Who is Who

- The influence of tribochemical reactions of antiwear additives on heterogeneous surface layers in boundary lubrication. Madej M., Ozimina D., Piwonski I. Tribology Letters 22 (2006), 135-141.
- Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering Conference Deposition and some properties of nanocrystalline, nanocomposite and amorphous carbon-based coatings for tribological applications. Czyzniewski A., Precht W. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 157-158 (2004), 274-283.
- Influence of tribological conditions on the dry friction mechanism of PVD Zr-C:H hard coatings. Walkowiak W., Precht W. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 157-158 (2004), 451-455.
- The effect of electroplated copper and zinc coatings on friction conditions. Sulek W., Jedynak R. Materials Science 9 (2003).
- Frictional forming of electroplated copper and zinc coatings Sulek W., Jedynak R. Applied Mechanics and Engineering 7 (2002), 183-187.
- Tribological properties of AW/EP additives under different thermal conditions. Matuszewska A., Gradkowski M. Tribology Letters 13 (2002), 119-124.
- Tribological properties of NCD coated cemented carbides in contact with wood. Niedzielski P., Miklaszewski S., Beer P., Sokolowska A. Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001), 1-6.
- Dry friction in the ceramic-steel system. Sulek M.W., Jedynak H.R. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik 48-4 (2001), 21-28.
- Mechanical and tribological properties of aluminium-base composites produced by the recycling of chips. Chmura W., Gronostajski J. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 106 (2000), 23-27.
- The influence of contact geometry on friction and wear characteristics. Michalczewski R., Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Wisniewski M. Tribotest Journal 6-4 (2000), 337-346.
- Tribological properties of pin on disk system in dry friction conditions for the pair steel 45 - zirconium oxide. Sulek W., Jedynak R. Surface Engineering (Inzynieria Powierzchni - Poland) 3 (1999), 29-35.
- Tribological properties of PVD titanium carbides. Pancielejko M., Precht W., Czyzniewski A. Vacuum 53 (1999), 57-60.
- Effect of the type and concentration of lubricating additives on the antiwear and extreme pressure properties and rolling fatigue life of a four-ball tribosystem. Tuszynski W., Piekoszewski W. Lubrication Science 18 (2006), 309-328.
- Effectiveness of selected CHO compounds as antiwear additives to white mineral oils. Kajdas C., Majzner M. Tribology Transactions 48 (2005), 93-99.
- Ecological lubricants for forestry and railway applications. Rogos E., Urbanski A., Wisniewski M. Report of the European Virtual Tribology Institute (VTI): Biodegradable Lubricants (ed. Igartua A., Barriga J., Aranzabe A.) ITeE-PIB, 2005, 1-3.
- Scuffing and seizure - characterization and investigation. Burakowski T., Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. In a book: Mechanical Tribology. Materials, Characterization, and Applications (ed. Totten G.E., Liang H.) Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2004, 185-234.
- Classification of automotive gear oils - it can be fast and cheap. Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. Report of the European Virtual Tribology Institute (VTI): Current trends in tribology (ed. Vercammen K., Van Acker K., Meneve J.) ITeE-PIB, 2004, IV.9-IV.12.
- The temperatures at scuffing and seizure in a four-ball contact. Wisniewski M., Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. Lubrication Science 16 (2004), 215-227.
- PVD coatings and environmentally friendly lubricants in highly-loaded contacts. Michalczewski R., Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. Tribologia (Finnish Journal of Tribology) 23 (2004), 3-12.
- Antifriction and antiwear properties of copper, zinc and manganese 8 - hydroxyquinolinates in lithium grease. Sułek W., Bocho-Janiszewska A. Materials Science 9 (2003).
- The effect of metal 8-hydroxyquinolinates as lubricant additives on the friction process. Sulek M.W., Bocho-Janiszewska A. Tribology Letters 15 (2003), 301-307.
- Tribological properties of AW/EP additives under different thermal conditions. Matuszewska A., Gradkowski M. Tribology Letters 13 (2002), 119-124.
- A method for assessing performance of automotive gear oils. Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. In a book: New horizons for tribology and lubricants (ed. Bartz W.J.) Handbuch der Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik (Germany), 10 (2002), 108-115.
- A method for testing lubricants under conditions of scuffing. Part I. Presentation of the method. Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. Tribotest journal 8-4 (2002), 273-284.
- A method for testing lubricants under conditions of scuffing. Part II. The anti-seizure action of lubricating oils. Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. Tribotest Journal 9-1 (2002), 35-48.
- Tribochemical conversions of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP) under extremely different pressure conditions. Tuszynski W., Molenda J., Makowska M. Tribology Letters 13 (2002), 103-109.
- A method for classification of automotive gear oils. Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. VTI Newsletter 1 (2002), 10-11.
- The action of lubricants under extreme pressure conditions in a modified four-ball tester. Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. Wear 249 (2001), 188-193.
- Method for scuffing propagation assessment. Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. Tribotest Journal 7-3 (2001), 219-228.
- Effect of the type and concentration of lubricating additives on the antiwear and extreme pressure properties and rolling fatigue life of a four-ball tribosystem. Tuszynski W., Piekoszewski W. Lubrication Science 18 (2006), 309-328.
