Czasopismo: Tribologia v. XXXVII nr. 5/2006
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strony 67÷130 (pdf)

Zdrowych, spokojnych i wesołych
Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz
szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 2007,
bogatego tylko w przyjemne doznania
członkowie Zarządu PTT |

News from Silesia: dr hab. Andrzej Posmyk

Oddział Śląski PTT Wybory 2006.03.31
nowy Zarząd:
prof. dr hab inż. Stanisław Ścieszka, Pol. Śl. Gliwice - Prezes
prof. dr hab. inz. Franciszek Bińczyk, Pol. Śl. Katowice - Vice prezes
dr hab. Andrzej Posmyk, Pol. Śl. Katowice - sekretarz naukowy
dr hab. Władysław Skoneczny, Uniw. Śląski - członek
prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Tubielewicz, Pol. Częstochowska - członek
dr inż. Jerzy Kilarski, Polit Śląska Gliwice - członek
prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Adamiec, Pol. Śl. Katowice - członek
dr inż. Jacek Spałek, Pol. Śl. Gliwice, Polit. Śląska - członek
Komisja rewizyjna w składzie:
dr Grzegorz Służałek, Uniwersytet Śląski - Przewodniczący
dr inż. Mirosław Witaszek, Polit. Śląska Katowice - członek
dr inż. Andrzej Zaborowski, Polit. Częstochowska -członek
Jest nas 24 członków. Przyjeliśmy nowych:
mgr inż. Bąkowski Henryk
dr inż. Czarnecki Henryk
dr inż. Zaborowski Andrzej

Komentarz Prezesa

Kolejny rok w funkcjonowaniu Polskiego Towarzystwa Tribologicznego otwieramy zmianą jego władz. Odbyte w zwyczajnym trybie Walne Zebranie obowiązki kierowania Towarzystwem powierzyło kolejnej grupie kolegów, a dotychczasowemu Prezesowi, Panu Profesorowi Stanisławowi Pytko, nadało godność Prezesa Honorowego.
Jesteśmy głęboko wdzięczni Profesorowi Pytko za długoletnie prowadzenie Towarzystwa. Rozległa wiedza, niespożyte siły i życzliwość, to cechy, które dominowały w Jego działaniu od momentu założenia PTT, mając wielce pozytywny wpływ na aktywność środowiska i, przede wszystkim, na klimat, atmosferę koleżeństwa.
Naczelnym naszym zadaniem u progu nowej kadencji jest potwierdzenie swoją działalnością sensu istnienia Towarzystwa.
Należy sobie szczerze powiedzieć, w związku z zauważalnym spadkiem aktywności członków PTT w ramach Towarzystwa, iż dla wielu z nas nie jest to kwestia oczywista. Można to zrozumieć: przyszło nam bowiem funkcjonować, w wymagającej dużego trudu i konieczności dokonywania wyborów, dobie:
- lawinowego rozmnożenia się organizacji naukowych,
- rozpaczliwego poszukiwania skutecznych struktur rozwoju innowacyjności w gospodarce z wykorzystaniem potencjału badawczego, który przecież tworzymy,
- wpisywania się w europejską (międzynarodową) przestrzeń badawczą, któremu towarzyszy rosnąca potrzeba konkurowania z zagranicznymi rywalami nawet we własnym kraju,
- będących ustawicznie in statu nascendi systemów oceny naszej działalności indywidualnej i instytucjonalnej, od której zależą, ciągle żenująco liche, środki na naukę.
A to tylko niektóre z aspektów naszej codzienności zawodowej, wśród których ma mieć miejsce ów sens działania integracyjnego.
Należę do osób, którzy sens ten widzą tym bardziej. Dlaczego?
W ubiegłym roku odbył się w USA Światowy Kongres Tribologiczny. Brało w nim udział ok. 1000 uczestników. Polscy tribolodzy stanowili na nim zauważalną grupę.
Również w ubiegłym roku odbył się 10. Krajowy Kongres Eksploatacji Urządzeń Technicznych, na którym zdecydowanie najliczniejszą grupę stanowili tribolodzy.
Co dwa lata odbywają się bardzo silnie i licznie obsadzone - w Niemczech kolokwia tribologiczne (Esslingen), a w USA - konferencje WEAR of MATERIALS. Co cztery lata organizowane są kongresy kontynentalne: ASIATRIB, AUSTRIB. Liczba innych konferencji, seminariów, workshopów międzynarodowych i krajowych jest ogromna. Można nawet powiedzieć o istnieniu zjawiska nadaktywności konferencyjnej w tym obszarze wiedzy, co grozi ich inflacją. Ale jest też potwierdzeniem tętnienia życia naukowego w tribologii.
Źródłem siły tribologii jest jej znaczenie gospodarcze: maszyny i urządzenia tracą swoją zdatność eksploatacyjną głównie na skutek tarcia. Wyjaśnianie procesów tarcia stanowi pole działania dla naukowców wielu dziedzin. To stanowi o jej atrakcyjnej interdyscyplinarności. Uzyskana przez tribologów wiedza o procesach tarcia stanowi olbrzymią inspirację dla technologów, konstruktorów, diagnostyków etc. A także, coraz większą, dla specjalistów świata medycznego.
Tribologia jest więc obszarem gospodarczo potrzebnym i naukowo, dzięki swej wyjątkowo bogatej interdyscyplinarności, interesującym. Szeregi tribologów, lub specjalistów innych dziedzin, zajmujących się również problemami tribologicznymi, będą rosły. W ich interesie jest wspólne działanie, umożliwiające funkcjonowanie forum prezentacji osiągnięć, wymiany informacji i doświadczeń, gromadzenia dorobku.
Polska to duży kraj; pomimo niskich nakładów na naukę, ma wiele zespołów badawczych zajmujących się problemami tarcia, zużywania i smarowania. Zespoły te są przyzwoicie wyposażone w aparaturę tribologiczną. Nasze środowisko tribologiczne ma swoje czasopismo naukowe, coroczną krajową Szkołę Tribologiczną, międzynarodowe seminarium INSYCONT i inne międzynarodowe konferencje, seminaria: tribochemiczne, nanotribologiczne, biotribologiczne ...
Granty i inne projekty, doktoraty, habilitacje, profesury - to liczne odniesione sukcesy, których bazą był dorobek naukowy uzyskany w tribologii. Będą dalsze. Będziemy się organizować, wspierać, lobbować. Mamy co robić.
Marian Szczerek

