„Silesian University” Faculty of Transport
„III International Scientific Conference TRANSPORT PROBLEMS 2011”
Final Version.
Coference Program: pdf: 1 965 623 B
| : Conference Co-ordinators :
| Chairman:
| Prof. Aleksander Sładkowski | (Poland)
| Co-chairman:
| Prof. Bogusław Łazarz | (Poland)
| Prof. Stanisław Krawiec | (Poland)
| Prof. Krystian Wilk | (Poland)
| : International Program Committee :
| Prof. Anvar Adylhodzaev | (Uzbekistan)
| Prof. Rasim Alguliyev | (Azerbaijan)
| Prof. Gerd-Axel Arens | (Germany)
| Prof. Peteris Balckars | (Latvia)
| Prof. Żilwinas Bazaras | (Lithuania)
| Prof. Klaus Becker | (Germany)
| Prof. Roman Bogacz | (Poland)
| Prof. Tatiana Čorejová | (Slovakia)
| Prof. Irina Englezi | (Ukraine)
| Prof. Radim Farana | (Czech Republic)
| Prof. Aleksander Golubenko | (Ukraine)
| Prof. Ajay Kapoor | (Australia)
| Prof. Leonas Povilas Lingaitis | (Lithuania)
| Prof. Mirosław Luft | (Poland)
| Prof. Gabriele Malavasi | (Italy)
| Dr Marija Malenkovska Todorova | (Macedonia)
| Prof. Jerzy Mikulski | (Poland)
| Prof. Leszek Mindur | (Poland)
| Prof. Andrzej Mitas | (Poland)
| Prof. Liudvikas Narkaitis | (Lithuania)
| Dr Alfonso Orro | (Spain)
| Prof. Stanislav Pavlin | (Croatia)
| Prof. Paweł Piec | (Poland)
| Prof. Dmitrij Pogorelov | (Russia)
| Dr Mihaela Popa | (Romania)
| Prof. Valery Sapoznikov | (Russia)
| Prof. Hayrettin Kemal Sezen | (Turkey)
| Prof. Abilio Manuel Pereira da Silva | (Portugal)
| Prof. Janusz Szpytko | (Poland)
| Prof. Sanja Steiner | (Croatia)
| Dr Nelly Stoytcheva | (Bulgaria)
| Prof. Robert Tomanek | (Poland)
| Prof. Antal Veha | (Hungary)
| Prof. Wojciech Wawrzyński | (Poland)
| Prof. Tomasz Węgrzyn | (Poland)
| : Organizing Committee :
| Chairman:
| Ph.D. Henryk Bąkowski | (Poland)
| |
Ph.D. Damian Gąska | (Poland)
| M.Sc. Tomasz Haniszewski | (Poland)
| Ph.D. Tomasz Figlus | (Poland)
| e-mail: tp@polsl.pl
http://www.konferencje.polsl.pl/tp |
- Transport in Katowice. Changes and needs: Marcin Krupa
- Increased reliability and durability of the friction assembles of the rolling stock with using of nanotechnology: Vladimir Kolesnikov
- Evaluation of road safety in the Silesia province in 2010: Tomasz Michalczyk, Mariusz Katolik
- Science and Lithuanian railways – topicality and perspectives: Virgilijus Jastremskas, Leonas Povilas Lingaitis
- Change the toll payment system in Poland: Dariusz Winiarczyk
- Influence of construction factors on the vibrational activity of the gearing: Bogusław Łazarz, Grzegorz Peruń
- Analysis of the operational life of tram wheelsets: Stanisław Młynarski, Paweł Piec
- An analysis of the relationships among selected operating and maintenance parameters of vehicles used in a transportation company: Paweł Droździel, Henryk Komsta, Leszek Krzywonos
- Comparative study of the reliability of commercial vehicles from different generations: Mihail Milchev, Nikolai Kolev, Emil Savev
- Failure analysis – basic step of applying reliability centered maintenance in general aviation: Martin Bugaj
- Factor analysis of the bearing capacity of the railcar wheelset: Sergey Krotov, Aleksander Sładkowski, Viktor Krotov
- Driver safety in relation to the post–accident vehicle reparation: Damian Hadryś, Michał Miros, Tomasz Węgrzyn, Abilio Manuel Pereira da Silva
- Research of the stopping distance for different road conditions: Daniel Lyubenov
- Aggressive behaviour of drivers in Slovakia affecting road safety: Zuzana Krchová
- The future in the telematics applications as support for increased safety: Alica Kalašová, Jana Kučuljaková