- The influence of contact geometry on friction and wear characteristics. Michalczewski R., Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Wisniewski M. Tribotest Journal 6-4 (2000), 337-346.
- Effect of wear on EHD film thickness in sliding contacts. Wisniewski M., Michalczewski R., Szczerek M. Tribotest Journal 12-1 (2006), 21-28.
- The new ring seal of the combustion engines and its surface free energy. Kazmierczak A. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 56 (2004), 6-13.
- Electroplated Ni-SiC-flouropolymer hybrid composite coatings. Szeptycka B. Surface Engineering (Inzynieria Powierzchni - Poland) 2 (2003), 22-31.
- Research on the mechanism and activity of antimony thioantimonate in tribological systems. Ozimina D. Tribology Letters 13 (2002), 111-117.
- Surface migration of carboxylic acid in styrene-butadiene rubber and its tribological consequences. Bielinski D., Glab P., Slusarski L., Boiteux G., Chapel J.-P. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 86 (2002), 3368-3376.
- The influence of contact geometry on friction and wear characteristics. Michalczewski R., Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Wisniewski M. Tribotest Journal 6-4 (2000), 337-346.
- Application of T-05 computer-aided tribology set to investigation of tribological properties of construction materials. Duda P. Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering (Poland) 24 (1998), 27-32.
- Anti-wear properties of Ti(C:N) layers deposited by the vacuum arc method. Walkowicz J., Smolik J., Miernik K., Bujak J. Surface and Coatings Technology 81 (1996), 201-208.
- Wear resistance of graded coatings. Hejwowski T. Vacuum 65 (2002), 515-520.
- An investigation of the abrasive and erosive wear of flame-sprayed coatings. Hejwowski T., Szewczyk S., Weroski A. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 106 (2000), 54-57.
- The influence of contact geometry on friction and wear characteristics. Michalczewski R., Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Wisniewski M. Tribotest Journal 6-4 (2000), 337-346.
- Influence of the nitrogen pressure on the structure and properties of (TiAl)N coatings deposited by cathodic vacuum arc PVD process. Bujak J., Walkowicz J., Kusinski J. Surface and Coatings Technology 180-181 (2004), 150-157.
- Solving a tribological problem in the textile industry. Michalczewski R., Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Tuszynski W., Bujak J. Report of the European Virtual Tribology Institute (VTI): Current trends in tribology (ed. Vercammen K., Van Acker K., Meneve J.) ITeE-PIB, 2004, III.9-III.12.
- Investigation of antiwear coatings deposited by the PVD process. Tuszynski W., Szczerek M., Michalczewski R. Tribotest Journal 10-1 (2003), 3-18.
- A method for the tribological testing of thin, hard coatings. Michalczewski R., Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. Tribotest Journal 9-2 (2002), 117-130.
- Tribochemical behaviour of selected mesogenic additive in n-hexadecane. Molenda J., Makowska M. Tribology Letters 21 (2006), 38-44.
- Tribochemistry of n-hexadecane in different material systems. Kajdas C., Makowska M., Gradkowski M. Lubrication Science 18 (2006), 255-263.
- Preparation, microstructure and tribological properties of nano-Al2O3/Ni brush plated composite coatings. Lingzhong Dua, Binshi Xua, Shiyun Dongb, Hua Yangb, Yixiong Wua Surface and Coatings Technology 192 (2005), 311-316.
- Effectiveness of selected CHO compounds as antiwear additives to white mineral oils. Kajdas C., Majzner M. Tribology Transactions 48 (2005), 93-99.
- Study on the tribological properties of electro-brush plated nano-Al(2)O(3)/Ni composite coating under the lubrication of oil containing abrasive contaminant. Du L-Z., Xu B-S., Dong S-Y., Yang H., Wu Y-X. Tribology (China) 24-5 (2004), 392-396.
- Mechanism of boundary film formation from n-hexadecane. Makowska M., Kajdas C., Gradkowski M. Lubrication Science 16 (2004), 101-110.
- Influence of temperature on tribochemical reactions of n-hexadecane. Kajdas C., Makowska M., Gradkowski M. Lubrication Science 15 (2003), 329-340.
- Tribological properties of Fe-Al/WC composite coating prepared by high velocity arc spraying. Zhu Z-X., Xu B-S., Ma S-N., Du Z-Y., Liu W-M. Tribology (China) 23 (2003), 174-178.
- Interactions of n-hexadecane with 52100 steel surface under friction conditions. Makowska M., Kajdas C., Gradkowski M. Tribology Letters 13 (2002), 65-70.
- Tribochemical conversions of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP) under extremely different pressure conditions. Tuszynski W., Molenda J., Makowska M. Tribology Letters 13 (2002), 103-109.
- Tribological properties of AW/EP additives under different thermal conditions. Matuszewska A., Gradkowski M. Tribology Letters 13 (2002), 119-124.
- New condensation-type monomer combinations as ashless antiwear compositions. Kajdas C., Furey M.J., Kempinski R., Valentino J. Wear 249 (2001), 235-239.
- PVD coatings and environmentally friendly lubricants in highly-loaded contacts. Michalczewski R., Piekoszewski W., Szczerek M., Tuszynski W. Tribologia (Finnish Journal of Tribology) 23 (2004), 3-12.