Seminarium: informacje: dr hab. Andrzej Posmyk


Na topie

Wszystkich członków PTT uprzejmie prosimy o podanie aktualnych danych do korespondencji, w tym adresu e-mail. Jest to niezbędne w celu przekazania każdemu kodu dostępu i loginu, umożliwiających udostępnienie na naszej stronie internetowej czasopisma TRIBOLOGIA (zapis w pdf). Dane te prosimy wysłać na adres: bazaptt@wp.pl
Zebranie Zarządu 27 październik 2006 godz. 1300 u Kolegi Zygmunta Rymuzy ul. św. A. Boboli 8, Warszawa
Uchwała Walnego Zebrania Członków z 10 01 2006 o przyjęciu bilansu za 2005 i skwitowaniu Zarządu za okres 2002÷2006r
Uchwała Zarządu z 15 03 2005 o przyznaniu nagrody za najlepszą pracę z zakresu tribologii w Polsce w 2004 roku …
Uchwała Zarządu z 25 01 2005 o przyjęciu bilansu za 2004 r


ITC Information August 2006 (No.185)

1. 40 Year Anniversary A message from the ITC President ITC Member Societies will wish to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Tribology. It was on 9th March 1966 that the UK Government Report, now known as the "Jost Report" was published and the word "TRIBOLOGY" - the interdisciplinary Science and Technology of Interacting Surfaces in Relative Motion - was, for the first time, enunciated. National Tribology Societies are invited to submit information about commemoration events to the ITC for circulation to members. Short reports of events, for inclusion in this newsletter, will also be welcome.
2. Next World Tribology Congress to be held in Japan The next World Tribology Congress (WTC IV) will be held in Japan in 2009 over the period 6th to 11th September. The Congress, hosted by the Japanese Society of Tribologists (JAST), will be held in Kyoto International Conference Hall. Further information will be issued regularly by the Organizing Committee. For immediate advance information please contact: Professor Toshiaki Wakabayashi Secretary General, WTC IV Faculty of Engineering Kagawa University Takamatsu 761-0396 Japan Email: twaka@eng.kagawa-u.ac.jp
3. Report on "TRIBOLOGY 2006 - Surface engineering and tribology for future engines and drivelines" On the 12th and 13th July 2006 the Institution of Mechanical Engineers hosted Tribology 2006 at its Headquarters in London. This was an IMechE Tribology Group conference that was held to recognise the 50th anniversary of the first meeting of the Lubrication Group, later to become the Tribology Group. The focus for the conference was the automotive industry and the meeting addressed Surface Engineering and Tribology for Future Engines and Drivelines. The conference had sessions dealing with Friction and Wear, Coatings and Surface Treatments, Engine Components, Lubricants and Measurement Methods. There were four Keynote addresses that were all excellent in setting the scene for the following presentations. Professor Staffan Jacobson from Uppsala University, Sweden opened the first session with a thought-provoking presentation entitled “On the Possibilities of Designing Static Contact Interfaces with a Strong Grip”. The session on Engine Components was led by Dr Jean-Louis Ligier of Renault, France who very comprehensively described the sometimes conflicting challenges for the vehicle manufacturer in simultaneously meeting the needs of the legislators and the wishes of the consumer. The overall conclusion of the presentation was that the application of surface engineering and tribology would be critical in helping to resolve these demands. The session on Lubricants was opened by Dr Ian Taylor of Shell Global Solutions, UK who provided an excellent overview entitled “Future Challenges for Engine Lubricants”. One of the key themes that came through was the challenge to lubricant formulators in meeting increasingly demanding performance requirements whilst also having to accept restrictions on the chemistry of the necessary additives. The final Keynote was given by Professor Richard Folkson, former Chief Engineer of the Ford Motor Company, UK. He discussed the need for manufacturers to reduce product development time and the role that computer aided engineering can play. The potential value of CAE in assessment of vehicle safety systems is potentially very valuable both for the consumer as well as the manufacturer. The conference was well attended with over 80 delegates. There were significant contributions from speakers and delegates from India and Japan as well as Europe. There was a good mix of delegates from both academia and industry that led to some lively discussions, especially during the coffee and tea breaks. The organising committee will be reviewing the conference and considering whether to hold a similar event in 2008. …