- Analyzing data from GPS system VBOX 3i in the working environment of MATLAB: Svilen Kostadinov, Mitko Marinov, Daniel Liubenov
- Management kinetic energy of locomotive: Lionginas Liudvinavičius, Leonas Povilas Lingaitis
- Study of failures of diesel trains: Gintaras Gelembickas, Gediminas Vaičiūnas
- Analysis of wheelset restoring technique based on expert method of evaluation: Igor Ivanov, Sergey Urushev, Alexandr Vorobev, Dmitri Kononov
- Transport servicing of the distribution in city: Asen Asenov, Velizara Pencheva, Emil Savev
- Ecological safety of autoservice centers: Vadim Mavrin, Gennady Mavrin
- Types of solutions improving passenger transport interconnectivity: Monika Bąk, Przemysław Borkowski, Barbara Pawłowska
- Contribution to sidewalk pedestrian level of service analysis: Jasmina Bunevska Talevska, Marija Malenkovska Todorova
- Estimation of gearbox vibroactivity on the basis of different noise and vibration signals: Tomasz Figlus, Andrzej Wilk
- Planning of delivery truck route with the exception of left turnings using artificial immune system: Bogna Mrówczyńska
- Strategic risks of the road freight forwarding companies working with international cargo: Plamena Gagova, Velizara Pencheva
- Concept of the dealer-service network management on the system approach basis: Irina Makarova, Rifat Khabibullin, Polina Buyvol, Eduard Belyaev
- Dealer-service center competitiveness increase using modern management methods: Irina Makarova, Rifat Khabibullin, Artur Belyaev, Eduard Belyaev
- Organizing a bus depot - selected aspects: Jerzy Pawlicki, Leszek Czapkowski, Jacek Romańczyk
- Line 6x19 SEALE +FC ZS hysteresis determination: Tomasz Haniszewski, Damian Gąska
- Methodology of qualification end of life transportation machines for recycling: Piotr Nowakowski
- "Movable platform" - the idea and energy consumption: Damian Gąska, Jerzy Margielewicz, Czesław Pypno
- Some implementation of quality of public transport: Pavel Stoyanov, Plamena Gagova
- Forming the intermodal system of freight transportation on the east of Ukraine: Aleksander Golubenko, Larysa Gubacheva, Aleksander Andreev
- Above-ground large-storey automated garage for passenger cars: Czesław Pypno
- Efficient method for storage of long conveyor belts passages inside the bulk containers: Maria Łuszczkiewicz-Piątek, Czesław Pypno, Janusz Łuszczkiewicz
- Test of fatigue strength for selected materials occurring in the vehicle car: Henryk Bąkowski, Andrzej Posmyk
- Airport operator and aircraft operator in case of bird strike. relations, obligations and liability: Sylwia Kaczyńska-Adamczyk
- Comparative analysis of applications of TETRA 4 and solid elements in modelling the thermal loads on an outlet valve using the finite element method: Damian Jędrusik
- The determination of the temperature distributions, thermal gradients and thermal stresses in the exhaust valve with using the layer of the carbon deposit: Aleksander Hornik, Damian Jędrusik
- Effective aggregating of tractors for transportation: Petar Dimitrov, Dimitar Simeonov, Kaloyan Stoyanov, Plamen Kangalov
- The use of biofuel on the railway transport: Valentin Mogila, Igor Vasyliev, Elena Nozhenko
- Why to build a new long bridge crossing the bay of Kuwait: a case study: Amier Al-Ali, Khaled Alawadhi
- Friction interaction management in two-point "wheel-rail" tribocontact: Aleksandr Kostyukevich, Nikolai Gorbunov, Vladimir Nozhenko, Maksim Kovtanets, Ilya Tsyganovskiy
