Polskie Towarzystwo Tribologiczne zainicjowało organizowanie jednodniowych, bezpłatnych Warsztatów Tribologicznych. Warsztaty organizowane będą w wybranych ośrodkach naukowych, specjalizujących się w poszczególnych obszarach tribologii.
Istnieje możliwość skorzystania z obiadu w bufecie w budynku Wydziału Mechanicznego.
Mapy: Ogólna i lokalna
Zebranie Zarządu PTT, Solina Jawor, 17.09.2008
Nagroda PTT i sprawy bieżące
Uchwałą Zarządu PTT nagrodę PTT za najlepszą monografię z obszaru tribologii, wydaną w roku 2007 otrzymał Kolega prof. zw. dr. hab. Krzysztof Wierzcholski z Akademii Morskiej w Gdańsku. Tytuł nagrodzonej monografii:
„Bio and slide bearings: their lubrication by non-newtonian fluids and application in non conventonal systems.
Volume III: Tribology processes for cells, human joints and micro-bearings”
Sprawy bieżące - ustalenia:
1.Zmiany w Oddziale Śląskim PTT – kol. Posmyk zdał relację z przyczyn zmian w Oddziale Śląskim – na skutek poważnej choroby prof. Stanisław Ścieszka podał się do dymisji. Na stanowisko przewodniczącego Oddziału Śląskiego wybrany został Kolega Andrzej Posmyk. Dokładna informacja o przebiegu zmian ma być dosłana Zarządowi PTT.
2.Organizacji następnej Szkoły Tribologicznej chciały się podjąć trzy ośrodki: Politechnika Radomska, Politechnika Zielona Góra i Uniwersytet w Bydgoszczy. W głosowaniu wybrano jednogłośnie Politechnikę Radomską.
3. Ustalono, że zostanie złożony wniosek do MNiSzW o dofinansowanie: w 2009 r. Szkoły Tribologicznej, Biuletynu PTT i nowej edycji poradnika Tribologia i Tribotechnika.
4.Współpraca PTT - STLE – negocjacje w toku. W niedługim czasie powinny być finalizowane. Niezbędna jest końcowa analiza spodziewanych korzyści, liczby zainteresowanych, a także osób chętnych do wspomożenia Zarządu w bezpośredniej obsłudze współpracy.
5. Wyróżnienie PTT za najlepsze doktoraty z obszaru tribologii – poinformowanie ośrodków naukowych o możliwości zgłaszania kandydatów do nagrody. Nagroda honorowa byłaby przyznawana zespołowi: doktorant – promotor.
6. PTT będzie rekomendować stażystów. Opiekę sprawuje Zarząd PTT - zgłoszenia proszę przesyłać na adres Sekretarza PTT.
7. Prof. Pytko będzie reprezentował PTT na jubileuszowej sesji Instytutu Maszinowiedienija w Moskwie.
Zebranie Zarządu PTT, Łagów, 12.09.2007
Nagroda PTT i sprawy bieżące
Uchwałą Zarządu PTT nagrodę PTT za najlepszą monografię z obszaru tribologii, wydaną w roku 2006 otrzymał Kolega dr. hab. inż. Kazimierz Furmanik z Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie. Tytuł nagrodzonej monografii:
„Drgania wzbudzane tarciem suchym. Teoria, eksperyment, symulacja.”
Sprawy bieżące - ustalenia:
1. Szkołę Tribologiczną organizuje w roku 2008 Politechnika Rzeszowska.
2. Warsztaty Tribologiczne: w tym roku prowadzić będzie 6 ww ośrodków. Prosimy o rozważanie organizacji warsztatów w roku 2009.
3. Kolejna konferencja organizowana we współpracy naszego Towarzystwa z Towarzystwem Diagnostyki i Towarzystwem Eksploatacji odbędzie się tradycyjnie na Słowacji (Liptovsky Milulasz) tuż po Wielkanocy.
4. PTT będzie honorować dyplomem najlepsze prace magisterskie i doktorskie z zakresu tribologii - opiekę nad tymi sprawami bezpośrednio sprawują prof. A. Neyman i prof. J. Senatorski.