4. Consultant Dan McCoy takes the reins as 2006-2007 STLE President Daniel D. McCoy, a veteran of the lubricants industry, has been elected 2006-2007 president of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE). McCoy assumed his new position at STLE’s 2006 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, May 7-11 in Calgary. Now a consultant, McCoy is currently working with Lubrizol’s K2M group, the additive giant’s training division in Wickliffe, Ohio. He is assisting in the development and administration of K2M’s new online education program designed to cover the subjects mentioned in STLE’s Certified Lubrication Specialist (CLS) exam. Prior to the K2M assignment, McCoy for 12 years worked for Lubrizol in segment management as a product manager in the Industrial Products Group. His primary areas of responsibility were in hydraulics, grease and industrial gear oil. From 1975 until 1993, McCoy worked with LTV Steel, formerly Republic Steel, as a lubrication engineer and maintenance manager. He was primarily responsible for lubricant selection, application and lubrication programs that were developed and administered for use throughout the facilities. McCoy has been active in STLE, both locally and nationally, for the last 30 years. He is a past chair of STLE’s Cleveland Section and past chair of STLE’s Lubrication Specialist Certification Committee, where he was one of the original architects of the society’s popular CLS certification program. In addition, he is a member of the advisory board for the STLE-sponsored Tribology Data Handbook. McCoy also is a former director on STLE’s board and has worked his way through all the chairs on the Executive Committee, including vice president, treasurer and secretary. McCoy belongs to the Association of Iron and Steel Technology where he has been an active member of the Lubrication and Hydraulic Division subcommittee for more than 30 years. The subcommittee is responsible for updating the Lubrication Engineer’s Manual, as well as developing documents covering proper lubrication methods used throughout the steel industry. McCoy also has been a member of the National Lubricating Grease Institute and the American Gear Manufacturers Association. He holds a bachelor’s of science degree in mechanical engineering technology from Lake Superior State University.
5. New President for JAST We have been notified that Prof. Kaneta has retired as President of the Japanese Society of Tribologists (JAST). The new President (and Vice-President of ITC) is: Professor Koji Kato Laboratory of Tribology School of Mechanical Engineering Tohoku University Mechanical Engineering Building 2 The Third Floor 308.310.312 room Aramaki Aza Aoba 6-6-01 Sendai 980-8579 Japan Tel: +81 22 795 6954/6957 Fax: +81 22 795 6955 Email: koji@tribo.tohoku.ac.jp
6. Report on "NORDTRIB 2006" The 12th Nordic Symposium on Tribology was held in Ellsinore, Denmark 7-9. June 2006. A total of 117 participants from 22 countries took part in the symposium, which comprised 85 oral presentations with 25% of the participants being from companies. The Nordtrib conferences aim to create an informal atmosphere in nice surroundings in order to facilitate and encourage discussions and exchange of ideas. Traditionally a number of Ph.D. students present their work at these symposia. At the 2006 event many fundamental and application aspects of friction, wear and lubrication were touched upon and the presentations showed the wide range of tribological problems which is studied ranging from theoretical adhesion results applied to lizards to seizure in wheel-rail contacts. From theoretical modelling of friction between polymers and artificial ski slope matting to advanced numerical modelling of piston ring lubrication. From deposition of CVD diamond pyramids for high friction surfaces to friction studies of human skin. The importance of tribological contacts working optimal and without failure was illustrated in the principal speech by Dr. Thomas Knudsen, Senior Vice President R&D of MAN B&W Diesel A/S at the conference dinner. The company’s main product is large two-stroke marine engines weighing up to 2,300 tons. If a cylinder liner has to be changed due to increased wear, it will cost about 7,000 € in manpower and a primary tool is a crane to take out the 3,800 kg liner. A catastrophic bearing failure on a marine engine could result in the need to exchange a crankshaft weighing 220 tons. The ship will have to be cut up and the exchange takes more than 3 months. The total cost (incl. off-hire) of this operation can be 30 mill USD. If an engine failure results in total loss of main engine power, the vessel will loose its manoeuvrability, which in a storm can result in total loss of e.g. a container vessel (100 mill €), its cargo (600-1,000 mill €) and possibly human life. The NORDTRIB series of bi-annual symposia started in Tampere, Finland in 1984, and has since alternated between the 4 Nordic countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. This 3rd conference in Denmark was organized by Jorgen Jakobsen and Peder Klit, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Ion Sivebak, Novo Nordisk A/S and Svend S. Eskildsen, MAN B&W Diesel A/S. The NORDTRIB 2008 symposium will be organized by Arto Lehtovaara, Tampere University of Technology. Report: Svend S. Eskildsen MAN B&W Diesel A/S
7. Extension to proposal submission date for 26th meeting of IRG OECD The closing date for the submission of titles for presentation at the 26th IRG-OECD meeting on the wear of engineering materials has been extended to 12th September 2006. The meeting will take place in Ecully, Lyon over the 5th and 6th October 2006. The topics for this meeting are: tribotesting and tribometers, tribodata applications, lubricated systems, failure criteria and wear prediction. Presentations are invited which are will be focused on new results or new aspects of research in the fields. Papers are not required from presenters.