- The effect of the electrification of sand on the interaction of friction in tribologicalcontact: Nikolai Gorbunov, Alexander Kostyukevich, Katherine Kravchenko, Maxim Kovtanets
- Clutch control in the system of "wheel-rail": Nicolay Gorbunov, Maksim Kovtanets, Olga Prosvirova, Eugene Garkushin
- Two-point wheel- rail contact investigation: Alexandr Golubenko, Alexandr Kostyukevich, Ilya Tsyganovskiy, Vladimir Nozhenko
- State value of pipeline transport systems if there is injury from external influence: Igor Tararychkin, Grygory Nechaev, Maxim Slobodyanyuk
- Investigation of possibility of local laser strengthening of railway wheels: Svetlana Gubenko, Yuriy Proidak, Alexander Shramko
- Study of bus driving parameters on urban route: Fuad Dashdamirov
- Analysis of expected atm processes changes in Central Europe: Tomislav Mihetec, Sanja Steiner, Zoran Jakšić
- Route planning in the multimodal transport network taking uncertainty into account: Gábor Szűcs
- Fiscal impact of electronic fee collection system on long-run efficiency: Tomaž Kramberger, Uroš Kramar, Andreja Čurin, Marko Cedilnik, Martin Lipičnik, Viktor Tajnšek
- V2G integration into city transport management for the purpose of reducing CO2 emissions: Matjaž Knez, Marjan Sternad
- The next big opportunity to build competitiveness: intelligent logistics outsourcing: Patricija Bajec, Igor Jakomin
- Urban electric vehicles: a contemporary business case: Noha Sadek
- Working out of generalized dynamic model of cargo fixation with cargo pads jointly with flexible and thrust elements under the action spatial force system: Khabibulla Turanov, Elena Timukhina
- Generalized mathematical model of fastening technology of cargo with pads jointly with flexible and thrust elements under the action of spatial force system: Khabibulla Turanov, Elena Timukhina
- Methods of mathematical modeling of the take-off operation of a commercial aircraft: Anna Stelmach, Katarzyna Beuth
- E-mobility in city regions - new challenges, new problems?: Anna Mayerthaler, Harald Frey
- Increasing market opportunities through standardization and responsible care program: Robert Muha
- Influence of wear of bearings carriageable wheels on vibroacoustics signals: Grzegorz Wojnar, Zbigniew Stanik, Piotr Czech
- Detection of crack of root tooth on the base of gear shaft transverse vibration velocity signal: Grzegorz Wojnar
- Legal and technical problems related to maneuver of interruption circumvention in the context of road accidents: Piotr Czech, Robert Janczur, Piotr Świder, Grzegorz Wojnar
- Legal and technical problems related to obstacle visibility in the context of road accidents: Piotr Czech, Robert Janczur, Piotr Świder, Grzegorz Wojnar
- Brake deceleration of cars with light luggage trailers: Jan Filipczyk
- The study of modal distribution of the travel based on mobile phone: networks data: Ireneusz Celiński, Grzegorz Sierpiński
- Influence of automatic speed control stations on drivers behavior: Grzegorz Sierpiński, Grzegorz Wojnar
- The influence of shock absorber technical conditions on braking ratio determining on roller brake tester: Łukasz Konieczny, Bogusław Śleziak
- Functional additives for lubricants of motor-axial bearings of locomotives: Vladimir Kolesnikov, Nina Myasnikova, Maria Savenkova, Elena Luneva, Phillip, Myasnikov, Jury Migal
- The research method of the influence of logistics systems on local transport: Rafał Burdzik
- Flavia corridor development using operational alliance: Mihaela Popa