleksander Nakonieczny
Director of the Institute of Precision Mechanics
Chairman of the Seminar
For further information, please contact:
Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
Duchnicka 5, 01-796 Warszawa, Poland
tel. (48-22) 663 43 35. fax (48-22) 663 43 17
e-mail: |
 | |
September 24-26, 2003
San Sebastián, Spain
The areas listed below are expected to be the major themes for the Symposium. Papers covering these areas are specifically encouraged, though all abstracts submitted will be given due consideration.
Mechanisms Design, Analysis and Hardware
- Descriptions of novel and challenging designs
- New methods for design, analysis and verification of mechanisms.
- Design Guidelines, high reliability.
- Design/manufacturing/verification for high-volume production.
- Design for disturbance attenuation, low shock, low noise performance.
Components/Equipment, Micro/Nano devices
- Motors, actuators, transmission devices, bearings.
- Hold-down/release, deployment, pointing, scanning, high-precision devices.
- Wheels, mechanical coolers, pumps, valves, solar array drive mechanisms, etc.
- Sensors, miniaturisation of space mechanisms, MEMS, micro/nano developments.
Tribology and Materials
- Lubricants and lubrication for bearings, gears, joints, electrical contacts.
- Application of smart materials in mechanisms.
- Extreme temperatures, environments, and operating conditions.
- New tribo-materials and/or surface modification, micro/nano tribology.
Launch Vehicles
- Separation systems, engine/propulsion regulation, gimballing devices.
- Turbopumps, cryogenic tribology.
In-Orbit Performance and Post-Flown Investigations
- Experience with flight hardware, including reports on in-flight mechanism performance and anomalies, lessons learned.
- Post-flown investigation of mechanisms and tribological components.
Science Observatories, Earth Remote Sensing, and Planetary Exploration Mechanisms
- Mechanisms for manipulations, robots, rovers.
- Sampling systems and in-situ analysis devices.
- Mechanical devices for science and remote sensing instruments.
Space Platforms, Tethers, Re-entry Vehicle Mechanisms
- Mechanisms for re-entry vehicles and the International Space Station.
- Long-term mechanism operation and maintenance in space.
Oral or poster presentations may be accompanied by the demonstration of novel mechanisms and products.
The National Conference on Tribology, with international participation, ROTRIB'03
24th-26th September, 2003
Galati, Romania
Contact: Professor Ion Crudu (email:
ROTRIB'03 - National Conference on Tribology, with international participation, 24-26 September, Galati, ROMANIA
A new Virtual Presentation format is now available for those who cannot attend in person the Conference but wish to participate by submitting their work for inclusion in the ROTRIB'03 Conference Proceedings. The Registration fee (50EUR) includes the Conference Proceedings (Review and CD-ROM with ISBN number) and mailing costs. The paper submitted without the presenter attending the conference in person will be refereed and published as part of the Conference Proceedings. Presenters will submit written versions of their presentations for publication in print and electronic format.
You can obtain further information from the web site'03/. If you have any further queoes you can direct them to
We hope you will be able to participate to ROTRIB '03 either in person or through a Virtual Presentation. We are looking forward to meet you and your colleagues in September 2003, in Galati, Romania.
With best wishes,
Professor Ion Crudu, University "Dunarea de Jos" of Galati, Romania
Chairman of the Organizing Committee'03/
October 5-10, 2003
Berlin, Germany
Deadline for abstract: December 1, 2002
- Adhesion
- Depth profiling
- Materials for batteries
- Polymers
- Tribology
- Biomaterials
- Environmental studies
- Metals
- Magnetic materials
- Catalytic materials
- Glass and ceramics
- Micro- and optoelectronics
- Solid-liquid interface
- Composite materials
- Heritage conservation
- Nanoindentation
- Corrosion
- Imaging
- Oxidation
- Oxide surfaces
- Thin films & coatings (inorganic)
- Thin films & coatings (organic)
Terminarz konferencji:
do 30.05.2003 nadsyłanie zgłoszeń uczestnictwa
do 15.06.2003 uczestnicy otrzymają Komunikat nr 2
(informacje o dokładnym miejscu konferencji, wskazówki redakcyjne dla autorów referatów)
do 01.09.2003 nadsyłanie referatów
do 20.09.2003 uczestnicy otrzymają Komunikat nr 3(szczegółowy program konferencji)
7-10.10.2003 konferencja
Komunikat nr l
Kraków - Krynica
7 - 10 październik 2003r.
