Krzysztof Wierzcholski
| Scientific degree |  Prof.D.Sc.Ph.D.M.E.M.Sc. KRZYSZTOF WIERZCHOLSKI 18.03.1939,Żnin
| Scientific degree | year | Name of University
| M.E. master of engineering. | 1961 | Technical University Poznań
| M.Sc. master of mathemitisc | 1967 | University A. Mickiewicz Poznań
| Ph.D. | 1970 | Technical University Poznań
| Visiting Professor | 1979 | RWTH Aachen
| Dr hab. nauk technicznych | 1983 | AGH Kraków
| Profesor nauk technicznych | 1989 | Main Qualifying Board in Warszawa
| Visiting Professor | 1992 | University Hannover
| Visiting Professor | 1997 | Tech.Univ.Essen |
Przebieg pracy zawodowej
| Time period | University or institution | Position
| 1961-1966 | Work in industry | Engineer
| 1967-1970 | Technical University Poznań (Poland) | Assistant in chair of Mathematics
| 1970-1974 | Technical University Kielce (Poland) | Adjunct in chair of Mathematics
| 1974-1979 | Technical University Lublin(Poland) | Lecturer in chair of Mathematics
| 1979-1981 | RWTH Aachen | Visiting Professor
| 1981-1985 | Technical University Lublin (Poland) | Lecturer in chair of Mathematics
| 1985-1989 | Technical University Szczecin | Assistant Professor in chair of Mechanics
| 1989-1992 | Technical University Szczecin | Assistant Professor in chair of Thermodynamics
| 1992-1995 | University Hannover | Visiting Professor
| 1995-1997 | Technical University Szczecin | Professor in chair of Thermodynamics
| 1997-1999 | Technical University Essen | Visiting Professor
| 1999-2000 | Technical University Szczecin | Professor in chair of Thermodynamics
| 2000-2008 | Maritime University Gdynia (Poland) | Professor in chair of Thermodynamics
| 2003-2008 | Technical University Gdansk | Professor in chair of Mechanics in Faculty of Ocean and Ship Engineering |
Quantitative comparison of scientific papers, monographs, books and scripts
| Kind of achievement | quantity
| Papers in scientific journals of Philadelphia register | 30
| Papers in reviewed scientific journals | 344
| other scientific papers | 30
| Monographs and scientific books | 23
| scripts | 4
| total | 431
| Pełna lista publikacji (pdf 550710 B) |
Main papers
| Schmerungstechnik und Tribologie (Germany) | 11 papers
| Internatio- nal Journal of Friction Lubrication and Wear | 6 papers
| System Analysis Modelling Simulation OPA Overseas Publishers Association | 5 papers
| Control and Cybernetics | 1 paper
| Acta Mechanica Springer Verlag | 1 paper
| Engineering Transactions (Rozprawy Inżynierskie) | 2 papers
| Revue Roumaine des Sci. Tech. Serie Mecanique Appliquee | 7 papers
| Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics | 13 papers
| Proceedings of Vibration Problems | 1 paper
| Exploitation Problems of Machines Polish Academy of Sciences (Zagadnienia Eksploatacji Maszyn Kwartalnik PAN) | 39 papers
| Tribology (Tribologia) | 50 papers
| Exploiation Problems (Problemy Eksploaacji) | 6 papers
| Russian Journal of Biomechanics | 9 papers
International Distinctions
- Certificate about biographical record in time period from 2006 to 2007 in the field Science and Engineering, attested by the Marcus Who is Who Publication Board
- Certificate about publishing record in time period from 2008 in the field Science and Engineering, attested by the Marcus Who is Who Publication Board
Monographs and scientific books
- 1 Wierzcholski Krzysztof:Computer solutions of the ordinary n-order differential equation. Monograph Warsaw COPAN, Computation Centre Polish Academy of Sciences,Issue 114,1973,pp.1-40
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: On some n -order recurrence. About some n-order recurrence. (O pewnej rekurencji n-tego rzędu.)Monograph(in Polish)..State Scientific Publishing House Polish Acad.of Science.(PWN),1975,pp.1-125
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: About the system of solutions of the difference equation Monograph (in Polish).O pewnym ukladzie rozwiazań równania rekurencyjnego. Monograph. Technical University Press, Lublin,1977,pp.1-125
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: Hydromagnetic,non-isothermic lubricant flow in journal bearing including the lubricant inertia forces and variable oil viscosity.. Monograph.(in Polish).. Monografia. Tech.Univ.Press Lublin,ser.A,Nr.1,1978,pp.1-218
- Pytko Stanislaw,Ziemba Stefan,Wierzcholski*Krzysztof: Contact Mechanics Problems.(in Polish) Monograph.Problemy wytrzymałości kontaktowej.Participation of the Author* is 25%.Monografia.Warszawa PWN 1982,pp.1-203
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: Analysis of the lubricant flow in the deformable bearing gap. (in Polish). Monograph. Analiza przeplywu lepkiego czynnika smarującego w odkształcalnych szczelinach łożysk ślizgowych.Praca habilitacyjna. Technical University Press. Lublin 1982, Serie A, Nr.10 pp.1-182