8. Tribology Gold Medal Presentation Ceremony On 24 March, British Ambassador Tony Brenton honoured the Russian scientist Professor Dmitri Nikolaevich Garkunov. The Ambassador presented The Tribology Gold Medal for 2005 to Professor Garkunov, at a ceremony at the British Embassy in Moscow in front of an audience of Russian colleagues and friends. The Tribology Gold Medal is the world's highest honour in tribology. Only one Gold Medal is awarded in any one year. It has now been awarded 34 times. Professor Garkunov became Russia's fifth recipient of this honour. Professor Garkunov has been rewarded for his outstanding contribution to the science of tribology. This includes his new and original work in this field, which has found wide application in the aviation and chemical industries, in light and heavy engineering, and in agriculture. He has also made a significant educational contribution, including publishing the first textbook on Tribology in the then Soviet Union. Presenting the award Tony Brenton paid tribute to Professor Garkunov's many achievements and said: "I am delighted to present award to Professor Garkunov, who is a worthy recipient of Tribology's Highest Honour: The Tribology Gold Medal." In reply, Professor Garkunov expressed his gratitude to the UK Tribology Trust of Institute of Mechanical Engineers, thanked Tony Brenton for hosting the ceremony and presented him with one of his recently published books.
9. Report on the 15th International Colloquium Tribology (Ostfildern, Germany.) The 15th International Colloquium Tribology took place on January 17th to 19th 2006 in Ostfildern, Germany. The theme this year was Automotive and Industrial Lubrication. This Colloquium, organised by Professor Wilfried Bartz, takes place every two years and it is always one of the highlights in the Tribology calendar. This year proved no exception; it was an excellent conference with over 750 participants from 39 countries, 10 plenary lectures and 223 technical lectures. One of the most impressive features of this Colloquium is the very strong level of industrial participation with European lubricants, automotive and transmission industries being especially strongly represented. This was also reflected in an exhibition at the Colloquium, with more than 25 exhibitors. This year for the first time the papers presented were issued on CD rather than in paper form. An order form for copies of this CD can be obtained from the Technical Academy Esslingen. (Fax. +49 (0) 711 3 40 08 30.) Report: Prof H. Spikes Imperial College, UK.
10. Professor Lou Rozeanu (1912 - 2006) It is with great regret we report the death of one of Tribology's most brilliant exponents and Gold Medallist, Professor Lou Rozeanu who died in January aged 94. Professor Rozeanu was born in Romania in 1912 and graduated in Physical chemistry from Bucharest University, followed by two years' post-graduate research work at the Harold Moore Petroleum Technology Laborataory, Whiteleafe, Surrey. He received his MSc at the Institute of Petroleum Research in 1936 and became the First Adviser to the Romanian Oil Ministry. In 1960 Professor Rozeanu emigrated to Israel to join the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. Tribology was then a new subject which he introduced to graduate students. To assist his students, he published a tribology education handbook. He was given the title of "Lecturer of Distinction" by the Department of Materials Engineering at the Technion, where his work continued until his retirement in 1998. During this period he was responsible for teaching over 2,000 post-graduate students. In 1968 he was appointed Head of the Danziger Laboratory for students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and in 1970 he received two professorships, one from the Ben Gurion University, BeerSheva and the other from the Technion, Haifa. Many of his students had been serving in the Air Force/Navy of the Israeli Defence Force prior to their academic studies and were looking forward for the "know-how" knowledge involved in failure analysis of systems under sliding or rolling conditions. Professor Rozeanu, an extremely practical man, used failed parts salvaged from the military "grave yard". He disassembled these failed systems and used their components for demonstration and assignments as part of his tribology course. This enabled the students to become acquainted with failures and common tribological mistakes made in industry. By this work Professor Rozeanu showed how tribological failures could be avoided. Professor Rozeanu researched and tested thermal failure phenomena of friction systems and developed theories relating to surface fatigue. He also researched the behaviour of thin coating layers as thermal barriers. His work led to the concept of two temperature gradients, which solved many problems of friction behaviour in high speed sliding. To the outside world he is perhaps best known for his research of projectile-gun barrel systems for the Israel Military Industries, operating at speeds of up to 1,000m/second, which led to a new design of gun barrels. For this research he received the Asher Peled Award of the Israeli Ministry of Defence. …