Przewodniczący Komitetu Organizacyjnego:
prof.dr hab.inż. Jerzy Pacyna
Sekretariat Komitetu Organizacyjnego:
mgr inż. Grzegorz Zając
mgr inż. Piotr Bała
mgr inż. Edyta Skrzypczak
, mgr inż. Grzegorz Zając
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
Wydział Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej
Zakład Metaloznawstwa i Metalurgii Proszków
al. Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Kraków
tel.: (0-12)617-26-19
fax: (0-12)617-31-90
Wydział Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej
Akademii Gómiczo-Hutniczej
zaprasza do udziału w konferencji pod nazwą:
która odbędzie się w dniach 7-10 X 2003
w Krynicy
Do udziału w konferencji szczególnie zapraszamy młodych doktorów, asystentów i przede wszystkim doktorantów z kierunków: „Inżynieria Materiałowa”, „Metalurgia”, „Inżynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa” i „Fizyka Techniczna”reprezentujących specjalności: „Metaloznawstwo i obróbka cieplna”, „Inżynieria stali i stopów specjalnych”, „Inżynieria powierzchni”, „Materiały spiekane”, „Polimery”, „Ceramika i szkło”, „Kompozyty”, „Materiały dla elektrotechniki i elektroniki”, „Biomateriały”, „Przetwórstwo stopów i materiałów specjalnych”, „Badania materiałów” oraz „Fizyka nowych materiałów”. Konferencja, organizowana w formie szkoły, stwarza warunki do wymiany myśli naukowej, dyskusji, nawiązywania współpracy oraz integracji młodych pracowników nauki w/w specjalności z całej Polski.
Młodym pracownikom nauki konferencja ta daje szansę prezentacji pierwszych wyników własnych badań oraz stwarza możliwość ich wnikliwej oceny przez kolegów oraz zaproszonych profesorów - wybitnych przedstawicieli z zakresu Inżynierii Materiałowej.
Wysoki poziom merytoryczny prezentowanych prac oraz atrakcyjny program, przy stosunkowo niskiej cenie (spotkanie trwa przez 4 dni) sprawiają, że konferencja cieszy się z roku na rok coraz większym uznaniem wśród młodych pracowników nauki.
Tegoroczna konferencja odbędzie się w dniach 7-10 października 2003r. w Krynicy a koszt uczestnictwa
wyniesie 780 PLN.
Zapewniamy publikację dobrze udokumentowanych, recenzowanych prac w materiałach konferencyjnych.
Prosimy o przekazanie informacji o konferencji innym, zainteresowanym osobom.
Szczegółowe informacje dotyczące przygotowania referatów zostaną podane w Komunikacie nr 2.
XXXI Szkoła Inżynierii Materiałowej Kraków - Krynica 7 - 10 X 2003 |
Stopień naukowy:........................................................
Tytuł referatu: ............................................................
Współautorzy referatu:.................................................
Strona 2
Inne informacje :
Uwagi do organizatorów:
The 7th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery - AICFM7
7th-10th October, 2003
Fukuoka, Japan
Contact: Masato FURUKAWA (email:
The 7th International Conference on Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials
7th-10th October, 2003
Lake Placid, New York, USA
Contact: Petra Novak (email:
8th International Tribology Conference ITC'03
8th-10th October, 2003
Belgrade, Serbia
Contact: ITC'03 Secretariat (email:
Schäden an geschmierten Maschinenelementen
Termin: 09.10.2003 - 10.10.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Dr.-Ing. Franz Joachim,Dipl.-Ing. Hubert Köttritsch,Dr.-Ing. Klaus Michaelis,Dr.-Ing. Johannes Neukirchner,Dr. Johannes Stoiber,Dipl.-Ing. Maik Wilhelm
Inhalt: Der Text wird noch aktualisiert
Gleitlager – Wälzlager – Zahnräder
Schadensstatistik * Rolle des Schmierstoffs bei Schäden an Maschinenelementen * Zahnradschäden, Wälzlagerschäden, Gleitlagerschäden – Analyse und Verhütung
Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 680628
Prospekt anzeigen
October 15-18, 2003
Badajoz, Spain
Deadline for abstract: March 24, 2003
Surface and Interface Science
Physical and Biophysical chemistry
Nano-sciences and Technologies
Imaging Techniques
Engineering Physics
Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Physics, Health Physics
Environmental Physics
Computational Physics
Applied Solid State and Materials Science
Non-linear Physics
Instrumentation, Metrology, Certification...
