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Nasz adres:
Polskie Towarzystwo/Tribologiczne (PTT)
Ul. Żwirki i Wigury 31, 02-091 Warszawa
Serdecznie Wszystkich Naszych Członków pozdrawiam. Stanisław PYTKO-prezes

Konferencje w Polsce

ITC 2004 Third International Tribology Conference August, 28-31, 2004; Prof. Edward WALICKI, Department of Mechanics University of Zielona Góra, Poland

Seminarium: informacje: dr hab. Andrzej Posmyk

Oddział Śląski PTT Zakład Transportu i Tribotechniki Instytut Mechanizacji Górnictwa Politechniki Śląskiej z a p r a s z a j ą na XVIII ŚRODOWISKOWE SEMINARIUM TRIBOLOGÓW
7 kwietnia 2004 r. o godz. 12.00 w sali Rady Wydziału Górnictwa i Geologii Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice ul. Akademicka 2
1. "Wykorzystanie charakterystyk procesu zużywania węglików spiekanych dla łącznego wyznaczenia ich odporności na zużycie ścierne i pękanie krawędziowe" prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Ścieszka, Polit. Śląska Gliwice
2. "Identyfikacja tarcia i zużycia przy oscylacyjnym ruchu tocznym i ślizgowym" dr inż. Aleksander Kowal, dr inż. Jacek Spałek, Polit. Śląska Gliwice
3. "Analiza bilansu ciepła w układzie tribologicznym" mgr inż. Grzegorz Śmieszny, Polit. Śląska Katowice

Na topie

06.10.2004: Zebranie Zarządu 11.30, Centralne Laboratorium Naftowe, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 31
Uchwała Zarządu z 24 02 2004 o przyjęciu bilansu za 2003 r
18.11.2003 : Plenarne Zebranie Zarządu i Seminarium


50-lecie pracy naukowej prof. zw. dr. hab. inż. Czesława Kajdasa
Autoreferat kol. Liśkiewicza p.t. „Hard coatings durability under fretting wear”.

ITC News No. 181

1. Academic Honours for Tribology Laureate We are informed that the University of Leeds conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Engineering on Tribology Laureate, Professor Duncan Dowson CBE DSc FREng FRS. Professor Dowson also received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Bradford, the Vice-Chancellor (Rector) of which is Professor Christopher Taylor, FREng, formerly Head of the Institute of Tribology and Professor of Tribology at the University of Leeds. International Tribology congratulates Professor Dowson on these honours.
2. Award to Professor Rowe The prestigious Walter R Evans Award for 2004 has been conferred to Professor Brian Rowe for his outstanding work in the development of pressurised bearings.
3. Dr Irina Goryacheva Dr Goryacheva has been made a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She has also been elected President of the Russian National Committee of Tribology and at the end of last year was elected as President of the Scientific Tribology Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Technology. The Council was formed in 1961 with one of the main aims being to bring together all tribologists in Russia. The International Tribology Council congratulates Dr Goryacherva on these very well deserved recognitions of her work, abilities and standing.
4. Tribology Gold Medal Awards (1972 – 2003) At the request of a Corresponding Member, attached is a list of the recipients of the Tribology Gold Medal, the world’s highest award in tribology.
5. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association Issues 2, 3 and 4 of the Balkan Tribological Journal have been published. They cover a wide range of tribological subjects. All papers are in the English language. Further details are available from the Editor, Ass. Prof. Dr. Zh. Kalitchin, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, PO Box 249, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria (Email: maiscibulcom @ global.bg)
6. World Tribology Congress (12-15 September 2005 The following editorial of Dr Christopher DellaCorte (pictured) appeared in the May issue of Tribology Lubrication Technology Don’t miss out on WTC III By Dr. Christopher DellaCorte As TLT editor, I thoroughly enjoy the many benefits from writing this column each month. One major benefit is the opportunity to make observations about our industry that interest me and, I hope, you. Another benefit is what I like to call an “Editor’s Prerogative.” By this I mean it is my responsibility to use this column as a communications tool to inform readers about STLE activities and events. This column is a bully pulpit of sorts from which I can project what I feel are important messages. I try not to abuse the privilege too much or too often. However, I might be crossing the line, as I will use this column to shamelessly promote the upcoming World Tribology Congress III, Sept. 12-16, 2005, in Washington, D.C. WTC III marks the first time this international conference will be held in the United States. The first two meetings were held in London and Vienna, Austria, in 1997 and 2001, respectively. This conference, co-sponsored by STLE and ASME in conjunction with the International Tribology Council, brings together some of the top tribology scientists, researchers and engineers from around the world. Along with being held in beautiful Washington, D.C., this conference has all the makings of an excellent meeting. I should know. I have the honour of serving as One of the eight technical program Chairs for the WTC. It is our job as the program chairs to solicit technical content (papers, symposia, panels, etc) and help assemble the program. Each chair has a specific technical concentration. For example, I am responsible for aerospace, and my colleagues are covering a wide range of tribology topics such as power generation, surface engineering, nanotribology, lubricants and many more. This conference is sure to be outstanding, and I urge you to consider participating. If you would like to submit an aerospace paper abstract, contact me. Otherwise, please visit our conference website: wtco5, where you can find further information regarding the Call for Papers and contact information. By the way, don’t expect me to send you a Call for Papers postcard in the mail. I figure in today’s ever changing world my Rolodex addresses are so out of date that anything I mail won’t get through. Consider this column to be your personal official invitation to join us at the World Tribology Congress III. Remember, Sept. 12-16, 2005, in Washington, D.C. I’ll see you there! Chris DellaCorte is a research engineer with NASA Glen Research Center in Cleveland. You can reach him at cdellacorte @ stle.org
7. Texan Researchers develop materials friction software Research has shown that the characterisation of the friction of viscoelastic materials, such as fibre, textiles, etc., is complex and requires an in-depth knowledge to predict their performance. (Generally, smaller friction forces are associated with smoother fabrics which are often softer and considered higher quality materials.) Seshadri Ramkumar, Ph.D., Research Associate at the Institute of Environmental and Human Health at Texas Tech University, and his associates have developed software to calculate the friction factor for textiles and Texas Tech University is making the user-friendly product available to the materials industry. Further details can be obtained from: Seshadri S Ramkumar, Research Associate, The Institute for Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University (806) 885-0228 or s.ramkumar @ ttu.edu/p>