- Wierzcholski*Krzysztof, Janiszewski Ryszard:The problems of magneto-elasticity and magneto-hydrodynamics. Monograph. (in Polish)..Participation of the Author* is 50%. Technical University Press Lublin, Series A, No.27,1983, pp.1-97
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: Discrete functions. Lecture. (in Polish). Discrete Special Functions (Dyskretne funkcje specjalne). Monograph. Technical University Press Szczecin, 1988, pp.1 - 194
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: Theory of slide bearing lubrication. Monograph. (in Polish). Teoria smarowania łożysk ślizgowych. Monograph.Technical University Press of Szczecin, ISSN 0209-1151, Nr.392, 1989, pp.1 – 492
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof:.Mathematical methods in hydrodynamic theory of lubrication (in English.).Tech.Univ.Press Szczecin,Monograph.,Nr.511, ISSN0209-1151,1993,pp.1-226,
- Wierzcholski*Krzysztof,Miszczak A.,Kostencki P., Nowowiejski R.: Elements of slide bearing calculations. Lectures.(in Polish). Elementy obliczania łożysk ślizgowych. Participation of the Author* is 67%, Agricultural University of Press, Szczecin 1994, pp.1-186
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: Slide Bearings Lubrication.Monograph.(in Russian).International Foundation of Kragelsky, ISBN 5-85343-007-6, Moskva MFK, 1994/1995
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: Non Conventional Lubrication Theory Theory of Slide Bearing.(in Polish) Participation of the Author* is 95%.Technical University Press of Szczecin ISBN 83-86359-13-7,Nr.524,1995/1996,pp.1-450
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: Bio and slide bearings: their lubrication by non-Newtonian fluids and application in non conventional systems. Vol.I : Principles of human joint lubrication with non-Newtonian liquids for deformable bone and cartilage in magnetic field. Monograph (pp.1-162), Foundation for the Development of Gdynia Maritime University, ISBN 83-87438-44-8, Gdańsk 2005
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof, Miszczak Andrzej: Non-stationary model of human joint lubrication for deformed cartilage In magnetic field and computer aide optimization during tissue cultivation in bioreactor.(In Polish) Vol.I :Model of conjugated fields for synovial liquids and deformed bones, cartilages, in magnetic fields.(in polish). Monograph (pp.1-176), Foundation for the Development of Gdynia Maritime University, ISBN 83-87438-49-9, Gdynia 2005
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof, Miszczak Andrzej: Non-stationary model of human joint lubrication for deformed cartilage in magnetic field and computer aide optimization during tissue cultivation in bioreactor.(In Polish) Vol.II :Analytical and numerical determination of pressure, capacity and friction forces in deformable human joint gap (in polish). Monograph (pp.1-151), Foundation for the Development of Gdynia Maritime University, ISBN 83-87438-89-8, Gdynia 2006
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: Bio and slide bearings: their lubrication by non-Newtonian fluids and application in non conventional systems. Vol.I I: The theory of human joint unsteady lubrication. Monograph (pp.1-172), Published by Krzysztof Wierzcholski, Gdansk University of Technology, ISBN 83-923367-0-4, Gdańsk 2006
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: Bio and slide bearings: their lubrication by non-Newtonian fluids and application in non conventional systems. Vol.I second edition: Principles of human joint lubrication with non-Newtonian liquids for deformable bone and cartilage in magnetic field. Monograph (pp.1-164), Published by Krzysztof Wierzcholski,Gdansk University of Technology, ISBN 83-923367-2-0, Gdańsk 2006
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof: Bio and slide bearings: their lubrication by non-Newtonian fluids and application in non conventional systems. Vol.III: Tribology process for chondrocytes,human joint and micro-bearing ,Monograph (pp.1-129), Published by Krzysztof Wierzcholski,Gdansk University of Technology, ISBN 83-923367-0-4, Gdańsk 2006-2007
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof, Miszczak Andrzej: Non-stationary model sof human joint lubrication for deformed cartilage in magnetic field and computer aide optimization during tissue cultivation in bioreactor.(in Polish) Vol.III : The elements of micro and nano tribology in the aspect of flow of biological liquids within boundary layer (in polish) Elementy mikro- i nano-tribologii w aspekcie przepływów cieczy biologicznych w warstwie przyściennej, Monograph, Foundation for the Development of Gdynia Maritime University, ISBN 978-83-61054-08-5., Gdynia 2007
Foreign Grants