Industrial Physics
Applied Optics
Industrial Physics
Physics and Information Sciences and technologies, Quantum Information Sciences
Nuclear Sciences, Radioactivity, Radiochemistry...
Semiconductors devices and Photonics
Applied Aero-Space Physics/Engineering
22-25th October 2003
Bośnia and Herzegovina
deadline for the papers submission is July 01, 2003.
Organized in order to mark 45th anniversary of the
Faculty of Eechanical Engineering Sarajevo,
University of Sarajevo
Under the auspices Danube Rectors' Conference &
rectors' honor committee OF DAAAM international
Organized by:
DAAAM International Vienna
Vienna University of Technology
OIAV 1848 Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects
DAAAM International was founded on November 5th, 1990 at the Vienna Symposium, in order to mark the 175th anniversary of the Vienna University of Technology. The purpose of DAAAM International is to provide a world forum for engineers, scientists and industrial managers to present and discuss the current status and impact of advanced manufacturing and automation. During the last ten years the activities of DAAAM International are supported from the scientists and experts from more than fifty countries all over the world. During the last three years the DAAAM International focused activities on the regional and global long-term cooperation between (technical) universities. The results of this initiative is the founding of the University Network of DAAAM International Vienna and the start of two long-tenn cooperation projects. The founding document of the Network is the University Charter of Dubrovnik, signed on October 23rd 1997 in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
The main aims of DAAAM are: • To organize the annual DAAAM International Symposium. • To found and organize the University Network of DAAAM International Vienna as a strategie alliance and permanent international open platform for long-term co-operation and partnership in fields of technology, research and education. • To organize long - term projects initially known as Interuniversitary Doctoral Studies • To organize a pilot project initially known as Virtual University. • Exchange of people, scientific and teehnieal information. • International cooperation among scientists and engineers. • R & D, education and industrial application. • To cooperate with other national and international organizations in matter of common interest. • International scientifie and academic cooperation in the frames of DAAAM International Network for Advanced Technologies.
International DAAAM Symposiums:
- "Automation and Metrology" - Vienna 1990, Austria
- "Flexible Automation" - Strbske Pleso 1991, Slovakia
- "Flexible and Intelligent Automation"- Budapest 1992, Hungary
- "Automation and Metrology: Man, Technology, Environment"- Brno 1993, Czech Republic
- "Automation and Metrology: Challenge and Chance "- Maribor 1994, Slovenia
- "Intelligent Manufacturing Systems" - Kraków 1995, Poland
- "Product & Manufacturing: Flexibility, Integration, Intelligence"- Vienna 1996, Vienna (250 published papers)
- "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation",- Dubrovnik 1997, Croatia
- "Intelligent Manufacturing, Automation & Networking" - Cluj - Napoca 1998, Romania
- "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Past- Present - Future" - Vienna 1999, Austria
- "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Man- Machine - Nature", Opatija 2000, Croatia
- "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Precision Engineering", Jena 2001, Germany
- "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Learning from Nature", Vienna 2002, Austria
The main objective of the Symposium is to provide a world forum which annually takes part in Middle Europe to exchange knowledge, experience, results and infonnation related to various aspeets of the advanced manufacturing and modem automation. The scope of the Symposium covers seientific, technological and practical concepts concerning research, development and realization of advanced manufacturing automation and networking concepts, offering a unique opportunity for experts to meet and
exchange ideas.