5. Informacje dotyczące jubileuszy, wyróżnień i nagród dotyczące naszych Kolegów - tribologów gromadzi i opracowuje do publikacji prof. Jan Burcan.
6. PTT będzie rekomendować stażystów. Opiekę sprawuje Zarząd PTT - zgłoszenia proszę przesyłać na adres Sekretarza PTT.
Dane adresowe zawarto na stronie PTT contacts
Uchwała Walnego Zebrania Członków z 10 01 2006 o przyjęciu bilansu za 2005 i skwitowaniu Zarządu za okres 2002÷2006r
Uchwała Zarządu z 15 03 2005 o przyznaniu nagrody za najlepszą pracę z zakresu tribologii w Polsce w 2004 roku …
Uchwała Zarządu z 25 01 2005 o przyjęciu bilansu za 2004 r

January 30, 2008
Dr. Czeslaw Kajdas
Institute for Fuels & Renewable Energy
55 Jagiellonska Street
Warsaw, Masovia PL-03-301
Dear Dr. Kajdas:
It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been nominated by the Fellows Committee and approved by the Board of Directors to be elevated to the grade of Fellow by the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers.
Being nominated by your peers in the Society is a special honor and reflects the respect which you have gained from these individuals. I congratulate you on this worthy accomplishment.
I look forward to presenting this award to you in person at the President’s Luncheon on Tuesday, May 20th, during the STLE Annual Meeting in Cleveland. Information regarding the photo session will be sent to you shortly. You will be seated with other recipients at a reserved table, and will be recognized during the awards ceremony portion of the luncheon program.
Edward P. Becker

ITC Information
January 2007 (No.187)

1. Focus on Tribology in Finland
This issue of the ITC Information Sheet contains a number of features highlighting the tribology activities in Finland. It is my hope that this will be the start of a process in which the newsletter can host a regular feature covering work taking place a specific countries around the world in detail.
These special feature articles have been kindly compiled by Arto Lehtovaara of the University of Tampere and Kenneth Holmberg of the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and I would like to record my thanks for their generous assistance.
2. A History of Tribology in Finland
In Finland, documentation of the oldest of tribological activity describes the glacial periods, when the whole Scandinavia was covered by an up to 3000 m thick layer of ice in slow motion. During these periods, third-body abrasion by grit under the ice pressure and erosion by melt water falling from the top of the ice layer formed the topography of the Nordic countries into their present shape. ….
3. A Profile of the Finnish Tribology Society
The Finnish Tribology Society was founded 1978 and was heavily influenced by the enthusiastic and amusing lectures on tribology held in Finland by Professor John Halling and his team from Salford University in UK. The mission of the Society is to support research, technical development and education in tribology in Finland, to improve the awareness and development of tribological know-how in Finnish industry and to maintain and strenghten the international co-operation with foreign tribology societies. The Society has been active as host of large international meetings. The largest being the 5th International Congress on Tribology – EUROTRIB ‘89 in Helsinki, attended by about 500 delegates from 35 different countries. It was the largest and most international tribology meeting of that time. ….
4. NORDTRIB – The Nordic Sympoium on Tribology
The NORDTRIB symposium is held biennially in one of the Nordic countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. It was first hosted by Tampere University of Technology, Prof. Kauko Aho in Tampere, Finland in 1984. Over the years the Symposium has evolved into a highly regarded venue for the international tribology community. NORDTRIB is intended as a forum where researchers and developers from universities, research institutes and industry can present their latest contributions and also discuss field-related issues. Nowadays the Symposium gathers 120 – 150 participants from 20-30 different countries. Those considered to be the best papers presented at the Symposium has been selected for publication in special issues of Wear and Tribology International journals.
NORDTRIB 2008 - 13th Nordic Symposium on Tribology - will be held in Tampere, Finland at 10-13 June 2008. Now, after 24 years, the symposium will return to its roots. The Symposium venue is situated in idyllic wooded surroundings near the shore of Lake Pyhäjärvi in Pyynikki Park, just a 15-minute walk from the city centre. The Symposium is organized by Tampere University of Technology with the support of the Finnish Society for Tribology. Submission of abstracts is at latest; 30 November 2007. The main information source for the Symposium is: http://www.tut.fi/nordtrib2008, where the details of the "call for papers" can be found..