ITC News No. 181

8. Japanese Society of Tribologists Have New President Professor Masato Tanaka has stepped down as President of the Japanese Society of Tribologists (JAST). Professor Kaneta of Kyushu Institute of Technology has now taken over the role and will also serve as Vice-President of the International Tribology Council on behalf of JAST.
9. Prof Tonder Honoured With ASME Division Plaque The 11th Nordic Symposium on Tribology, Nordtrib 2004, took place in Norway between the 1st and the 4th June 2004. Organisation of the event was led by Professor Krisian Tonder. During the conference dinner Prof Tonder was awarded the ASME Tribology Division plaque for his outstanding co-operation with ASME
10. South African Honour for Tribology Laureate For his outstanding contribution to science and tribology, Tribology Laureate Prof.Dr. Wilfried Bartz from TAE, Germany had conferred upon him the Louw Alberts Prize, the highest award of the South African Institute of Tribology
11. First UK Professor of Tribotechnology The first British Professorial Chair in Tribotechnology has been awarded to Ian Sherrington, Director of the “Jost Institute for Tribotechnology” at the University of Central Lancashire. Prof. Sherrington has been instrumental in developing the policy and plans for the Institute which involve activities based around emerging demands in the industrial sector. These activities involve: teaching and training, research and commercial developments which contribute to the tribological knowledge base as well as specific projects with industry to explicitly network the users and providers of tribotechnology, notably in the areas of condition monitoring, fluid management and coatings technology. Much of Prof. Sherrington’s research work has been focussed in the area of tribometry. He has previously been awarded the Thomas Stephen Tribology Group prize and the Tribology Bronze Medal by the Tribology Council. He is presently a member of the I.Mech.E Tribology Group Committee, Chairman of the Group Awards “Task Force” and sits on the Editorial Panel for the Journal “Engineering Tribology” published by Professional Engineering Publications

ITC Conference

Comadem 2004 International The 17th International Congress & Exhibition on Condition Monitoring And Diagnostic Engineering Management 23rd to 25th August 2004
IUTAM Symposium (Cardiff, UK) 1st - 3th Sept 2004
31st Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology (Leeds, UK) 7th-10th Sept 2004; Anne Neville and/or Martin Priest
4th AIMETA Int. Tribology Conference (Rome, Italy) 14th-17th Sept 2004; Prof. Nicola Pio Belfiore
12th Annual Cambridge Tribology Course (Cambridge, UK) 15th-17th Sept 2004
Tribology Special Symposium (Gottingen, Germany) 27th-29th Sept 2004; e-mail: Gesellschaft fur Tribologie e.V.
ASME/STLE Int. Joint Tribology Conference (Caliromia, USA) 24th-27th Oct 2004
BULTRIB 2004 (Bulgaria)28th - 29th Oct 2004
EUROCORR 2004 (Paris, France) TBA
CIST 2004 (China)8th - 11th Nov 2004
15th International Wear of Materials (USA)24th - 28th Apr 2005
ITC 2005 (Kobe, Japan) 29th May - 2nd Jun 2005; Contact: Mr M Tagawa
WTCIII (Washington D.C. USA) ASME; STLE; 12th - 16th Sept 2005;
WTCIV 2009