The Symposium includes all topics from the fields of advanced manufacturing, automation and networking. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Actoric & Sensoric • Adaptive Control • Advanced Modelling Techniques • Agile Manufacturing • Agility • AGV • AI Techniques • Applications - all areas • Architectures • Artificial Intelligence •ASRS • Assembly and Disassembly • Automatic ID • Automotive Industry • Automotive Supply Industry • Autonomous Systems • Business Process Reengineering • Business Strategies • CAD/CAM/CAE Systems • Case Studies • CAx-Technologies • CIM • Collaborative Engineering • Computational Intelligence • Concurrent Engineering • Control • Control Strategies & Algorithms • Decision Making • Design • Design Automation • Diagnosis and Performance Monitoring • Ecodesign • Emergent Synthesis • Evolution Strategy • Expert Systems • FIexible Automation • FIexible Manufacturing Systems • Fuzzy and Neuro-fuzzy Control • Fuzzy Control & Systems • Genetic Algorithms • Hardware & Software • Holonic Systems • Human Computer Interaction / Human Machine Interface • Human Factors • Hybrid Manufacturing Systems • IMS • Industrial Automation • Industrial Robots • Intelligent Systems • Internet Solutions • Knowledge-Based Systems • Large Scale Systems • Lay - Out Design • Learning/Reasoning Systems • Logistics • Machine Learning • Machine Tools • Machining • Maintenance • Man-Machine Systems • Management • Manufacturing • Manufacturing Process Control • Manufacturing Process Planning • Materials • Measuring • Mechatronics • Microrobotics • Mobile Robots • Modelling • Modern Methods • Modern Production: Theory & Praxis • Monitoring • Motion Planning • Multirobot Systems • Networking • Neural Networks • New Manufacturing Paradigms • Non-Conventional Machining • Optimal Design • Optimization • Perception and Recognition • Precision
Engineering • Process Control • Process Planning • Product Modelling • Production Engineering • Production Planning and Scheduling • Production Systems: Design, Control, Exploitation • Programming • Quality Management • Rapid Prototyping • Reasoning • Reliability • Reliability/Safety/Stability • Robot Applications - all areas • Robot Control • Robot Dynamics • Robot Kinematics • Robot Mechanisms • Robot Safety • Robotic Systems • Robotics • Robust Control • Safety • Scheduling • Self - Organizing Systems • Sensing and Sensor Data Fusion • Sensor Data Fusion • Sensors • Service Robots • Simulation • Smart Systems & Cards • System Simulation •Systems Analysis • Systems Engineering • Systems Integration • Systems Methodology • Teleoperation • Tools • TQM • Trends in Manufacturing & Automation • Virtual Manufacturing • Virtual Reality • Vision Systems • Welding, joining & cutting •
The Organizing Committee invites authors as well as participants. The symposium language is English. Authors are kindly asked to complete the Application form and send it to the DAAAM International Vienna as soon as possible. One person can be the first author of one and the coauthor of another paper. The deadline for the papers submission is July 01, 2003. The papers have to be prepared exactly according to the Instructions for Authors. Papers will be subject to review by an international paper reviewing committee. The authors will be notified by July 20, 2003 about the results of reviewing. Authors must submit a diskette/CD with the final manuscript and 2 hard copies of camera-ready paper. The deadline for the submission of the final paper and the conferenee fee is September l, 2003.
Corresponding adresses
President of DAAAM International
Professor Dr. DDr.h.e. Branko KATALINIC
TU Wien, Karisplatz 13, A-1040 Wien, Austria, Europe
Fax: 0043-1-58801-31199 9 0043-1-58801-31121
More information: URL (Uwaga: do przeglądania wymaga obniżenia ochrony prywatności)
I M S ` 2003 |
IMS 2003 Intelligence Maintenance System
October 25-27, China
Xi`an, China
The Conference solicits papers (but not limited) in the folIowing areas:
* Application ofinformation science in maintenance science
* Artificial intelligence approaches in maintenance techniques
* Monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance based-on network
* New-type transducers and sensing technology
* Signal processing and diagnostic feature extraction
* Integration and fusion of information
* Assessment on equipment performance decline
* Forecast of equipment running condition and predict maintenance
* Monitorable and maintainable design
* Maintenance management, organization and decision making
* Tribology in maintenance
* Education and training
Hosting Organization
Xi'an Jiaotong University
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Assisting Organizations
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tsinghua University
The next STLE/ASME International joint Conference
October 26th-29th, 2003
Sawgrass Marriott Resort and Beach Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.
The next STLE/ASME International joint Conference will be held October 26th-29th, 2003 at the Sawgrass Marriott Resort and Beach Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.
You are invited to submit an abstract of your papers for this important meeting to
For further information contact STLE
Gleitreibung und Gleitverschleiß bei Kunststoffen
Termin: 27.10.2003 - 28.10.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Feinle
Referenten: Dipl.-Ing. P. Bongardt, Dr. rer. nat. Gerd Dornhöfer, Dipl.-Ing. Fritz Dürr, Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Feinle, Dr.-Ing. O. Krüger, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. E. Santner, Werner Stehr, Prof. Dr. Günter Stein
- Hotline:
- Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung
- Teilnahmegebühr: 690 EUR
- Lehrgangsnummer: 680599
- Anmelden
Prospekt anzeigen - weitere Info anfordern
BULTRIB'03 Tribology, Industry, education
30 and 31 October 2003
108, Rakovski St. - Sofia, Bulgaria
15.09.2003 Participation form and abstract
30 & 31.10.2003 Registration and fees
15.11.2003 Submission of paper fuli text
23.12.2003 Proceedings publication
president by Prof DSc N. Manolov
in the collaboration with
the 12th SESSION CONTACT 2003
including National conference "SOFIA'03"
on the problems of interdisciplinarity
National conference
Main topie:
Tribology, Industry, education
30 and 31 October 2003
108, Rakovski St. - Sofia, Bulgaria
Conference fees
Members of Balkan Tribological Association or students:
Company presentation: |
€100 |
One copy of the conference proceedings is included in the conference fee.
