Polskie Towarzystwo Tribologiczne

Prof. Tadeusz BURAKOWSKI (1934-2016)

Professor Tadeusz Burakowski was an outstanding Polish scientist, a specialist in the the field of surface engineering and  heating equipment for materials engineering.

He was a long time Secretary of the Scientific Committee of Mechanical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the initiator of the creation and chairman of the Surface Engineering Committee of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, a member of the Polish Academy of Engineering, member of many world scientific societies and scientific boards of scientific journals, among them our journal TRIBOLOGIA.

Professor Tadeusz Burakowski was an excellent academic teacher- a lecturer at the technical universities, both Polish and abroad.

His scientific achievements include 65 publications issued abroad, including 6 books, over 50 articles and papers published in conference publications, over 360 domestic publications, including 21 books, more than 220 articles in professional journals, 85 publications in science journals, 31 patents of which 9 have been implemented in practice, 5 designs and prototypes, 17 works in the field of standardization.

The Management Board of the Polish Society of Tribology and Editorial Board of TRIBOLOGIA say goodbye to Professor Burakowski and express its great regret at his death. He will remain in our memory as a right, open and helpful man.


2016-10-23 | Remigiusz Michalczewski
.:| Designed by Arkadiusz Rzucidło |:.