5. Prominent Finnish Tribologists
The most prominent contemporary Finnish tribologist is undoubtedly Professor Kenneth Holmberg, one of the Vice-Presidents of the International Tribology Council. He started his career in tribology in 1978 with Lic. and Dr Thesis work on EHL and surface texturing effects in boundary lubrication. He joined the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in 1980 and set up a new tribology laboratory for industrial applications. He has combined in his research machinery reliability aspects and tribology of components. His main research contribution is related to explaining the tribological mechanisms of surfaces covered with thin vacuum deposited coatings. He published a book n this subject in 1994 "Coatings tribology" and has since contributed several book chapters, given a number of invited lectures at international conferences and published many scientific papers. His recent research is focused on optimising coated surfaces by modelling and stress simulation, considering fracture mechanics and scale effects. He has also been coordinator of several large European joint research programmes in the field of tribology, reliability and maintenance engineering. He has been responsible for arranging and initiating a number of scientific conferences, e.g. EUROTRIB ‘89, the NODRTRIB conferences, COMADEM, and edited several books and proceedings. In his free time he enjoys skiing cross country, long-distance running and canoeing.
Many other scientists and engineers are active in Finland. It is impossible to give a comprehensive list of them in a newsletter such as this. However, some of the more well known ones are represented I the tables below. ….
6. Details of Major Finnish Organisations and Current Major Projects
A wide range of academic and industrial organisations participate in the research, development and application of tribological principles in the manufacture and operation of products and systems within Finland. The list below gives details of some of the major participants in these activities. ….
7. New President for IRG OECD Wear of advanced materials group
A change in the presidency of the OECD International Research Group (IRG) on Wear of Engineering Materials has taken place. After having chaired the group since 1992, Prof Kenneth Holmberg (Finland) decided to resign. Prof. Ian Hutchings from Cambridge University (UK) was elected new President of the group and has been in post since the 1st January 2007. The Scientific Secretary of the IRG OECD wear group continues to be Prof Amilcar Ramalho from University of Coimbra, Portugal. ….
8. Academician Prof. Dr. Sc Nguyen Anh Tuan (12.09.1935 - 17.12.2006)
It is with great regret we report the death of Academician Prof. Nguyen Anh Tuan. He was born in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam and studied mechanical engineering at the Tianjin University, China after which he became Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the newly formed Hanoi University of Technology.
In 1963 he went to the USSR for his doctorate at the Moscow State Technological University. The results of his research work were so outstanding that he was asked to continue and became the first Vietnamese Doctor of Engineering Science in 1974. ….
9. Tribology Congress 2009 (WTC IV) - Preparation in progress
The fourth World Tribology Congress will be held in Kyoto from 6th to 11th September, 2009. The Japanese Society of Tribologists has started preparatory works for organizing the congress. Professor Yoshitsugu Kimura chairs the Organizing Committee, and Mr. Masatami Takimoto, Executive Vice President of Toyota Motor Corporation, chairs the Executive Advisory Committee for supporting the organization. The Science Council of Japan, a Government organization, also recognizes the importance of this event and is expected to be a co-organizer of WTC IV.
The venue for WTC IV is Kyoto International Conference Hall, the hall well known for a number of important international meetings including the Climate Summit in 1997. As science and technology are required to contribute towards achieving sustainable developments in the planet Earth, it has a great meaning to bring together many of tribology researchers and engineers from around the world at this venue.
Kyoto, the old capital of Japan for 1200 years, is the cultural heart of Japan. The history and heritage live on in the modern city; seventeen UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites are situated in a cityscape dominated by 2000 temples and shrines. The city offers you endless opportunities to enjoy Japan.
The scope of the congress includes every aspect of fundamental and applied tribology: tribology fundamentals, surface engineering, manufacturing and mechanical components, lubrication, lubricants and additives, micro-, nano- and molecular-tribology, and tribosystems. Particular areas to be focused on will be tribology for environmental protection, human related tribology, large scale simulations in tribology, and industrial tribology problems in the Asia-Pacific region.