Contact interaction
Tribomechanics and tribotechnics
Tribomaterials & surface coatings
Tribochemistry, lubrication, lubricants
Tribometry & triboinformatics
Tribology, industry, ecology
Tribotechnologies and. university educakion
Instructions for authors
All papers prepared in Bulgarian, English or Russian should be submitted in a word processing file (on a 3.5" disk or e-mail). All figures, photographs and illustrations (black and white) should be placed in the text. The title and the authors' name with the name of organisation should be followed by a summary not longer then 10 lines in English, and the main body of the paper.
15.09.2003 Participation form and abstract
30 & 31.10.2003 Registration and fees
15.11.2003 Submission of paper fuli text
23.12.2003 Proceedings publication
For contacts:
Tribology Centre
Technical Uniersity - Sofia 1156
IMara Kandeva, Tel.:(+359 2) 965 2643
Emilia Assenova, Tel.: (+359 2) 517622
Name, Family name:...............................................................
Company ................................................. Position: .............
Address:................................................... .....................
Tel. : ...................... Fax: .................... e-mail: .................
Title and authors of paper:
Topic: ..........................................................................
Hotel reservation: Yes [ ] No [ ] Accommodation dates:............
Please submit this form not later than 15.09.2003 to: Tribology Centre, Technical
University - Sofia 1156 or: e-mails: &
Dear colleague,
The Interdisciplinary Civil Academy INCA assisted by the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists organize the 12th Session CONTACT 2003 including the Conference with international participation "BULTRIB 2003" on 30. and 31.10.2003 in Sofia - The House ofTechnique, Rakovsky Str. 108.
Please find attached the invitation for the Conference "BULTRIB 2003" as PageMaker and PDF-files and the Registration form as MSWord-file. Your presence will be deep honor and great benefit for all Bulgarian tribologists. Be welcome to Sofia.
With best regards
Emilia Assenova, Acoss.Prof. PhD, President
Society of the Bulgarian Tribologists
Alternative Kraftstoffe - Biokraftstoffe und Wasserkraftstoff
Termin: 03.11.2003 - 05.11.2003 (3 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung
Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 680638
Prospekt anzeigen
Tribologie und Schmierung bei der Massivumformung
Termin: 06.11.2003 - 07.11.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Dipl.-Ing. Jens Baur,Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Wilfried Wagener,Dipl.-Ing. Lutz Barnert,Vertribsleiter, Prokurist Karl-Rolf Eversberg,Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Kretz,Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Nittel,Dr. Helmut Seidel,Dr. F. R. Venema,Dr.rer.nat. Ralph H. Ullmann,Dipl.-
Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung
Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 680629
Prospekt anzeigen
Termin: 13.11.2003 - 14.11.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Dr. Lutz Frassek,Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Freiherr von Kress,Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Kreuser,Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Kriegesmann,Dipl.-Ing. Anja Dwars,Dr.-Ing. Frank Meschke,Dr.-Ing. Manuel Schöpke,Dr.-Ing. Detlef Steinmann,Dr. Gert Wah
Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung
Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 680630
Prospekt anzeigen
Wirtschaftliches Zerspanen durch optimale Kühlschmierstoffe
Termin: 24.11.2003 - 25.11.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Gernot Bischoff-Steinke,Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Hessel,Dr. Dietrich Hörner,Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Joksch,Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Liebsch,Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Lung,Dipl.-Ing. E. Merschbrock,Dr. Hans Jürgen Schlindwein,Dipl.-Ing. André Walter
Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung
Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 680631
Prospekt anzeigen

25-27-th of November 2003
30 May 2003 - presentation of Applications (Registration Forms)
l May 2003(?) - presentation of Applications for participation in the exhibitions.