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof (project manager): GRANT (Deutsche Luft und Raumfahrt) Bonn DLR -198-96 cooperation in European integration 1998-2000 Computer optimization of slide bearing parameter
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof (participant): GRANT UNII EU. GROWTH 2001- 2003 NAS.Computer aided optimization of newly developed bioreactor for tissue –engineering G5RD-CT-2000-00282
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof (project manager): GRANT DLR 2002-2004(Deutsche Luft und Raumfahrt) Bonn –Berlin :Optimierung nicht Newtonscher Flüssigkeiten mit biologischen Eigenschaften aufgrund der Analogien zwischen den Strömungen des Schmiermittels im Reibkontakt in Lagern und in der Umgebung menschlicher Gelenke DLR-2002-00011
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof –GRANT UNI EU-coordinator Transfer of knowledge 2005-2008 : Bio and Slide Bearings,their Lubrication by Non-Newtonian Oils and Applications in Non-Conventional Systems, MTKD-CT-2004-517226-
Home Grants
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof (project manager): A new methods calculation of slide bearing lubricated with non-Newtonian oils (Nowe metody obliczeń sił nośnych łożysk ślizgowych smarowanych czynnikami o własnościach nienewtonowskich). MEN DN9-T103378/90-2 financed in time period 1991-1993 r.
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof (project manager): Magneto-hydrodynamic fluid friction in sidle bearing gaps (Analiza magnetohydrodynamicznego tarcia płynnego w szczelinach łożysk ślizgowych). Polish research project KBN number 3.0538.91.01 financed in years 1991-1994.
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof (project manager): Theoretical and experimental analysis of material properties deformation for non-Newtonian lubricant. (Analiza teoretyczno doświadczalna wyznaczania własności materiałowych nie-newtonowskich czynników smarujących). KBN 1997-2000, 8-T0B00913
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof (main performer): The problems of human joint lubrication for non-Newtonian synovial fluids.(Problemy smarowania stawów człowieka nienewtonowskimi cieczami synowialnymi). KBN 1999-2001, 8-T11E-021-17
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof (project manager) grant 2001-2004:Theoretical and experimental investigations of thermodynamical and magnetical bearing materials properties in the field of exploitation problems in slide journal bearings.(Doświadczalno teoretyczne badania termodynamicznych i magnetycznych własności materiałów łożyskowych w problemach wyznaczania parametrów eksploatacyjnych poprzecznych łożysk ślizgowych) 2001-2004 GRANT KBN –8-T10B-061-21
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof (main performer )grant (2003-2006).Non stationary problems of human joint lubrication for deformable cartilage ta king into account computer aided optimization of bone tissue culture in bioreactor. Modele niestacjonarnego smarowania stawów człowieka z odkształcalną chrząstką w polu magnetycznym przy wspomaganej komputerowo optymalizacji hodowli tkanek kostnych w bioreaktorze, KBN 4 T-11 E 030-25
- Wierzcholski Krzysztof (Project manager) (2009-2012). Non- conventional lubrication of slide micro bearings. Niekonwencjonalne smarowanie mikro- łożysk ślizgowych 3475/B/T02/2009/36
Contribution into development of young research worker
- ¡5-succesfull finalized doctor procedures,
- 5 reviewed doctor Ph.D. dissertations,
- 2 reviewed doctor D.Sc. dissertations
Cooperation with European Universities
- Research Centre Institute of Biological Boundary Layers in Karlsruhe (Germany)
- Central Institute of Biomaterial of Ulm University (Germany)
- National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,, Tel.375-172841060, 2842137
- University of Applied Science Giessen-Friedberg (Germany),
- Tallinn Technical University (Estonia)
- Technische Akademie Esslingen, Postfach 1265, D-73748 Ostfildern, Prof.-Dr.Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz (Germany) 7.Technical University 614013 Perm, Korolev Street 12-7,Russia,
- University GH Essen, 45117 Essen, Konstruktionstechnik und Kolbenmaschinen, Schützenbahn 70 (Germany)
- ETH Technische Hochschule Zürich,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,CH-8092 Zürich, Rämistrasse101,
- Technical University Monachium,Lehrstuhl Maschinenelemente, 85747 München,Bolzmanstrasse 15, (Germany)
- University Hannover, Institut für Mechanik, Appelstrasse 11(Germany)
- Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg,2000 Hamburg, Fachbereich Maschinenbau,Holstenhofweg 85, (Germany)
- Graz Uni. of Tech., Computational Biomechanics, A 8010 Graz, Prof.G.Holzapfel Schiesstattgasse 14-B, Austria
- Institut für Reibungstechnik und Maschinenkinetik,Technische Universität Clausthal,38678 Clausthal,Leibnizstr.32.