11. News items invited The Editor of the ITC newsletter encourages member societies to contribute short articles for this Newsletter. Articles should be written using WORD and be one to three paragraphs long. They may be accompanied by a single picture if appropriate. News items should have an international interest. We are also happy to advertise meetings and conferences which have international appeal. Please send your advertisement in the format presently in use in the "Meetings and Conferences" section of this website. Send your contributions to: itcsecretariat@aol.com
12. Activity packed LUBMAT ‘06 acknowledges ITC President’s contribution to tribology The European conference on Lubrication Management and Technology (LUBMAT) was staged in the UK in June 2006 by a partnership involving the Jost Institute for Tribotechnology and Fundación Tekniker (Spain). A programme of around 50 papers was organised covering aspects of lubrication in four major areas: lubrication management, lubricants and additives, lubricant testing and lubrication technology. The opening address of the meeting was delivered by ITC President Prof H. peter Jost and the after dinner speech at the formal conference dinner was presented by the President of the Independent Union of the European Lubricant Industry (UEIL), Hugh Dowding. Several high profile industrial and academic figures attended to deliver keynote speeches for each topic: Dr Ramon Gallifa, commercial manager of Fuchs Lubricantes SA. (Spain), Richard Atkinson of Kluber Lubrication (GB), Bob Cutler of Alcontrol Robertson Oil Testing (UK), Prof Jose Vizintin (University of Ljubljana, Solvenia) and Prof. Martin Priest (University of Leeds, UK). Delegates at the meeting had the opportunity to browse an exhibition of industrial products during coffee/tea/lunch breaks and were also invited to make an industrial visit to the UK National Tribology Centre or the European Space Tribology Laboratory. A networking event was also arranged for delegates at the National Football Museum in Preston, where live coverage of England's world cup match with Trinidad and Tobago was available. At the conference dinner, Prof. H. Peter Jost received a commemorative certificate and a bottle of champagne in recognition of his enormous contribution to tribology which spans not just his contribution to the birth of the subject 40 years ago, but also his efforts in promoting its virtues for the past 40 years. In response Prof Jost gave a impromptu speech including a short explanation of how the name "tribology" was identified. The next LUBMAT will take place in June 2008 in San Sebastian in Spain.…
13. ESMATS 2007 comes to the UK for first time The European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium is a bi-annual event which attracts around 200 space scientists, mechanism designers and engineers, and space project programme managers from all around the world. The 2005 event was attended by delegates from Japan, USA, China, India, Brazil, Australia, Canada and most of the countries of Europe. 2007 will be the first time in the 22-year history of ESMATS that the 3-day symposium will be held in the UK, where it is being hosted in the city of Liverpool. The conference will be accompanied by a two day space tribology training course. Further information is available from www.esmats2007.co.uk and from the Meetings and conferences section of this ITC website.
14. Prof E. Roberts wins Donald Julius Groen Prize Prof. E. Roberts of the European Space Tribology Laboratory (ESTL) has been awarded the Donald Julius Groen Prize by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE). His Prize Lecture, on space tribology, will be delivered at IMechE HQ in London in the evening of the 6th December 2006 following the “Mission of Tribology” a day of presentations by young tribologists. …
15. Web Site Information As you may have seen in editions of the ITC newsletter we are seeking to facilitate improved communication, by upgrading the ITC web site to include e-mail contact details for all member societies listed there. We thank those member societies which responded to our notice regarding submission of electronic contact details in the last issue of the ITC Newsletter. However, we still do not have replies from everyone. We are, therefore, asking member societies to review their details on: http://www.itctribology.org/mem.html and to send e-mail contact addresses and any corrections to existing details, to: itcsecretariat@aol.com We are also asking that Vice Presidents and Corresponding Members provide us with corrections, as well as e-mail contact details to facilitate communication between themselves and the ITC Secretariat. (Email details will not be published on the web page.) Current details can be found at: Vice presidents: http://www.itctribology.org/vice.html Corresponding members: http://www.itctribology.org/correspond.html Corrections and contact details should be sent to: itcsecretariat@aol.com