31 July 2003 - presentation of full text of paper and payment of the organizing fee.
International Scientific-Technica l
Conference «RELIABILITY - 2003»,
devoted to 90-th of
Samara State Technical University
The Conference is conducted by:
Russian Academy of Science (RAS) - Samara Scientific Centre, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies of Russian Federation, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Samara State Technical University (SSTU), Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU), Volga Region Department of Russian Engineer Academy (REA), Samara Departments of Academies of Quality, Transport, Astronautics and Aeronautics, Commercial-Industrial Chamber of the Volga Region, Samara Industrial Enterprises and Joint-stock Companies; Kuibyshev Raił Way, "AV-TOVAZ", State Scientific Enterprise Rocket-Space Center "Central Specialized Constructor Bureau - Progress" (SSE RSC "CSCB-Progress"), Samara Scientific-Technical Complex of acad. N.D. Kuznetsov (SSTC of acad. N.D. Kuznetsov), "MOTOROSTROITEL", "SAMARAENERGO", "SAMARANEFTEGAZ", "SAMARATRANSGAZ", «SAMARA BEARING FACTURY».
Samara, 25-27-th of November 2003
Purposes of the Conference
- Generalizations of scientific develop results by the problem ofreliability and quality of machines.
- Improvement of scientific bonds and communication between science and industry of different countries and regions.
- Rise in the level of technical education by the problem ofreliability and quality.
Information Maintenance of the Conference
The State Publishing House of Russian Federation "Machine building" will conduct the information maintenance and issuing the collection of the conference works.
Working Languages of the Conference -
Russian and English (with translation).
Schedule Work of the Conference
1-st day - 25-th of November 2003.
The sitting hali of Samara Scientist House.
The first plenary meeting.
2-nd day - 26-th of November 2003.
Works of sections and exhibition
- Reliability in aviation and cosmonautics.
- Reliability in machine building.
- Reliability in energetic.
- Reliability on oil and gas extraction, transferring, and working.
- Reliability in railway transport.
- Reliability in automobile transport.
- Reliability of vessel mechanisms and energetic plants.
- Symposium "Reliability of Tribosystems".
3-rd day - 27-th of November 2003.
The sitting hali ofthe Samara Scientist House.
The second plenary meeting by the problem of technical education in Russia.
Program Committee
Kazakov V.A. - Vice-governer of the Samara Region;
Kalashnikoy V. V. - Rector of the SSTU.
Committee members:
Ajr Murli - Vice-president of the SAE, USA;
Ardalin B. V. - President of Commercial-Industry Chamber of the Samara Region;
Bartz W. J.- Professor of the Technical Academy, Germany;
Gritsenko E.A. - General constructor of the N.D. Kuznetsov SSTC;
Gromakovsky D.G. - Director of Scientific-Technical Centre "Reliability" of SSTU, professor - Chairman of Organizing
Dikop V. V.- Chief engineer of Samara Energetic Company;
Zaporozhets V. V. - Professor of the Kiev Aviation Institute;
Kogan E.Y. - Chief of the Department of Science and Education of Administration of Samara Region, Professor;
Korcek S. - Leader of Laboratory of the "FORD" Company, USA;
Kozlov D.I. - General constructor of the SSE RSC "CSCB-Progress", Corresponding Member of RAS;
Pinchuk L.S. -Academic ofthe Belarus Academy of Science, Belarus;
Plohov E.M. - Chief ofthe Kuibyshev Rail Way;
Prusov P.M. - Chief constructor ofthe join-stock company "AV-TOVAZ";
Pytko S. - Professor of the Mountain Academy, Poland;
Skibin V.A. - Director of the CIAM;
Soifer V.A. - Corresponding Member of RAS, Rector of SSAU;
Stepaneriko O.L. - Technical Director of the "Samaragaz";
Frolov K. V. - RAS Academic, Director of mstitute of Engineering Science ofRAS;
Humphreys H. - Manager of the firm "DELCAM-PIc", Great Britain;
Shammazov A.M. - Rector of Ufa Oil and Gas University, Professor,
Shitarev I.L. - General director of the joint stock company "Motorostroitel", President of Samara Union of Employers;
Shlenov Y. V. - Deputy Minister of Education of RF;
Shorin V.P. - RAS Academic, Chairman of the Presidium of Samara Scientific Centre.
Organizational Committee
Gromakovsky D.G. - Professor ofthe SSTU.
Scientific secretaries:
Denisenko A.F. - Professor ofthe SSTU;
Danilin A.I. - Professor ofthe SSAU.