- Klinik u. Poliklinik für Orthopädie und Sportorthopädie der Technischen, Universität München, Abteilung Biomechanik ,Klinik u. Poliklinik für Orthopädie u. Sportorthopädie am Klinikum Rechts der Isar der TU München Ismaninger Str. 22, D-81675 München, Prof. Dr. Reiner Gradinger, Dr. Rainer Burgkart,
- Universität Karlsruhe, Zentralinstitut für Mechanik Kaiserstrasse 12 D 76128 Karlsruhe Prof.Dr.-Ing.Oertel, tel.7216082369
- Clinic of Orthopedics and Traumatology in Sosnowiec, (Medical Academy in Zabrze, Medical Faculty), 41200-209 Sosnowiec, Medyków Square1, Prof. zw. dr hab. med. Tadeusz Gażdzik, Tel.3682029-3682000 mobile: 0602633902
Professional activities
- Membership of Polish Academy of Sciences PAN, member of group of Surface Engineering KBNPAN,
- Research Board of Advisors(Naukowy doradca Komitetu) of American Biographical Institute in 1999 (Amerykańskiego Instytutu Biograficznego w 1999),
- Active Member of the New York Academy in 1998,
- Active Member of the New York Academy in 1999,
- Member of Szczecin Scientific Society from 1997 year,
- Member of Lublin Scientific Society from 1996 roku,
- Member of board of Polish Tribological Society from 1998,
- Member of Polish Mathematical Society from 1996,
- Member of East Pomeranian Group of Exploitation Machines Section PAN
- Member of the European Science Society of Powertrain and Transport Kones Poland, Brussels, 1.12.2004
- Member of Section Mechanics T07A,XIX Competition of Research Projects in KBN
- Member of Section Biomechanics Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee Mechanics, Warsaw 1999
- Member of Section Exploitation in Machine Construction Group Polish Academy of Sciences 1991-1993
Citations About 300 citations of scientific papers:
- 5cytowań w Review of Applied Mechanics.: vol.43, Nr.8, Aug.1990, 8A 782; vol.45, Nr.3, Part.1 March 1992, 3A669; vol.39, Nr.12, Dec.1986, 12J642.
- 10 Cytowań w Dokumentation Rheologie ISSN BAM Deutschland u.a: 1978, Nr.44 s.540, s.536-537; 1980, Nr.46, s.730, s.723; 1981, Nr.47, s.695; 1982, Nr.48, s.790; 1983, Nr.49, s.958; 1984, Nr. 50, s. 788 (84-4920); 1985/86, Nr.51, s.780, s.787 (85-4848, 85-4890, 85-4892).
- 10 Zitierungen in ehemaligen sovietischen Ref. Zur.Mech. Svod. Band, u.a.: L.A. Fajtelson (96691, 1985), Ju. S. Skenev (3W27, 1981), W. A. Naletov (10B758, 1981), G. B. Frojsteter (6G184, 1985), S.J. Sergeev (7B145, 1980).
Main research achievements
- Analytical and numerical determination of pressure, capacity, friction forces and flow parameters of non-Newtonian lubricants in gaps of slide hydrodynamic bearings with curvilinear, orthogonal journal shapes
- Analytical, numerical and experimental operation parameters determination for sidle Bering lubrication with magnetic ferro- fluid properties taking into account electromechanical conjugated fields and random conditions.
- Analytical and numerical non-Newtonian synovial fluid flow parameter determination in a new aspects of pressure and friction forces distributions for curvilinear human joint with various shapes of gaps and bone heads.
- Exploitation parameters of intelligent micro bearings with memory.
- Memory simulations and influences of genetic code on the processes occurring in the human joint lubrication.
- Determination of operating parameters in micro-and nano-bearings occurring in micro-mechanisms and micro-devices.
- Mathematical description of tribological processes occurring during the biological fluid flow in very thin layer around the living cells in bioreactor
- A New mathematical integration methods of second order, partial, differential, non-linear, sets of equations occurring in non-Newtonian fluid flow problems inside the thin boundary layers
Main actual research achievements
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