There will be regular technical sessions, poster sessions, symposium sessions on some particular areas, and exhibitions. In a special session, a lecture will be given by Professor Masatoshi Koshiba, the 2002 Nobel laureate for physics. Social program will include Welcome Reception on Sunday, Banquet on Wednesday, and technical and sightseeing tours. As the important additional events, luncheon seminars are planned where we discuss future directions of tribology.
The organizing committee welcomes you all from around the world to the thousand-year old capital of Japan in the early autumn of 2009.
For further information, please go to the Congress website: WTC IV ….
10. Address of ITC President Changes in the details of the office of the ITC President were announced in the last Newsletter but are repeated here to ensure as many people as possible are notified of the change.
The Office of the President has changed its address, telephone and fax numbers. (The email addresses remain unchanged. From 1st January 2007 Peter Jost’s new address is: …. ….
11. Prof D. Dowson Honoured at New Leeds Tribology Laboratory. In a strategic move, the School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Leeds have recently reorganised their research to form three new Institutes. One of these, the Institute of Engineering Thermofluids, Surfaces and Interfaces (iETSI). iETSI incorporates many elements of engineering including the widely acclaimed tribology laboratory as well as subjects such as optics, corrosion and micro/nano fluidics.
iETSI was officially launched on 3rd July 2007 when a ceremony was also held to open and name the new "Dowson Tribology and Surface Engineering Laboratory" in honour of Tribology Gold Medal Laureate Prof Duncan Dowson FRS FREng. ….
12. New Journal for Tribology A new international journal has been launched by Maney to cover the science and engineering aspects of tribological phenomena. The journal, entitled "Tribology – Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces" in Edited by Prof Anne Neville of the University of Leeds, UK., and covers a wide range of subjects including: lubricant additives, surface analysis, tribocorrosion, biotribology, nanoscale tribology, surface and coatings tribology, manufacturing processes and molecular tribology.
Further information can be obtained from: information
Issue 1 is available free electronically from: link.
13. Call for papers: Balkantrib
The Balkan Tribological Association and the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists is organising the 6th International Conference on Tribology BALKANTRIB 2008 to take place in Sozopol, on the Black Sea Coast, Bulgaria. The conference will take place over the period 12th to 14th June, 2008 and will also celebrate the 15-year jubilee of the Balkan Tribological Association, the first Conference BALKANTRIB being in Sofia in 1993.
A call for papers has been issued. Please note that submission deadlines have been adjusted as follows … ….
14. Prof Koji Kato wins 2007 Tribology Gold Medal
The 2007 Tribology Gold Medal, the world's highest award in the field of tribology, has been awarded to Professor Koji Kato. Professor Kato has worked at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan since receiving his Bachelor degree in 1966 until April of this year. He is now based at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nihon University.
Professor Kato's work and activities encompassed many parts of the science and technology of tribology. Perhaps best known is his work in the field of ceramics where his work was outstanding.
His citation for the award will be included in the next Information Sheet. … ….
15. News items invited The Editor of the ITC newsletter encourages member societies to contribute short articles for this Newsletter.
Articles should be written using WORD and be one to three paragraphs long. They may be accompanied by a single picture if appropriate. News items should have an international interest.
We are also happy to advertise meetings and conferences which have international appeal. Please send your advertisement in the format presently in use in the “Meetings and Conferences” section of this website.
Send your contributions.
16. Web Site Information As you may have seen in editions of the ITC newsletter we are seeking to facilitate improved communication, by upgrading the ITC web site to include e-mail contact details for all member societies listed there. ….
17. Next Meeting of ITC in Session The Statutes of the International Tribology Council provides for a policy meeting to take place every two years. The next meeting will take place at the Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germany on on 14th January 2008, which is the eve of the "16th International Colloquium Tribology".
This note is an early notice to Member Societies of the ITC so that they can make arrangements to be fully represented..
18. Tribology in Wikipedia
In the last ITC Newsletter we noted that the free on-line encyclopaedia "Wikipedia" now has an entry for tribology. It can be accessed at: (English version).
This encyclopaedia is available in a wide range of languages and can be modified by the public. ITC members are encouraged to add details to the encyclopaedia to enhance the availability of knowledge in their specialist areas. (See Introduction)
19. Meetings/Conferences ….