Committee members:
Barvinok V.A. - Corresponding member ofthe RAS, Chainnan of Samara Department of the Russian Federation Academy of
Grigorov P.P. - Deputy Head of the Administration of Samara Region;
Gńgoryan L.G. - Professor of SSTU, Director ofthe Institute of Oil-Gas Technologies of SSTU;
Doronin V.I. - Manager of Department ofmdustry and Commerce of Administration of Samara Region;
Klimochkin Y.N. - Professor of SSTU, Pro-rector by Scientific Work of the SSTU;
Miheev Y. V. - General Director of the Volga Region Department of the Russian Engineer Academy;
Mohonko V. P. - Main engineer of Kuibyshev Rail Way;
Obihod A.P. - Main engineer of Joint-Stock Company "Samara-neftegaz";
Putko V.F. - Professor of SSTU, Chairman of Samara Regional Society Moyement of Undertakers";
Tarasov E.M. - Professor, Pro-rector of Samara Academy of Ways of Communication;
Tihonov Y.A. - Vice-president of Commercial-Industrial Chamber of the Samara Region;
Shaikin A.P. - Professor, Pro-rector of Tolyatti State University;
Shahmatov E. V. - Professor, Pro-rector of SSAU;
Shtrikov B.L. - Professor, Pro-rector of SSTU.
Main buildmg of SSTU, 244,
Molodogvardeiskaya st.,
Samara, Russia, 443100,
Telephone: (8462) 32-15-42,
Web site of the Conference:
Leader - Dmitry Grigoryevich Gromakovsky
The State Educational Institution
of Higher Professional Education
Samara State Technical University (SSTU)
Rector of the University -
Professor, Ph.D.,
Vladimir Vasilyevich Kalashnikov,
Vice-rector by Scientific Work -
Professor, Ph.D.,
Yuri Nikolaeyich Klimochkin.
Way to Main Building of SSTU
by the city transport
From airport and railway station by buses N° 2, 23, 44, 47, to bus stop «Pervomaiskaya» or N° 24, 41, 46 to buss stop «Polevaya», also by trams N° 5, 20, 22 to «Polevaya» and N° 23 to station «Pervomaiskaya».
Information about University
Samara State Technical University was founded in 1914. The range of State to the University was awarded in 1992. The University includes 16 faculties such as: Automatic and Information Technologies, Machine Building, Physics-Technological, Engineering-Economical, Electrotechnical, Heat-and-Power Engineering, Engineering-Technological, Chemical-Technological, Oil-Technological, Humanities, Postal Tuition, Initial Preparing and Improvement of Professional Skill and others.
There are 115 professors and doctors, 617 candidates and docents work in the University.
On the 70 chairs of the University preparing the specialists in 18 trends, 54 specials in practice for all branches of industry are performed.
There are more than 18000 students, including 270 foreigners are educated on the all faculties including the filial.
Synthesis of technical, humanities and economical spheres of knowledge permits to prepare of specialists of new type.
The most important principle of the Technical University - the unity of education, scientific researching and engineer working-outs. The SSTU is a biggest technical centre of the Middle Volga Region. There are 77 scientific departments, including 16 scientific and engineering centers, 2 Researching institutes in its structure. The post-graduate studentship works In University.
By problems of reliability of technological, energetic and transport machines more than 30 chairs and scientific departments of the University are engaged.
to participation in the International Scientific-
Technical Conference
Please, fill in and send us by E-mail: or,
or post on address: Main Building SSTU, 244,
Molodogvardeiskaya st., 443100, Samara, RUSSIA
Tel./fax ofOrganizing Committee: (8462) 321542.
Chairman of Organizing Committee:
Dmitry Grigoryevich Gromakovsky
Your would like
- To make plenary report.
- To make report on sections 1-8.
- To make stand report.
- To participate in the Conference without report.
- To participate in the exhibition.
- To place advertisement in the Collection of Works.
- To conduct of presentation of your firm.
Scientific rank
Scientific degree
Organization, firm
City, country
Telephone (with code of city)
Fax number
Title of paper
Necessity in accommodation:
City hotel | |
Preventive clinic of SSTU | |
Information about works by reliability of machines
in the Samara Industrial Region
Samara Rocket-Space Center «Central Specialized Constructor Bureau - Progress» (General Constructor D.I. Kozlov, leader of works by ensuring the reliability V. A. Kapitonov) has a uncial practice of system ensuring of reliability and safety of flying the space technique.
Joint-stock Company "AVTOVAZ" (leaders by technical development G.K. Saharov and P.M. Prusov) conducts of working out the unity system of quality management, and technical maintenance of model series ofautomobiles of the ciasses A, B, C.
