ITC News No. 183

1. 40 Year Anniversary A message from the ITC President ….
2. Over sixty countries for the World Tribology Congress … .
3. Travel to the World Tribology Congress in Washington … .
4. The 2004 Gold Medal Award Ceremony A Royal Occasion … .
5. New details for Slovak Society of Tribology … .
6. New National representatives in China … .
7. New tribology magazine in Russia … .
8. Japan ITC 2005 success … .
9. Web Site Information … .
10. Meetings/Conferences
-19th - 21st October 2005/ Lubricants 2005 (Croatia)
- 17th -18th November 2005 Balttrib 2005 (Lithuania)
- 17th - 19th January 2006 15th International colloquium tribology (Germany)
- 14th - 16th June 2006 Lubrication Management and Technology (Lubmat ’06) (UK)
- 4th - 6th September 2006 Tribology in Environmental Design 2006 (UK)
- 14th - 16th Sept 2006 7th International Symposium INSYCONT (Cracow, Poland)