Konferencje w Polsce

ZAPROSZENIE W dniach od 11.09. do 14.09.2007 r. w Łagowie k. Świebodzina, pod patronatem Polskiego Towarzystwa Tribologicznego oraz Sekcji Podstaw Eksploatacji Maszyn KBM PAN, odbędzie się wspólne spotkanie naukowe:
Jesienna Szkoła Tribologiczna pn. "Problemy tribologiczne w projektowaniu, wytwarzaniu i eksploatacji maszyn" orazVII konferencja pn. "Problemy niekonwencjonalnych układów łożyskowych", na które zapraszają organizatorzy spotkania:Instytut Maszyn Roboczych i Pojazdów Samochodowych Politechniki Poznańskiej (prof. Wiesław Zwierzycki: 061 6652236; 0607 082 885)Katedra Konstrukcji Precyzyjnych - Wydział Mechaniczny Politechniki Łódzkiej (prof. Jan Burcan: 042 6312249; 0601 940 214) Bliższe szczegóły podane zostaną w komunikacie nr 1, który będzie rozesłany, oraz zamieszczony na stronie internetowej PTT, w styczniu 2007 r.


ITC Conference

16. Meetings/Conferences 7th – 11th May 2006 61st Annual Meeting (STLE) (Alberta, Canada)
27th- 28th December 2006 7th International Conference of the Egyptian Society of Tribology (Cairo)
14th - 16th March 2007 Micro and nano Technology (Vienna, Austria)
17th - 18th September 2007 Space tribology training course (Liverpool, UK).
19th - 21st September 2007 ESMATS 2007 (Liverpool, UK)
6th - 11th September 2009 4th World Tribology Congress (Kyoto, Japan)



Szanowni Koledzy
Każda Organizacja w tym i PTT, aby mogła funkcjonować musi mieć zebrane składki od swoich członków. W naszej działalności zaniedbujemy trochę ten problem i z tego tytułu mamy na końcu roku trudności w wypłaceniu niektórych należności.
Zwracam się zatem do Koleżanek i Kolegów i wpłacanie na nasze konto :
Nr 92 1060 0076 0000 4010 4020 2504
Bank Przemysłowo- Handlowy PBK S.A.
ul. Nowogrodzka 50,
00-693 Warszawa,
składek za ten rok i lata poprzednie (jeżeli składki nie były zapłacone).
Składka roczna wynosi 30 zł; Druk przekazu pocztowego 336 011 b.
Nasz adres:
Polskie Towarzystwo Tribologiczne (PTT)
ul. Jagiellońska 55, 03-301 Warszawa
Serdecznie Wszystkich Naszych Członków pozdrawiam. Stanisław PYTKO Honorowy Prezes PTT