Acad. N.D. Kuznetsov Specialized Scientific Technical Complex, «MOTOROSTROITEL», SCBM (Leaders: Y.A. Gritsenko, I.L.Shitarev, V.N. Ovchinnicov) work on creating the aviation engine of 6-th generation NK-93, power station with heightened reliability, gas transferring aggregates of new generation.
Kuibyshev Rail Way (Chief engineer V.P. Mohonko), Samara Academy of Communication Way (professors Y.M. Tarasov, Y.Y. Prosvirov, V.L. Grigoryev and others) in company with Volga Region Department of Russian Engineer Academy induce corporative program of quality management for increasing the technical level of exploitation, reliability and safety of transferring.
SSTU works out the methods of increasing the quality and reliability of technological, energetic machines and control systems (professors E.Y.Rappoport, D.G. Gromakovsky, A.F. Denisenko, B.L. Shtrikov, A.M. Abakumov, P.A. Kulakov and others), methods of diagnostics (professors Y.I. Steblev, N.V. Diligensky, M.Y.Livshits, B.K. Chostkovsky), new resource saving and repairing technologies (professors A.P. Amosov, A.I. Shchelokov, V.F. Putko, N.V. Nosov and others).
The SSAU (Corresponding member of RAS V.A. Soifer, professors Y.V, Shahmatov, L.M. Logvinov, Y.L. Tarasov, A.I. Belousov, V.A. Komarov and others) perform the works by ensuring the reliability of space apparatus, aviation engines, constructions of planes, control systems and communications.
Joint-stock companies «Samaraneftegaz», «Samaratransgaz», «Prevolzhskie nefteprovody», «Yugo Zapad Transnefteproduct» (Chioengineers A.P. Obihod, O.A. Stepanenko, A.G. Budnik, V.V. Ivanenkov) perform renovation and modifing of equipment for defence (pipe-lines, increasing the reliabililty on oil and gas extracting, transferring and keeping.
Joint-stock company «Volgotanker» works out the systems of application of altemative kind of fuels, control of working the tanker fleet, technology of vessels hulis renovation.
Works of collaborators of company "YUKOS", chemists of Tolyatti, Novokuibyshevsk, Chapaevsk, Syzran, and other towns of Samara region are devoted to ensuring the high level of reliability and safety.
Requirements to Papers
The annotation must contain the title of report, surnames of authors, text not exceeding l page on Russian or English languages. Type - Times New Roman, size - 11 pt, single space between lines.
Full text of paper in the Russian or English languages must be performed with using editor Word for Windows version 6.0 or higher. The text not exceeding 6 pages must be sent us before 1.09.2003 by E-mail or by post. Paper must be presented on diskette 3,5" and in the form of hard copy on white sheets of the format A4, printed on qualitative printer.
Text of a paper must be printed with the type Times New Roman, size - 12 pt. Pages without numeration.
Title of paper is printed in center with big letters without dividing into syllables, type - Times New Roman Bold. On the next line, beginning from left side, initials and surnames of the authors, the names of organization, city, state are written.
Text of paper is written with single space, tabulation - 5 mm and evening by width, with automatic dividing into syllables. In conclusion of paper, after one line from the text, the bibliographic list under the title "LITERATURE" is printed. References on literature sources in the text are given in square brackets.
Deadlines for Presentation of Materials
30 May 2003 - presentation of Applications (Registration Forms) for participation in the Conference and abstract of paper.
l May 2003(?) - presentation of Applications for participation in the exhibitions.
31 July 2003 - presentation of full text of paper and payment of the organizing fee.
Organizing Fee
200 USD
Standard settlement instructions
for wire bank transfer in USD:
INTERMEDIARY (for example *);
Bank - The Bank of New York
Account no. - 890-0057-610
Beneficiary's account: 40503840054110200033
Beneficiary: Samara State Technical University
Details of payment: Conference by Reliability
* You may use any intermediary for payment.
Ökologische und ökonomische Aspekte bei Schmierstoffen
Termin: 27.11.2003 - 28.11.2003 (2 Tag(e))
Ort: D-73760 Ostfildern
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Referenten: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz,Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Bock,Dr. Dietmar Breuer,Dr. rer. nat. Detlev Bruhnke,Dr. Thomas Fack,Dr. Rüdiger Freitag,Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Mäckle,Dipl.-Chem. Kristin Manuwald,Dipl.-Biol. Gudrun Maxam,Dr. Johann Mehlstäubl,Dr. Jürgen Pock
Inhalt: Text in Vorbereitung
Teilnahmegebühr: noch nicht festgelegt EUR
Lehrgangsnummer: 680632
Prospekt anzeigen